Uses of Lipvar 20

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Lipvar 20 is a lipid treatment drug, used in cases of hyperlipidemia not controlled by diet and exercise. To learn more about the use and use of the drug, please refer to the article below.

1. What disease does Lipvar 20 treat?

Lipvar 20 has the main ingredient is Atorvastatin 20mg, is made in the form of tablets. Atorvastatin is a lipid-lowering drug belonging to the statin class of drugs. The drug competitively inhibits the reductase 3 - hydroxy - 3 - methylglutaryl - coenzyme A (HMG - CoA) reductase, thereby preventing the conversion of HMG - CoA to mevalonate (this is a precursor of cholesterol). Atorvastatin lowers plasma lipoproteins and cholesterol by inhibiting hepatic cholesterol synthesis and increasing the number of hepatic LDL-donor (low-density lipoprotein) receptors on the cell surface, thereby increasing LDL degradation.
Studies show that Atorvastatin reduces cholesterol-LDL the most by 25-61% of all drugs used alone to lower blood lipids. The drug offers promise for patients who need a lot of cholesterol reduction, which is currently only achieved with drug combinations, thereby reducing the risk of side effects from taking the drug combination. Atorvastatin increases HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol levels by 5 to 15% and reduces the LDL/HDL and total cholesterol/HDL ratios. Atorvastatin also reduces plasma triglycerides to an extent of about 10 - 30% by increasing VLDL (very low density lipoprotein) clearance.
In clinical studies, there is evidence that statin drugs significantly reduce coronary or other cardiovascular events and reduce the total number of deaths in people with coronary artery disease.
After oral administration, the drug is rapidly absorbed. The extent of drug absorption and atorvastatin concentrations increased in proportion to the oral dose. Although food may decrease the rate and extent of drug absorption, the therapeutic effect is unchanged when atorvastatin is taken with or without food.
Thanks to the lipid-lowering effect of the drug, Lipvar 20mg is indicated for use in the following cases:
Support when dietary therapy does not respond to help reduce total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol, apolipoprotein B, triglycerides and to further increase HDL cholesterol in patients with primary hypercholesterolemia (heterozygous familial or non-familial hypercholesterolemia), mixed hyperlipidemia (group IIa and group IIb according to Fredrickson's classification) . In combination with dietary modification therapy for the treatment of hypertriglyceridemia (Fredrickson class IV) and beta-lipoproteinemia (Fredrickson class III). Reducing total cholesterol and LDL - cholesterol in patients with homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia. When diet and other non-pharmacological methods do not bring the desired results.

2. Usage and dosage of Lipvar 20

Usage: Patients take orally with water. Patients should have a reasonable diet before treatment with Lipvar and should maintain this diet during treatment. The drug can be taken at any time of the day and the patient can take it regardless of the meal. However, it should be taken at the same time of day.
Starting dose: Take 10 - 20 mg once a day. Patients who need a significant reduction in LDL cholesterol (more than 45%) can start with a dose of 40 mg orally once a day. Therapeutic dose: Oral 10 - 80mg once a day, dose adjusted according to the results of the blood lipid index or according to the individual treatment goals of each patient.

3. Undesirable effects of Lipvar

When using Lipvar 20, you may experience unwanted effects including:
Usually mild and transient: Constipation, flatulence, delayed digestion, abdominal pain, headache, nausea and vomiting, muscle pain , fatigue, diarrhea, nasopharyngitis, insomnia. As with other statin drugs, when used, there is a risk of causing an increase in liver enzymes. Other rare adverse reactions may include: decreased platelet count, hypoglycemia, weight gain, loss of appetite, blurred vision, visual disturbances, tinnitus, hearing loss, urticaria, skin rash, body weakness, chest pain. When experiencing side effects of the drug, if mild, you can monitor and report to your doctor. But if you see serious side effects, you need to stop using and notify your doctor or go to the nearest medical facility for treatment.

4. Notes when using Lipvar 20

Note that the drug is contraindicated for use in the following cases: Patients with a history of hypersensitivity to any ingredient of the drug; Active liver disease with persistent elevation of serum transaminases and greater than 3 times the upper limit of normal; Women who are pregnant or suspected of being pregnant, women who are breastfeeding.
Precautions before use: Before starting treatment with statin drugs, it is necessary to determine the cause of hypercholesterolemia and measure lipid indices to determine the appropriate therapeutic dose. Blood lipids should be measured periodically, at intervals of not less than 4 weeks, and the dosage should be adjusted according to the patient's response to the drug.
The drug should be used with caution in patients who drink a lot of alcohol, have a history of liver disease, because the drug also has the risk of harming the liver. Liver function tests should be performed prior to initiation of therapy and during use.
Statin therapy has the potential to cause myositis and rhabdomyolysis, therefore, dose reduction or therapy should be discontinued in patients with conditions suggestive of myositis or rhabdomyolysis, such as myalgia, weakness, and myalgia. muscle, test increased creatine phosphokinase to more than 10 times the upper limit of normal or myoglobulinuria.
A healthy diet that limits fat, starch, and enhances green vegetables and fruits is very useful for people with hyperlipidemia. This diet should be followed regularly and combined with exercise.
Drug interactions: When taking Lipvar 20 you can also experience drug interactions:
Atorvastatin increases blood levels of oral contraceptives, digoxin. Antacids, cholestyramine reduce plasma concentrations of atorvastatin. The risk of myopathy is increased when atorvastatin is combined with cyclosporin, fibric acid derivatives, the antibiotic erythromycin, azole antifungals, niacin. Store the medicine in a cool, dry place, away from direct light and out of the reach of children. Lipvar 20 is a lipid-lowering drug, used in cases of hyperlipidemia not controlled by diet and exercise. To ensure effective treatment and avoid unwanted side effects, patients need to strictly follow the instructions of the doctor, professional pharmacist.
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