Uses of Mezidtan 125mg

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Mezidtan 125mg is a drug belonging to the group of hormones, endocrine, containing the main ingredient Methylprednisolone sodium succinate, content 125mg, prepared in powder form for injection, packed in 25 vials and 1 box. The drug is used in many specialties such as respiratory, hematology, neurology, trauma, gastroenterology... So what is Mezidtan 125mg, what should be noted when using it and its clinical effectiveness such as: how?

1. What is Mezidtan 125mg?

Mezidtan 125mg drug contains the main active ingredient 125mg Methylprednisolone, packaged in powder form for injection, used by infusion for quick effectiveness on many diseases such as allergies, arthritis, pain treatment, dermatological diseases... The effect of the drug is due to the effect of the main drug Methylprednisolone. The maximum pharmacology of the drug occurs after the drug reaches peak blood concentrations, which suggests that most of the effects of Mezidtan 125mg are the result of modification of enzyme activity rather than the effect of the drug. directly of the drug.
Methylprednisolone acetate is biologically similar to the glucocorticoid prednisolone but less soluble and difficult to metabolize, and has a longer duration of action. The drug penetrates cell membranes, binds to specific plasma cell receptors to form complexes, then enters the cell nucleus, attaching to DNA. The drug affects not only the inflammatory and immune processes, but also the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, as well as the cardiovascular, skeletal muscles and central nervous system.

2. What are the uses of Mezidtan 125mg?

The drug acts on the inflammatory and immunosuppressive processes leading to a decrease in the number of immunoactive cells, a decrease in vasodilation, stabilization of lysosomal membranes, inhibition of phagocytosis, as well as a decrease in the production of prostaglandins and cells. related to the inflammatory process. Effects of Mezidtan 125mg on carbohydrate and protein metabolism: The drug has a catabolic effect on proteins, the release of amino acids that are converted into glucose and glycogen stored in the liver by the process of gluconeogenesis. Decreased glucose absorption in peripheral tissues can lead to hyperglycemia and the appearance of glucoseuria, especially in patients with a predisposition to diabetes. Drug effects on fat metabolism: The drug has lipolytic properties, mainly on the extremities. The drug also has the effect of creating fat, clearly distributed in the chest, neck and head. Patients may realize this effect due to the redeployment of the body's fat reserves. After entering the body, Methylprednisolone acetate is hydrolyzed to the active form. Approximately 40 to 90% of the drug is bound to albumin and transcortin substances. Metabolized by the liver, the major metabolites are 20-beta hydroxy methylprednisolone and 20-beta-hydroxy-6 -alpha- methylprednisolone. The drug is excreted mainly in the urine as glucuronide, sulfate, and unconjugated compounds.

3. Indications and contraindications for taking Mezidtan 125mg

Mezidtan 125mg is indicated in:
Patients diagnosed with abnormal function of the adrenal cortex. Diseases of the skin, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory diseases, hematology, ophthalmology (optical neuropathy and iritis..), digestive diseases such as ulcerative colitis, liver, kidney, systemic diseases nervous system. Patients with allergic disorders, diseases related to the mechanism of allergy. The patient has hypercalcemia due to tumor. Diseases of arthritis, tendonitis, rheumatism. Patients with nerve injury, pericarditis. Contraindications:
Do not use Mezidtan 125mg in cases where the patient has a history of allergy, anaphylaxis to Methylprednisolone sodium succinate. Patients with systemic fungal infections should not take Mezidtan 125mg.

4. Dosage and how to use Mezidtan 125mg

How to use: Mezidtan 125mg is used for injection, can be injected locally or intramuscularly depending on the purpose of clinical treatment.
Dosage: Patients need to follow the dose of Mezidtan prescribed by the doctor or refer to the dosage instructions printed on the drug label as follows:
Local injection:
Arthritis, rheumatism: Inject 4-80mg dose depending on joints , treatment for 1 - 5 weeks. Tendonitis: Injection dose of 4mg to 40mg. Skin disease: Injection dose of 20mg to 60mg. Intramuscular:
Increases adrenal hormone secretion: 40mg injection for 2 weeks. Rheumatism: Injection dose of 40mg - 120mg for 1 week. Skin diseases: Injection dose of 40mg - 120mg for 1 - 4 weeks. Asthma, allergic rhinitis: Injection dose of 80mg - 120mg weekly or every 2 weeks. Exacerbation of multiple sclerosis: 160mg daily for 1 week, then 64mg daily for 1 month.

5. Side effects when taking Mezidtan 125mg

Undesirable effects when patients use Mezidtan 125mg are adrenal insufficiency, long-term use affects liver and kidney function, redistribution of body fat... Side effects are related to dose hormone drugs used as well as the duration of drug use.
Disorders of water and electrolytes causing water retention, sodium retention, potassium loss, alkalosis, hypertension, congestive heart failure ... Musculoskeletal system: Causes muscle weakness, osteoporosis, spinal fractures that can cause compression pressure, aseptic necrosis (such as femoral head..), pathological fractures... Digestive system: can be encountered such as gastric and duodenal ulcers with the possibility of perforation and bleeding bleeding, pancreatitis, inflammation oesophagitis, intestinal perforation, laboratory tests showed an increase in SGOT, SGPT, alkaline phosphatase without clinical symptoms. Dermatology: Slowing wound healing, eroding the skin, making the skin fragile and vulnerable, the appearance of hemorrhagic spots and bruises on the skin... Nervous, mental: Increased intracranial pressure, dizziness, epilepsy, pseudotumor brain, mental disorders ranging from euphoria, feeling of floating, insomnia, personality changes, major depression, marked psychosis. Endocrine: Menstrual disorders, growth retardation in children, development of Cushing's form, suppression of the pituitary-adrenal axis, possible future development of diabetes, decreased carbohydrate tolerance. Eye: Eye complications such as posterior subcapsular cataract, glaucoma with potential for optic nerve damage, eye infections secondary to fungi or viruses, corneal perforation, increased intraocular pressure , signs of protrusion... Disturbances of protein catabolism cause negative nitrogen balance. Immune system: Covering signs of infection or latent infection, prone to opportunistic infections, hypersensitivity reactions...

6. Notes when using Mezidtan 125mg

Notes when taking Mezidtan 125mg include:
Inform your doctor if you have a history of allergies, including allergies to corticosteroids, medical history or current health problems such as: Diabetes diabetes, osteoporosis, blood clotting disorders, stomach diseases (gastroduodenal ulcer or perforation...), eye diseases (glaucoma and cataract...). Because of some cases, the doctor needs to consider whether to use Mezidtan 125mg or not. Patients should not arbitrarily use the drug or increase the dose, increase the duration of use compared to the doctor's instructions. Because of the risk that the condition may not improve much, the risk of side effects is higher. Patients should not arbitrarily stop using Mezidtan 125mg suddenly due to the serious problems that may occur such as corticosteroid withdrawal syndrome, dependence on the drug. The dose of the drug should be gradually reduced over time before stopping completely. Mezidtan 125mg should be used with caution in the elderly, children (related to height growth), people with underlying diseases of the heart, stomach, kidney, liver... Pregnant women or women Breastfeeding only use Mezidtan 125mg when absolutely necessary. Although it rarely harms an unborn baby or newborn, the benefits and risks of Mezidtan 125mg must be weighed. Above is the information about the drug Mezidtan 125mg. The drug has a good clinical effect, but many undesirable effects. Metadtan 125mg is a prescription drug, patients can only use the right dose and schedule according to the doctor's orders. All questions related to Mezidtan 125mg, readers need to hear advice from qualified doctors / pharmacists and medical staff.

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