Uses of Natacin

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Natacina medicine contains the main active ingredient Natamycin 25mg, belongs to the group of gynecological drugs. The drug is formulated for users in the form of vaginal tablets. So what does Natacina do and how does it work?

1. Effects of the drug Natacina

Natacina is an antifungal medicine used to treat fungal infections. Natamycin belongs to the Macrolide and Polyene family of drugs that help change the fungal cell membrane leading to the death of the fungus. Natamycin has a bacteriostatic and fungicidal effect depending on the dose used and the individual susceptibility of each fungus.
Natacina is indicated for use in the following cases:
Treatment of patients with vaginitis, cervicitis caused by Candida albicans fungus infection. Treatment of patients with vaginitis caused by Trichomonas and other fungal strains. In combination with other drugs in the treatment of fungal and bacterial infections.

2. Dosage and how to use Natacina

How to use: Natacina 25mg is made in tablet form, so patients use the drug by placing the drug deep into the vagina. Before placing, the medicine can be soaked in clean warm water for 30 seconds. Users should use the drug after menstruation to achieve the best effect. Take the medicine at night before going to bed, lie still for 15 minutes after applying the medicine.
Recommended dosage for use:
Use 25mg equivalent to 1 tablet / day. Patients need treatment for a minimum period of 20 days Take 50mg, equivalent to 2 tablets / day, divided into 2 times a day. Note: In the process of using the drug, the patient should follow the instructions for use and the doctor's instructions, do not arbitrarily adjust the dose of the drug to ensure safety and achieve the best effect.

3. Side effects of the drug Natacina

In addition to the effects of the drug, patients treated with Natacina may experience some unwanted effects including: Burning area, itching, discomfort.
During the use of the drug, if the patient shows any symptoms of the above-mentioned side effects or other unusual symptoms, it is necessary to go to the nearest medical center for advice from a specialist doctor. subject.

4. Natacina drug interactions

In the course of drug use, competition or interaction between Natacina with food or other drugs and functional foods may occur, affecting absorption, distribution, and metabolic rate. of the drug as follows:
Dexamethasone, Prednisone when used concurrently with Natamycin can increase the patient's inflammatory state. When taking the drug, patients should limit the amount of food, drinks containing alcohol or stimulants. Patients should fully list the products they are taking, including therapeutic drugs, vitamins, herbs, supporting tablets and functional foods so that doctors and pharmacists can know and advise accurately, avoiding interactions. adverse drug effects to the user occur.

5. Some notes when using Natacina

Do not take the drug during the menstrual cycle. If menstruation occurs during treatment, the drug should be discontinued and can be restarted at the end of the menstrual period. While using the drug, it is necessary to avoid sexual intercourse. During the use of the drug, users do not open, enema, wash the vagina. Because when the vagina is inflamed, the surrounding mucosa tends to be more sensitive and vulnerable. Therefore, only gentle cleaning should be done on the outside. To avoid unwanted side effects, check the expiry date before taking the medicine. Pay attention to the appearance of the drug before use, if the drug shows signs of deformation, color change, mold, then do not use that medicine anymore. Keep medicine out of reach of children to ensure safety for children. Users use the correct dose as prescribed by the initial medical staff, do not arbitrarily increase or decrease the dose, do not arbitrarily stop taking the drug to achieve the best results. Pregnant and lactating women should be careful when taking the drug. The basic information about Natacina in the above article is for reference only. Because this is a prescription drug, patients should not use it on their own, but need to contact a specialist directly to get an appropriate prescription to ensure safety for health.

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