Uses of Miracef

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Miracef 100 or Miracef 200 both have the main ingredient Cefpodoxime proxetilm, belonging to the Cephalosporin antibiotic group, used in the treatment and prevention of some bacterial infections such as urinary tract infections, Lyme disease ..

1. What is Miracef?

Miracef has the main ingredient Cefpodoxime proxetil, on the World Health Organization's list of essential medicines, Cefpodoxime is indicated for the treatment of bacterial infections such as: sinusitis, acute otitis media, pharyngitis and tonsillitis. Treatment of acute pneumonia. Treatment of sexually transmitted diseases such as acute gonorrhea when the patient has not experienced complications. Treatment of urinary tract infections without complications. Treatment of skin infections, sepsis, meningitis and Lyme disease. Mechanism of action:
Cefpodoxime works by interfering with the ability of bacteria to form cell walls by acylation of membrane-bound transpeptidase enzymes, thereby effectively blocking and attacking bacteria. harmful bacteria.

2. Dosage and how to use Miracef

How to use: The drug is prepared in the form of film-coated tablets and used orally. In order for the drug to have the maximum effect, the patient should take it after eating, this helps the body absorb the drug better and avoid causing harmful effects affecting the digestive tract.
Dosage for adults:
Dosage applied in the treatment of upper respiratory tract infections with symptoms such as tonsillitis and pharyngitis using Miracef 100 mg every 12 hours for 10 days. Dosage in the treatment of community-acquired acute pneumonia is Miracef 200 mg every 12 hours for 14 days. The drug dose in the treatment of uncomplicated acute gonococcal infection is a single dose of 200mg. Dosage in the treatment of uncomplicated urinary tract infections: 100 mg every 12 hours for 7 days. Dosage in the treatment of skin and skin structure infections is 400mg every 12 hours for 7-14 days. In patients with renal impairment with creatinine clearance less than 30 ml/min, the dosing interval should be increased by approximately 24 hours.
For patients with liver failure: No need to adjust the dose of Miracef.
Dosage for children:
In the treatment of acute otitis media use 10mg/kg/day, the maximum dose is 400mg/day divided into 2 times for 10 days. In the treatment of pharyngitis and tonsillitis, the dose is 10mg/kg/day, and the patient should only take a maximum of 200mg/day in 2 divided doses for 10 days. Contraindications:
Cefpodoxime proxetil is not recommended for use in patients with a history of allergy to cefpodoxime or to other cephalosporin antibiotics.
Overdose and treatment:
Manifestations: Symptoms of overdose may include nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain and diarrhea.
Treatment: Usually with mild cases, the doctor will prescribe medication to treat symptoms and in more severe cases, a severe toxic reaction may require hemodialysis or dialysis. The peritoneum helps to remove Cefpodoxime from the body, especially in patients with impaired renal function.

3. Miracef side effects

Common reactions: The majority of undesirable effects occur on the gastrointestinal tract, however these reactions are quite mild, including symptoms such as diarrhea, loose or frequent bowel movements, abdominal pain , nausea, indigestion and flatulence.
Uncommon: Allergic reactions may occur, including rash, nasal congestion, cough, dry throat, eye irritation or anaphylaxis. An overdose of a cephalosporin can cause a convulsive reaction.
Rare Reactions: Rarely hypersensitivity reactions, rash, pruritus, dizziness, thrombocytopenia, thrombocytopenia/leukopenia or eosinophilia.
Other possible serious reactions: Clostridium difficile infection, anaphylaxis and Stevens-Johnson syndrome.

Precautions while using Miracef

Before starting treatment with Cefpodoxime proxetil, it is necessary to consider the body's history with cefpodoxime, other cephalosporins, penicillins or other drugs. For patients with temporary or prolonged urinary retention due to renal failure, it is necessary to reduce the daily dose of Cefpodoxime proxetil. Cefpodoxime proxetil should not be used for too long because it can cause overgrowth of non-susceptible organisms. It is not effective in treating viral infections such as colds. Patients need to use the drug according to the schedule, do not increase or decrease the dose of the drug on their own, need to consult the doctor. For pregnant and lactating women: There are not enough studies to prove that Miracef is safe in these subjects. Therefore, use the drug only when absolutely necessary and before using it, you should consult your doctor.

5. Drug interactions

To prevent drug interactions, patients should inform their doctor about any medications they are currently taking or have recently used before starting treatment with Miracef.
Here are some drugs that when taken with Miracef will cause interactions:
Abacavir, Amitriptyline, Amrinone, Ammonium chloride, Amoxicillin , Amphetamine: Cefuroxime may decrease the excretion rate of these drugs, this May lead to higher serum concentrations
Abciximab: The therapeutic efficacy of Abciximab may be reduced when used in combination with Cefuroxime Aceclofenac, Acemetacin, Amphotericin B : Risk or severity of nephrotoxicity may be increased increased when Cefuroxime is combined with the above drugs. Acenocoumarol: The risk or severity of bleeding may be increased when Cefuroxime is combined with Acenocoumarol. Alendronic Acid: The risk or severity of nephrotoxicity and hypocalcemia may be increased when Cefuroxime is combined with Alendronic acid. Almasilate: The serum concentration of Cefuroxime may be decreased when it is combined with Almasilate. Alteplase: The therapeutic efficacy of Alteplase may be reduced when used in combination with Cefuroxime. Antithrombin Alfa: The therapeutic efficacy of Antithrombin Alfa may be reduced when used in combination with Cefuroxime. BCG vaccine: The therapeutic efficacy of BCG vaccine may be reduced when used in combination with Cefuroxime. The basic information about Miracef in the above article is for reference only. Because this is a prescription drug, patients should not use it on their own, but need to contact a specialist directly to get an appropriate prescription to ensure safety for health.

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