Uses of Duxil

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Duxil drug is used to treat symptoms of pathological dementia in the elderly such as inattention, memory loss,... the following article will help you better understand the use of Duxil drug.

1. What is Duxil?

Drug group: Psychotropic drugs
Dosage form: Film coated tablets
Packing: Box of 2 blisters x 15 tablets
Ingredients: Raubasine, Almitrin Bismesylat
Manufacturer: Les Laboratoires Servier Industrie - FRANCE

2. Uses of Duxil

Duxil is used to treat the symptoms of pathological dementia in the elderly (such as inability to concentrate, memory loss,...).
Duxil is indicated for the treatment of:
Choroid-retinal disorders of ischemic origin. Cochlear vestibular disorders of ischemic origin. After ischemic stroke. Usage - Dosage:
The usual dose is from 1 to 2 tablets / day, divided into 2 equally spaced times. If long-term treatment is more than 1 year, it is necessary to consult a doctor and use caution.

3. Overdose and treatment

In case of poisoning due to drug overdose, may occur:
Tachycardia and low blood pressure. Rapid breathing with respiratory alkalosis. Treatment:
Gastric lavage. Symptomatic treatment of observed disorders, cardiac-respiratory monitoring and continuous gas measurement.

4. Duxil side effects

Rarely reported side effects such as:
Weight loss, peripheral neuropathy with abnormal sensations in the lower extremities or paresthesias (pins and needles, tingling, numbness...). These effects usually occur when treatment lasts more than 1 year; In these cases, treatment should be discontinued. Nausea, feeling of heat and heaviness in the epigastrium, dyspepsia, intestinal motility disturbance, insomnia-type sleep disturbance, somnolence, agitation, anxiety, palpitations, feeling dizzy. Contraindications:
Do not combine with MAOIs.

5. Note when using Duxil

If tingling, tingling or numbness in the lower extremities appears and persists and weight loss is greater than 5%, treatment should be discontinued. These signs appear when treatment is not long-lasting, then gradually decrease and disappear when treatment is stopped. Peripheral nerve disorders are rare: incidence is 5 cases per 100,000 months of treatment, which requires discontinuation of treatment. Duxil must not be combined with other drugs containing almitrine (such as Vectarion). Do not exceed the recommended dose. In hypertensive patients, in addition to treatment with Duxil, it is necessary to maintain specific treatment of hypertension. In pregnant women: Duxil should not be used during pregnancy, especially during the first months of pregnancy, unless otherwise indicated by a physician, in which case the benefits of treatment must outweigh the risks. body may occur.

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