Uses of Kimoral

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Kimoral S is a medicine used to treat problems caused by inflammation. Before using the drug, you should carefully study the drug information to avoid unwanted effects. Here is some information shared to help you understand what Kimoral S does.

1. Uses of the drug Kimoral S

Kimoral S medicine contains the main ingredients Bromelain and Crystal Trypsin. Each ingredient has its own uses. Bromelain acts as a proteolytic enzyme against blood clotting by removing fibrin. In addition, Bromelain is also used to treat diseases such as pneumonia, sinusitis ....
Studies have also shown that Bromelain ingredient has the effect of improving stomach pain or indigestion symptoms thanks to the help of Bromelain. the body's protein breakdown reaction.
Cryptstal Trypsin is also used to treat the manifestations of osteoarthritis. This is a combination treatment component, so it requires support from Bromelain. In addition, Crysrtal is also used in cases such as:
Treatment of mouth ulcers; Remove old skin cells that no longer receive nutrients; Stimulates tissue growth. The combination of Bromelain and Crystal Trypsin can provide anti-inflammatory treatment when they are formulated into the drug Kimoral S. Therefore, the drug Kimoral S is used to treat in a few cases the following indications:
Treatment of pathological problems of hemorrhoids; Treatment of osteoarthritis; Sprain treatment; Treatment of fractures; Treatment of poor blood circulation; Treatment of hematoma.

2. Dosage and how to use Kimoral medicine

Kimoral S drug is in the form of tablets, administered orally. When taking the medicine, the patient will use about 30 - 50ml of water. The time to use Kimoral S is after meals. To ensure that you do not use the medicine incorrectly, you should carefully read the instructions printed on the medicine packaging. Also remember to talk to your doctor to use the medicine exactly as directed and in accordance with your individual medical condition.
Adults when using Kimoral S will take 2 tablets each time. The patient can use the drug 4 times a day. After the treatment is effective, some patients will be prescribed a maintenance dose to prevent the risk of recurrence. The maintenance dose for Kimoral S will be half of the therapeutic dose.
Note: It is not allowed to deform the medicine by means of chewing, crushing or breaking. The composition of the pill is changed and at the same time the pharmacokinetics will not be guaranteed. To avoid reducing the effectiveness and absorption of the drug in your body, swallow the tablet whole when taking it.

3. Notes before taking Kimoral

To avoid the risk of sensitization to the drug's ingredients, you should actively discuss with your doctor and inform early about the recorded allergy history.
Kimoral S is not recommended if the patient is a pregnant woman and young children. Especially pregnant women should avoid using the drug because the drug affects the fetus, causing congenital pathology to the child from the womb.
Kimoral S drug should not be used if the patient has ever had liver treatment or is being treated for stomach ulcers. These conditions may be affected by the use of Kimoral S. According to studies the risk of liver disease and stomach ulcers is increased.
Heavy workers or workers using machines need to consider the adjustment between work and rest during treatment.
Patients are usually prescribed by a doctor before using the drug. Patients themselves need to actively check the dose each time they take the drug. In case of prolonged overdose, the amount of unabsorbed drug will accumulate in the body, affecting the therapeutic effect and the patient's health.

4. Side effects of the drug Kimoral S

Usually, after patients use Kimoral S, they may experience some typical side effects on the skin, digestive system and urinary system. There are reactions that will affect the course of treatment, but there are also reactions that can be corrected. Tell your doctor if you experience one or more of the following symptoms to provide the most appropriate and effective treatment plan:
Women have an increased risk of bleeding each time their menstrual cycle comes; Vomit ; Abdominal discomfort; Nausea; Diarrhea ; Hives ; Red rash on the skin; Itchy. Any symptoms that are out of the ordinary need attention and prompt treatment. Patients should not be subjective with the side effects of Kimoral S. Sometimes patients do not realize they are having problems when using Kimoral S because side effects are not obvious or there are no unusual manifestations.
The variation in side effects experienced by each patient is what makes it difficult for the medical profession to fully define. Usually the indications and guidelines belong to the majority of patients and are the findings of experimental research. In exceptional cases the effects can be more serious but are actually very rare. To prevent and detect early treatment, you should have regular check-ups and follow-up tests under the guidance of your doctor so that dangerous effects can be detected early.

5. Interactions with drugs Kimoral W

Food-drug interactions are less likely to occur if the food is in the healthy nutritional group. However, if you have a history of allergies or sensitivities, please pay attention to this issue. Patients at risk of food allergies or an allergic body should notify their doctor to check and evaluate before using the drug to reduce the effects after use.
Kimoral S should not be used in combination with some other drugs and functional foods. In the study, some drugs may cause interactions that affect the patient's treatment when using Kimoral S. If you need to use the following drugs, please inform the doctor who prescribes Kimoral S for consideration. :
Amoxicillin ; Erythromycin; Rifampicin ; Anticoagulants that work against vitamin K. Some other drugs that may also affect the use of Kimoral S have not been discovered. Therefore, using 2 or more drugs at the same time is not recommended because there is a high risk of interacting with the patient's health and treatment process. Each person should actively discuss with the doctor about the drug that has been or is about to be taken so that it can be reconsidered accordingly.
Above is information to help readers understand what Kimoral S does. To use Kimoral S, you need to be prescribed by a doctor, absolutely do not use it on your own. When in need of use, you can go to the hospital to check and suggest the need to the doctor for help.

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