Uses of Newdaepra

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Newdaepra contains the main ingredient is a mixture of Cefoperazone sodium and Sulbactam sodium. So what does Newdaepra do and how to use it properly?

1. What is Newdaepra?

Newdaepra medicine contains the main ingredient including a mixture of Cefoperazone sodium and Sulbactam sodium. In particular, Cefoperazone is a semi-synthetic antibiotic belonging to the 3rd generation Cephalosporin group with bactericidal effect by inhibiting the synthesis of growing and dividing bacterial cell walls. This is an antibiotic used by injection and has an antibacterial effect similar to Ceftazidim. Cefoperazone is not degraded when encountering beta-lactamases formed in most gram-negative bacteria, so it has strong activity on a broad spectrum of gram-negative bacteria such as penicillinase-producing strains of N. gonorrhoeae and most Enterobacter strains, Proteus, Citrobacter, Morganalle, Providencia, Salmonella, Shigella and Serratia spp.
Sulbactam is an active substance similar in structure to beta-lactam but has very weak antibacterial activity, so it cannot be used alone in clinical practice. When attached to beta-lactamase, Sulbactam has the ability to inactivate this enzyme, thus contributing to the protection of beta-lactam antibiotics from being degraded. Therefore, Sulbactam is used in combination with the penicillin group to expand the spectrum of action of penicillin to beta-lactamase-producing bacteria such as enterobacteria, E.coli, staphylococcus, Branhamella, Klebsiella, Neisseria, Proteus and others. anaerobic bacteria Bacteroides, Acinobacter.

2. What are the effects of Newdaepra?

Newdaepra injection with Cefoperazol and Sulbactam ingredients is indicated for the treatment of bacterial infections such as:
Upper and lower respiratory tract infections; Urinary tract infections ; Peritonitis, cholecystitis, bile duct inflammation and other infections of the abdominal cavity; Sepsis; Meningitis ; Skin and soft tissue infections; Bone and joint infections; Pelvic infections, endometritis , gonorrhea and other genital tract infections. Because of the broad antibacterial spectrum of Cefoperazone/Sulbactam injection, it can be used alone. In addition, it can be combined with other antibiotics in necessary cases. Note that when used with aminoglycoside antibiotics, it is necessary to monitor renal function during treatment.
Contraindicated for use in patients with a history of allergy to penicillins, cefoperazone, sulbactam or any antibiotic of the cephalosporin group.

3. Instructions for using Newdaepra

Newdaepra can be administered intramuscularly or intravenously.
In adults:
In mild and moderate infections, the dose is 1-2g every 12 hours. In case of severe infection, dose 2-4g every 12 hours. In children:
Use a weight-based dose of 25-100mg/kg every 12 hours. For patients with renal impairment, no dose reduction of Cefoperazone is required.
Patients with liver disease or biliary obstruction should not take more than 4g/24 hours.

4. Side effects of the drug Newdaepra

Newdaepra is considered to be well tolerated and most of the side effects are mild and moderate. Some effects occur in organ systems such as:
Digestive system: Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting; On the skin may appear erythema, urticaria or skin allergy; Long-term use of the drug can lead to reversible leukopenia, decreased hemoglobin and red blood cells, transient eosinophilia, thrombocytopenia and hypoprothrombinemia.

5. Interactions between Newdaepra and other drugs

When Newdaepra is used with alcohol or alcohol-containing products, it can inhibit aldehyde dehygrogenase and produce a characteristic disufiram-like reaction such as: Hot flashes, sweating, headache, tachycardia have been reported. when drinking alcohol during treatment or after 5 days of taking the drug. Sulbactam / Cefoperazone and Aminoglycosides should not be used at the same time because it will lose the drug's activity due to competition. Therefore, in case it is necessary to use these two drugs, it is advisable to interrupt the infusion in combination with washing the infusion tube between the two doses. In addition, 2 drugs can be used at a distance from each other. Caution should be exercised when combined with thrombolytics, anticoagulants, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs due to the potential for bleeding. Above is all information about the drug Newdaepra, patients need to carefully read the instructions for use, consult a doctor / pharmacist before using. Note, Newdaepra is a prescription drug, you need to use it as prescribed by your doctor, absolutely do not self-treat at home.

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