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Hexyltab drug is made in the form of tablets with the main ingredient being Biphenyl - dimethyl - dicarboxylate. The drug is used to treat certain liver diseases.
1. What is Hexyltab?
What is Hexyltab? Each Hexyltab tablet contains Biphenyl - dimethyl - dicarboxylate 25mg and excipients just enough. Biphenyl dimethyl dicarboxylate inhibits hepatocyte destruction, which significantly improves liver function decline and hepatitis symptoms. The drug enhances the liver detoxification function, stimulates the regeneration of liver cells. In addition, this ingredient also protects the liver from damage caused by toxins such as alcohol, drugs that are toxic to the liver.
Indications: Hexyltab is used in the following cases: Support treatment of viral hepatitis (acute and chronic, including hepatitis B), drug-induced hepatitis, alcoholic hepatitis, liver fatty, liver dysfunction (manifested as irritability, fatigue, anorexia,...).
Contraindications : Do not use Hexyltab for patients who are allergic to any of the ingredients in the drug.
2. Usage and dosage of Hexyltab
How to use : Use Hexyltab by taking it directly.
Dosage: Take Hexyltab as directed by a qualified doctor or use the average dose as:
Adults and children from 12 years of age and older: 1-2 tablets/time x 3 times/day, taken after meals eat; Children: 2 - 6 years old: 1 - 2 tablets/day; 6 - 12 years old: 2 - 3 tablets/day; Under 2 years old: Need to consult a specialist. Note: After ALT returns to normal, Biphenyl dimethyl dicarboxylate therapy should be maintained for 6-12 months.
3. Side effects of the drug Hexyltab
During the use of Hexyltab, the patient may experience some side effects such as:
Occasionally a rash appears, but the symptoms may disappear when using antiallergic drugs; Transient jaundice may appear, which may disappear if the drug is discontinued or concomitantly with other anti-jaundice medications; Nausea rarely occurs. Patients need to inform the doctor about the unwanted effects encountered when using Hexyltab for appropriate management.
4. Be careful when using Hexyltab
Some cautions when taking Hexyltab drugs, patients need to remember are:
Do not use Hexyltab drugs beyond the expiry date indicated on the box or drugs with doubtful quality such as: Discolored, wet tablets; Do not use Hexyltab for pregnant and lactating women; There is no information on the effects of Hexyltab on the ability to drive and use machines. Drug interactions : There are no drug interactions Hexyltab .
During the use of Hexyltab, the patient should pay attention to follow the instructions of the specialist to achieve high efficiency in treatment.
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