Uses of Imexofen 180

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Imexofen 180mg is effective in the treatment of symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis and urticaria. Compliance with the indications and doses of Imexofen will help patients improve treatment effectiveness and ensure safety for health.

1. What is Imoxofen 180?

Imexofen 180mg is an anti-allergic drug and used in cases of hypersensitivity. The drug is prepared in the form of a box of 3 blisters x 10 film-coated tablets. Fexofenadin HCl 60mg in Imexofen 180 belongs to the 2nd generation antihistamine group, has a specific and selective antagonistic effect on peripheral H1 receptors. Fexofenadine has terfenadine activity but no longer cardiotoxicity, has no significant antagonism of Acetylcholine, Dopamine and blockade of alpha 1 or beta - adrenergic receptors.
At therapeutic doses, Fexofenadine does not induce sleep or affect the central nervous system. The drug has a rapid and prolonged action due to slow binding to the H1 receptor, forming a stable complex but slowly dissociating.

2. What are the effects of Imexofen 180?

With the above mechanism, Imexofen 180 is effective in the treatment of the following conditions:
Treatment of symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis such as runny nose, itchy eyes, stuffy nose, sneezing... Hives jute.

3. Dosage and how to use Imexofen 180

Dosage of Imexofen in the symptomatic treatment of seasonal allergic rhinitis:
Adults and children over 12 years old: Imexofen dose 60mg x 2 times/day or 180mg x 1 time/day; In patients with renal failure, the starting dose of Imoxofen is 60mg x 1 time/day; Children from 6-11 years old: Imexofen dose is 30mg x 2 times/day; Children with renal impairment use the starting dose of Imoxofen is 30mg x 1 time / day. Dosage for chronic idiopathic urticaria:
Adults and children over 12 years: The dose of Imexofen is 60mg x 2 times/day; Patients with renal insufficiency use the starting dose of Imoxofen is 60mg x 1 time/day; Children from 6-11 years old: Imexofen dose is 30mg x 2 times/day; Children with renal impairment use the starting dose of Imoxofen is 30mg x 1 time / day. Imexofen dosage above is for reference only. The specific dose of Imexofen will depend on your condition and disease progression. Therefore, to have a suitable dose of Imoxofen 180, patients need to consult a doctor.

4. Contraindications to the drug Imexofen

Contraindicated to use Imexofen 180mg in patients with hypersensitivity or allergy to the components of the drug.

5. Side effects of Imexofen

In controlled clinical studies, the incidence of adverse events with Imexofen was not influenced by dose, age, gender and race of the patient. Possible side effects when using Imexofen include:
Uncommon: Fear, sleep disturbance, dry mouth and abdominal pain; Rare: Skin rash, urticaria, pruritus, angioedema, flushing, chest tightness, dyspnea, anaphylaxis; Common: Headache, dizziness, fatigue, nausea, dyspepsia, viral infections, dysmenorrhea, upper respiratory tract infections, itchy throat, cough, fever, otitis media, back pain; Not all patients using Imexofen 180mg will experience the above side effects. Inform the doctor about the unwanted effects that the patient encounters during the use of Fimadro 500mg for appropriate management.

6. Notes when using the drug Imoxofen

When using Imexofen 180mg, it should be noted in the following cases:
Careful monitoring when using Imexofen for patients with cardiovascular risk or prolonged Q-T interval before; The safety and effectiveness of Imexofen in children under 6 years of age have not been established. Therefore, drug use in this subject should be carefully considered; Care should be taken and appropriate dose adjustment is required when administering Imexofen to people with impaired renal function; Imexofen should be discontinued at least 24-48 hours before conducting intradermal antigen tests. Pregnant and lactating women should use caution when taking Imexofen. Use the drug only when absolutely necessary and under the guidance and prescription of a doctor; Patients should not self-medicate with other antihistamines while using Imexofen; Imexofen is less likely to cause drowsiness, but caution should still be exercised in the case of driving and operating machinery.

7. Interactions with other drugs

Possible interactions when using Imexofen 180mg concurrently with the following drugs:
Antacids containing aluminum and magnesium need to be taken 2 hours before or after using Imexofen; Co-administration of Fexofenadine with Ketoconazole or Erythromycin increases plasma concentrations of Fexofenadine. However, this interaction is currently of no clinical significance. The article has provided information about Imoxofen 180 drug effects, dosage and notes when using. To ensure safety for your health and maximize the effectiveness of your treatment, you need to take Imexofen 180 exactly as directed by your doctor, do not arbitrarily increase or decrease the dose or give prescriptions to others to use.

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