Uses of Farmelta

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Farmelta belongs to the group of anti-diabetic drugs of the Sulfonylure group, which is used to treat type II diabetes and control blood sugar levels. So what exactly does Farmelta have and in what cases is it indicated?

1. What is Farmelta?

Farmelta drug has the main active ingredients Metformin HCL, Glibenclamid and other excipients just enough. The drug is prepared in the form of film-coated tablets, packed in boxes, each box includes 3 blisters x 10 tablets.

2. Uses of the drug Farmelta

Mechanism of action: Glibenclamide is an active substance that reduces the concentration of glucose in the blood, because it has the ability to increase the sensitivity of pancreatic beta cells to glucose, so it has the ability to release insulin. However, the effect of the drug depends on the function of beta-cell secretion. In addition, Glibenclamide may increase insulin by reducing the clearance of insulin through the liver.

2.1. Use - indication

Farmelta is effective in the treatment of type II diabetes, helping to control blood sugar levels. In addition, the drug can be combined with diet and exercise to better control blood sugar throughout the day.

2.2. Contraindications

Farmelta is contraindicated for use in the following cases:
People with type I diabetes (insulin dependent), people with juvenile or unstable diabetes. Diabetic coma. Persons with acute symptoms of metabolic decompensation in gangrene or infection. People with malnutrition, severe liver or kidney damage. People who are allergic or hypersensitive to the ingredient Glibenclamide in the drug. People who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Note: Contraindication needs to be understood as an absolute contraindication, ie not for any reason that the above cases are flexible to use Farmelta

3. How to use and dose Farmelta

How to use: Farmelta is prepared in the form of film-coated tablets, so it should be used orally, taking the tablet directly with an appropriate amount of water, using the drug 30 minutes before meals. Avoid combining with other liquids such as alcohol, beer, carbonated drinks or crush, break the pill when taking it so as not to affect the ingredients in the medicine. Note: Farmelta is intended for use by adults only.
Dosage : Before using the drug, users need to follow the advice on nutrition and exercise regimes. The dose of Farmelta needs to be individualized because the dose will depend on the individual metabolic response to avoid sudden hypoglycaemia. Patients can refer to the following dose of Glibenclamide:
With the starting dose of treatment: Use a dose of 2.5 - 5mg / day. In case of need to adjust the dose, gradually increase 2.5mg / time, frequency 1 to 2 weeks increase 1 time until the required blood glucose level is achieved. With maintenance dose: dose 1.25 - 10mg/day. Doses higher than 10mg/day can be divided into 2 doses. Not more than 15mg/day. In the elderly with malnutrition, the dose should be reduced because the side effects of the active ingredient Glibenclamide are relatively long-lasting. Some recommendations best recommend avoiding Farmelta in the elderly. For people with liver or kidney damage: Use 1.25mg/day for the first dose. In case you are using other antidiabetic drugs and then switch to Glibenclamide: Take from 2.5 to 5mg Glibenclamide immediately after stopping the previous drug. In case of need to increase the dose, it must be increased gradually, in 2.5 mg increments until the blood glucose level reaches the required level. Children: There are no data for this population, so the drug should not be used in children. Note: The amount of medication needs to be specified and adjusted based on the eating and exercise habits of each patient. However, whenever medication is taken, a meal high in carbohydrates is required to prevent the onset of symptoms of hypoglycemia.
In case of missed dose: User can use it immediately when remembering. However, if it is too close to the time for your next scheduled dose, skip the missed dose and use the next dose. It is recommended that patients should not use twice the prescribed amount to make up for the forgotten dose, to avoid overdose.
In case of overdose: When using the drug overdose, the patient may also develop symptoms of sudden hypoglycemia due to the presence of the active substance sulfonylurea or increase the risk of lactic acidosis due to the presence of sulfonylurea. presence of the active ingredient metformin.
How to treat: If you have lactic acidosis, the patient needs to be treated quickly in the hospital. The best method is hemodialysis to remove lactate and metformin.

4. Farmelta . side effects

In the process of using the drug, in addition to the main use that Farmelta brings, users may also experience some unwanted symptoms such as:
Common symptoms:
Disorders of the lymphatic and blood systems. Causing metabolic disorders, the ability to absorb nutrients. Taste disturbance. Gastrointestinal disturbances: Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, loss of appetite (these symptoms occur more often in the early stages of treatment). Uncommon symptoms:
Endocrine effects: Hypoglycemia. Skin effects: Urticaria, skin rash. Rare cases:
Blood effects: Thrombocytopenia, pancytopenia, agranulocytosis. Effects on the circulatory system: Allergic vasculitis. Skin effects: Sensitization to light. Effects on the liver: Causes jaundice due to hepatitis or cholestasis. Eye Effects: Causes temporary vision damage due to a drop in blood glucose levels during the initiation of treatment. How to manage unwanted symptoms:
For severe infections, damage to the cardiovascular system, after surgery or during treatment with corticosteroids: It is necessary to switch to insulin temporarily. The treating doctor needs to inform the patient about the risk of hypoglycemia if eating is not safe or taking medication but skipping meals. At that time, the patient needs to be reduced the dose and if the blood sugar level drops for a long time, it is necessary to go to the hospital for close monitoring by the doctor.

5. Interactions with drugs Farmelta

When two or more drugs are combined, they will cause interactions between the ingredients in the drug. Therefore, when using Farmelta, users should be aware of the following interactions:
Do not combine with Miconazole: Because when combined, it leads to an increase in the hypoglycemic effect, even leading to a case of kissing. passionate about. It is not recommended to combine with alcoholic products such as wine, beer: Because when combined, it can cause a reverse reaction, easily cause hypoglycemic coma, cause acute poisoning, increase the likelihood risk of lactic acidosis, especially in people with malnutrition, liver failure. When combined with Phenylbutazone: Patients need to regularly check their blood sugar to adjust the dose to suit each stage or choose a combination with anti-inflammatory drugs with fewer interactions. When combined with Danazol : If the combination is mandatory, the doctor should warn about the risks and advise the patient to regularly check the blood sugar level. It is possible to adjust the amount of Farmelta when combined with Danazol and immediately after stopping the combination. When combined with Desmopressin: Reduces the anti-diuretic effect of the drug. With caution in combination with: Chlorpromazine in high doses, corticosteroids and tetracosactide: Increases blood sugar, may develop ketogenic symptoms. Note: To minimize unwanted interactions, patients need to inform their doctors about the drugs and supplements they are using to get the most appropriate dose.

6. Some notes when using Farmelta

If you see symptoms such as vomiting, abdominal pain, body discomfort during treatment, you should immediately stop using the drug because these are signs of serious loss of blood sugar control, which should be treated. special treatment. During the use of the drug, the patient may experience low blood sugar. Therefore, the doctor needs to explain to the patient and family in advance how to prevent and what to do when having low blood sugar. Patients need to follow a regular, balanced diet during drug treatment. The risk of hypoglycemia is increased if the patient is on an excessive or unbalanced diet, when exercising excessively and for a long time, when using alcoholic beverages or in combination with sugar-lowering drugs. other blood. Patients need to inform their doctor if they are suffering from infections such as flu, respiratory infections to avoid causing loss of blood sugar control. Use caution when using the drug for people who are driving a car, train or operating machinery. Farmelta should not be used by pregnant women. Insulin is required to treat gestational diabetes. The use of Farmelta is contraindicated in women who are breast-feeding. Hopefully with the information shared about the drug Farmelta, users will equip themselves with more notes when using the drug and know how to avoid and handle the worst cases.
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