Uses of Gastrolium

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Gastrolium belongs to the group of gastrointestinal drugs available at drugstores under the advice and guidance of pharmacists/doctors. Let's learn more about the effects of the drug Gastrolium, what is Gastrolium, how to use it, who should use Gastrolium, ... in the following article.

1. What is Gastrolium?

Gastrolium is produced by Sao Kim Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company - VIETNAM, under registration number VD - 29831 - 18.
Gastrolium drug has main ingredients including:
Attapulgite mormoiron activated 2500mg; Dry gel Aluminum hydroxide - Magnesium carbonate content 500mg. Gastrolium is prepared in powder form mixed with oral solution. Packing box of 30 sachets x 3g powder for drinking. The Gastrolium medicine box is white, the name is yellow-brown, and the stomach icon is red-orange.

2. Effects of the drug Gastrolium

Gastrolium is a gastrointestinal drug, with the main ingredients including Attapulgite mormoiron and a dry gel of aluminum hydroxide - magnesium carbonate. This active ingredient has high absorption and coverage. When entering the intestine, it will create a uniform membrane to help protect the intestinal wall. In addition, the drug Gastrolium also helps to absorb toxins and vapors - agents that cause irritation of the stomach lining.
The composition of Gastrolium is similar to kaolin. Attapulgite – present in Gastrolium also has the effect of helping to absorb bacteria and toxins, reducing the risk of dehydration.
In general, the effect of Gastrolium is to create a protective film on the intestinal mucosa. By eliminating toxins and pathogens in the digestive system by binding or absorbing them.

3. Indications of Gastrolium

Gastrolium is used for the following subjects:
Stomach - duodenal ulcers; Gastritis ; Hernia of the diaphragm; Gastric reflux; Gastrectomy sequelae; Epigastric pain ; Heartburn; ... To be safe, patients only use Gastrolium in the indicated cases.

4. Dosage and how to use Gastrolium

Gastrolium is a medicine for treating diseases of the digestive tract. To be effective, the patient needs to use the right medicine at the right dose. How to take Gastrolium orally, with water when there is pain or after eating.
The recommended dose of Gastrolium is 2-4 packs/day for adults. For children, the dose of Gastrolium is 1⁄3-1 sachet x 3 times/day depending on age or according to instructions.

5. Contraindications Gastrolium

Do not use Gastrolium for the following subjects:
Hypersensitivity, allergy to the components contained in Gastrolium; Porphyrin metabolism disorders; Stomach bleeding ; Rectal bleeding; Appendicitis; Constipation ; ... If you are in the group of contraindications, you should not use Gastrolium.

6. Gastrolium interactions

The manufacturer gives some warnings about interactions when taking Gastrolium including:
Tetracycline; H2 antihistamines; Indomethacin ; Digoxin; ... Inform the doctor of the products that the patient is taking before prescribing Gastrolium to avoid drug interactions.

7. Gastrolium side effects

When using Gastrolium , patients may also experience side effects including :
Constipation ; Stiff abdomen; Nausea; White stools; Increased urinary calcium; Osteomalacia ; Allergy; Rashes; Increased aluminum in the blood; Dementia ; ... The side effects when using Gastrolium have different levels and frequency of encounters. Inform the doctor if the patient experiences side effects when taking Gastrolium to be treated.

8. Gastrolium Warnings and Precautions

The manufacturer gives warnings and cautions when using Gastrolium in the following groups:
Intestinal obstruction; Pancreatitis; Appendicitis ; ... These warnings and cautions help patients use Gastrolium safely.

9. Pregnancy, breast-feeding, driving and operating machines using Gastrolium

Patients taking Gastrolium during pregnancy should be cautious, as safety data are not yet available. Breastfeeding women should also exercise caution when taking Gastrolium, as it is not known whether the drug is excreted in breast milk. Drivers and operators of machinery can take Gastrolium.

10. Storing the drug Gastrolium

Gastrolium stored at room temperature. Above is all information about Gastrolium, patients need to carefully read the instructions for use, consult a doctor / pharmacist before using. Absolutely do not buy Gastrolium for home treatment on your own because there may be unwanted side effects.

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