Uses of Macibin

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Macibin is a drug used to treat the gastrointestinal tract. Some subjects are not suitable to use Macibin for treatment. The following information is shared to help readers understand what Macibin is.

1. Uses of the drug Macibin

Macibin is indicated for use in cases such as:
Treatment of chronic hepatitis Enhance liver function in hepatitis patients Protect and promote recovery for patients with liver disease caused by beer consumption alcohol Indigestion Anorexia Biliary dysfunction Gallstones Cholecystitis Inflammation of the biliary tract The above cases are common cases indicated for treatment. There are rare gastrointestinal diseases that should not be named. Therefore, the use of Macibin is to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. And drug effects can go beyond the usual indications.
However, in order to use Macibin effectively, patients need evaluation results and doctor's advice. With each different treatment condition, the doctor will give advice as well as guide the appropriate use of the drug so that the effect is always at the highest level.

2. Dosage and how to take Macibin

Macibin is prepared for use in the form of soft capsules. Macibin capsules will be taken orally, so prepare a glass of water. The indicated time for use is after meals. Dosage of Macibin is adjusted according to different situations.
Gallstones The starting dose in patients with gallstones is usually 5 - 10 per kg body weight. The commonly recommended average dose is usually 7.5 mg. This is the dose used in patients who are determined to be moderate. If the patient has obesity syndrome should increase to a maximum of 10 mg/kg. This dose is converted to the equivalent of 2 - 3 pills. Macibin should be divided into 2 doses, morning and evening. Patients with stones less than 1 cm in size should take the drug for about 6 months. When the stone is larger in size, consider prolonged use of the drug, depending on the condition, which can last 1 year. Chronic liver disease Liver disease is usually used at a dose of 13-15 mg/kg. To ensure that the patient adapts to the drug, the dose should be 200mg/day at the beginning and then gradually increase the dose during use. The expected duration of treatment is usually 1-2 months. Hepatobiliary tract hypersecretion disease or inflammatory manifestations should increase the dose to 20 mg/kg. Patients will split the dose to use in the morning and evening after meals. In other cases, you should carefully consult a doctor to be indicated. Especially, if you have moderate and severe liver and kidney disease, you should reconsider your dosage to suit your health.

3. Notes before taking Macibin

Macibin is contraindicated for use in patients who are known to be allergic to the drug's ingredients, bile duct obstruction and pregnant women. If you are on the list of contraindications, the doctor will ask to change the drug with the same effect and suitable for health to ensure its use.
Avoid prolonged use of Macibin because they can lead to rectal cancer. For patients with gallstones, it is necessary to monitor during treatment. The first dose should be prescribed 200 mg so that the body can adapt as well as help the doctor easily detect early sensitization.
Pregnant women should avoid taking Macibin to prevent birth defects. If you work with machines or need to concentrate, tell your doctor for specific instructions when taking Macibin to avoid accidents.

4. Macibin side effects

Macibin has poor solubility in the intestine. Therefore, care should be taken when using the drug, if there are signs of increased mucous membranes in the intestines or diarrhea with mucus in the stool. Some patients, after taking the first dose of 200mg, develop an allergic reaction, please report to the doctor for treatment and consider stopping the drug if necessary.
Side effects of the drug can affect the very use that the doctor wants. Therefore, when using drugs, it is advisable to regularly evaluate health to detect early symptoms that do not work or cause aggravation of the disease compared to before treatment.

5. Interactions with drugs Macibin

Macibin has an interaction with cholestyramine. According to research, when these two drugs are used together, they will affect the metabolism and elimination of the drug. Therefore, it is necessary to use them 5 hours apart so that the drug used before the half-life does not affect the drug used later.
Hormonal drugs should not be used concurrently with Macibin to avoid increased biliary cholesterol. Bile acid-based drugs should also be avoided, especially activated charcoal, to limit the risk of reducing the indicated therapeutic effect of Macibin.
Other drug interactions Macibin may not be listed given when directed. To minimize adverse health interactions, please provide complete health information and medications you are taking to your doctor.
The information shared above has explained to you what Macibin is. If you need support as well as need to take medicine, please consult your pharmacist and doctor for more information. At the same time, always pay attention to regular health check-ups to create a basis for comparison to assess any adverse health risks.

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