Uses of Neuroncure

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Neuroncure drug belongs to the group of psychotropic drugs, the drug has the main ingredient is Gabapentin. Drugs acting on the nervous system are used in cases of pain caused by inflammation of the peripheral nerves and to support the treatment of partial seizures. However, this is a prescription drug, so patients need to take it exactly as directed by a doctor or pharmacist.

1. What is Neuroncure?

Neuroncure (Gabapentin) is a psychotropic drug with supportive effects in the treatment of partial seizures and the treatment of pain caused by inflammation of the peripheral nerves, the drug is related to gamma aminobutyric acid in the brain. GABA). Neuroncure has a bioavailability that is not proportional to the dose, so when the dose is increased, its bioavailability decreases significantly. Peak time after taking Neuroncure is 2-3 hours. The mean half-life of the drug is 5-7 hours.
Ingredients of Neuroncur drug is Gabapentin with content: 300mg Prepared: hard capsule

3. In what cases is Neuroncure used?

Neuroncure is used in cases of patients with medical conditions, including:
Treatment of pain caused by inflammation of peripheral nerves in adults 18 years of age and older Support treatment of partial seizures with or without secondary generalization in children 3 years of age and older and adults

4. How to use Neuroncure drug correctly?

Neuroncure drug (Gabapentin) is a psychotropic drug, patients do not arbitrarily use the drug, it is necessary to have a doctor's prescription and use it according to indications to avoid possible unfortunate consequences. Here is the specific use and dosage:
How to use:
Neuroncure is taken orally, not related to meals, so you can use it before or after eating. Patients should be used in combination with other antiepileptic drugs for better effect. Do not take the drug with fruit juice or milk, carbonated soft drinks, tea, coffee, .. Because it will reduce the effect of the drug and increase other side effects. Therefore, you should only use filtered water to take the medicine.
Dosage in antiepileptic:
For children from 3 years old to under 6 years old: The starting dose is 10-15mg/kg/day, divided into 3 times a day. The next three days increase the dose to reach a dose of 25-30mg/kg/day, divided into 3 times a day. Children from 6 to 12 years old: First day: 10mg/kg/day, divided into 3 times a day. Second day: 20mg/kg/day, divided into 3 times a day. The third day: 25-35mg/kg/day, divided orally 3 times a day.For children weighing 26-36kg, the maintenance dose is 900mg/day and children weighing 37-50kg, the maintenance dose is 1200mg/day, divided orally on day 3. time. In case of adults and children over 12 years old: First day: 300mg/time x 01 time/day. Second day: 300mg/time x 02 times/day. The third day: 300mg/time x 03 times/day. In the following days, the dose is gradually increased until the patient responds well to the effective therapeutic dose and to a maximum of no more than 2400 mg/day. Note: The dosing interval should not be more than 12 hours, the total dose should be evenly divided during the day, and can be divided into 04 times/day if the patient responds well to treatment.
Dosage in the treatment of pain caused by inflammation of peripheral nerves
Adults: First day: 300mg/time x 01 time/day. Second day: 300mg/time x 02 times/day. The third day: 300mg/time x 03 times/day. In the following days, the dose is gradually increased until the patient responds well to the effective therapeutic dose and to a maximum of not more than 1800 mg/day. Elderly: Due to poor kidney function, the dose can be reduced to suit each person's condition. In this case, the patient needs to consult a doctor/pharmacist with expertise, and should not self-medicate.

5. Do not use Neuroncure in any case?

Neuroncure should not be used in all cases of hypersensitivity to any ingredient of the drug. Medicines are prescribed by a doctor/pharmacist with expertise, absolutely do not arbitrarily use without being examined by a specialist.

6. Notes when using Neuronure

In the course of taking medication, you should note the following:
What to do in case of an overdose: In this case, stop the drug and immediately call 911 or go to the nearest medical facility . What to do when you miss a dose : In case you miss a dose you should take it as soon as possible. However, when it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and take your next dose at the time prescribed by your doctor. You should not take twice the prescribed dose without your doctor's approval.

7. Use caution in what cases?

For sensitive subjects such as pregnant women, nursing mothers, patients with a history of mental disorders, ... should consult a doctor to weigh the benefits and risks of the drug. Neuroncure (Gabapentin) is teratogenic in animals and is excreted in human milk.
Because it is a psychotropic drug, it has some side effects such as: drowsiness, decreased concentration, you should use caution when driving or operating machinery.

8. Neuroncure drug side effects

Neuroncure (Gabapentin) line of psychotropic drugs during treatment, patients may experience the following side effects:
Drowsiness, memory loss, nystagmus, dizziness, dizziness. Slow digestion, abdominal pain, diarrhea or constipation. Musculoskeletal pain. Reduced eyesight. Rash, pruritus, urticaria. The above are common side effects, which may not be all listed when using Neuroncure (Gabapentin). Therefore, in the process of using the drug, if you experience any side effects, the patient should soon go to the medical center to examine and receive the advice of a doctor.

9. Neuroncure drug interactions

Currently, there have not been many in-depth studies on the drug interactions of Neuroncure (Gabapentin) with other drugs or foods. Therefore, to ensure safety, the disease should inform your doctor about your medical history, allergy history and medications you are using, herbs, dietary supplements, herbal medicines, .. ... so that the doctor can give you the most accurate advice.
In summary, Neuroncure drug has the main active ingredient Gabapentin 300mg. This is a psychotropic drug, has the effect of reducing nerve pain, supporting the treatment of epilepsy. However, this is a prescription drug, so patients need to take it exactly as directed by a doctor or pharmacist.
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