Uses of Eu Tekynan suppositories

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Eu tekynan suppository is indicated in the treatment of vaginitis caused by sensitive microorganisms, prevention of vaginal infections after the procedure... Eu Tekynan belongs to the group of prescription drugs, so patients Need to know the use, the note before treatment.

1. What is Eu Tekynan?

Eu Tekynan is prepared in the form of vaginal tablets containing the following active ingredients:
Neomycin Sulfate content 65,000 UI; Nystatin content 100,000 IU; Metronidazole 500mg. Eu Tekynan suppositories are indicated in the following cases:
Treatment of nonspecific vaginitis, vaginitis caused by susceptible pathogens; Treatment of vaginitis caused by common pyogenic bacteria, vaginitis caused by Gardnerella Vaginalis, Trichomonas, Candida Albicans , Yeast and Trichomonas; Treatment of vaginitis caused by a combination of bacterial, fungal, and protozoan pathogens; Prevention of the risk of infection before and after 5 days of gynecological procedures.

2. Dosage of the drug Eu Tekynan

Tekynan is used vaginally. The dose of the drug is prescribed by the treating doctor, the patient absolutely does not use the drug on his own.
Tekynan suppositories are used by dipping them in water for 20-30 seconds before being inserted into the vagina. Patients should stay lying down for about 15 minutes after placing the drug to take effect.
The recommended dose of Tekynan is usually 1 tablet / time x 1-2 times / day for 10 consecutive days in combination with oral treatment in case of need.
The drug should be used at night before going to bed to facilitate the living process. During treatment with Eu Tekynan, patients should avoid sex to limit the effect of the drug.

3. Side effects of Eu Tekynan đặt

Tekynan may cause some side effects as follows:
Rare: Anorexia, vomiting, nausea, metallic taste in the mouth; Very rare: Urticaria, pruritus, dizziness, headache, pancreatitis, reversible glossitis. In case of experiencing unwanted effects, the patient should stop using Tekynan and notify the treating doctor for timely examination.

4. Notes when using the drug Eu Tekynan

Contraindicated to use Eu Tekynan in patients with hypersensitivity to any ingredient of the drug. Use caution when using Tekynan in patients with liver failure, kidney failure, patients with myasthenia gravis, stomach ulcers and hepatic coma... For pregnant and lactating women: Only use the drug. Tekynan on these subjects when indicated by the treating physician, based on the benefits and risks of treatment. For drivers, operate machines: There are currently no reports on the effects of Tekynan in drivers and operators.

5. Drug interactions

Eu Tekynan may interact with concomitant medications. Drug interactions occur to reduce the therapeutic effect of Eu Tekynan, increasing the risk of unwanted effects. Therefore, patients need to inform the treating doctor about the drugs and functional foods being used to ensure safety and effectiveness in treatment.
Above is information about uses, doses and notes when using Eu Tekynan suppositories. To ensure safety for health and maximize the effectiveness of treatment, patients need to take Eu Tekynan exactly as directed by their doctor.

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