Orthostatic hypotension: What you need to know

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Orthostatic hypotension is an imbalance of the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems, which control the activities of the organs and are independent of the brain's command. Standing orthostatic hypotension does not affect life, but prolonged exposure can easily reduce quality of life, which can affect patients' psychology.

1. General information about orthostatic hypotension

Orthostatic hypotension occurs when we stand up, sit down or stand - lying down, orthostatic hypotension can make us dizzy, dizzy, or even faint.
This is a phenomenon that can happen to anyone, but the most common is still the elderly. The phenomenon only lasts for a few seconds to a few minutes after changing positions, if it lasts longer than the above time, you need to see a doctor and consult a specialist.

2. Common symptoms in people with orthostatic hypotension

The most typical feeling is dizziness immediately after changing position, besides there are a number of other manifestations such as:
Reduced vision, blurred vision of surrounding objects Fainting Headache Nausea Possible accompanied by menstrual disorders, hair loss, decreased sex drive,... If orthostatic hypotension occurs only a few times and the frequency is extremely small, it can be ignored. But if this phenomenon repeats many times, you should see a doctor to be able to most accurately diagnose your condition.

Cảm giác đặc trưng nhất là quay cuồng chóng mặt ngay sau khi đổi tư thế
Cảm giác đặc trưng nhất là quay cuồng chóng mặt ngay sau khi đổi tư thế

3. Some causes of orthostatic hypotension

When people stand up, the natural process is that gravity causes blood to flow down the legs, which reduces blood pressure when there is less blood circulating to the heart.
Causes of orthostatic hypotension can be:
Dehydration: Fever, vomiting, acute diarrhea, excessive exercise are the main causes of dehydration. When possible in this condition will be very weak, possibly dizzy and tired. Cardiovascular problems: Some cardiovascular diseases can cause patients to have low blood pressure such as: slow heart rate, heart valve problems, heart failure, heart attack,... These are all favorable conditions. This causes postural hypotension that prevents the body from being able to circulate enough blood. Diabetes: Diabetes can affect the nerves that send signals that regulate blood pressure. Nervous system disorders: Diseases such as Parkinson's disease, Shy - Drager (systemic atrophy), Amyloidosis,... can disrupt the normal blood pressure regulation system of the human body.

4. Methods of testing and diagnosing orthostatic hypotension

Xét nghiệm máu là một trong những phương pháp chẩn đoán hạ huyết áp tư thế đứng
Xét nghiệm máu là một trong những phương pháp chẩn đoán hạ huyết áp tư thế đứng
The goal in performing diagnostic testing for orthostatic hypotension is to find the underlying cause, identify, and accurately treat the organs involved in low blood pressure.
Some of the measures used are as follows:
Blood pressure monitoring: Comparison of standing and sitting blood pressure. Blood tests: Check for low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) or low blood cell counts (anemia), both of which can cause low blood pressure. Electrocardiogram (ECG): This is a non-invasive test to detect abnormalities in the heart's structure or rhythm, in addition to checking for problems with the supply of oxygen and blood to the heart. Echocardiography: A non-invasive examination that provides detailed images of the structure and function of the heart. Stress test: Some heart problems cause orthostatic hypotension that can be detected during work. The patient can be monitored during activities such as exercise, jogging,... Valsalva maneuver: Non-invasive testing method to determine the functions of the autonomic nervous system by analysis heart rate and blood pressure of a deep breathing cycle. Blood pressure and ECG recording for 24 hours: Wear an air bag for 24 hours to automatically record the value of blood pressure, next to a device for continuous ECG reading. All data and information will be recorded so that persistent orthostatic hypotension can be captured. Making healthy lifestyle changes is the best way to prevent orthostatic hypotension. In severe cases, it is possible to combine exercise, specialized exercises or use according to the doctor's prescription.
Any questions that need to be answered by a specialist doctor as well as customers wishing to be examined and treated at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide or register online HERE.
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