Uses of drugs Aminic

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Amonic is manufactured and registered by Ajinomoto Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd, which belongs to the group of drugs providing Amino acids. So, what is the use of Amicin and in what cases is it indicated?

1. What is Amonic drug?

Amonic brand-name drugs have the main ingredients containing a mixture of amino acids and excipients just enough to help and support the stability of the drug. The drug is prepared in the form of an infusion solution, presented in the form of a plastic bag with a capacity of 200ml.

2. Indications of the drug Aminic

Aminic drugs are indicated for use in the following cases: C provide amino acids by infusion to patients in the treatment of severe liver failure with or without hepatic brain, hepatic coma.

3. Usage and dosage of Aminic

How to use Aminic:
Amonic medicine is prepared in the form of an infusion solution, used through slow intravenous infusion, performed by a doctor or qualified medical staff, patients are not allowed to use it on their own. Use at home without a doctor's supervision.
Dosage of Amino Acids:
In adults: The dose is from 10 to 20ml/kg body weight/day (equivalent to 1-2 grams of amino acids/kg body weight/day). In children from 3 to 5 years old: The dose is 15ml/kg body weight/day (equivalent to 1.5g amino acids/kg body weight/day). In children from 6 to 14 years old: Use a dose of 10ml/kg body weight/day (equivalent to 1 gram amino acid/kg body weight/day). The maximum total daily infusion volume is 40ml/kg body weight/day, the maximum applicable infusion rate is 1ml/kg body weight/hour (equivalent to 0.1g amino acids/kg body weight/hour). ). The treatment with Aminic needs to be strictly controlled and performed by an experienced doctor, the dose adjustment must depend on the patient's condition, disease level and location for the most effective treatment.

4. Undesirable effects of the drug Aminic

During the use of Amonic, besides the therapeutic effects that the drug brings, patients may experience other undesirable effects.
Advise patients when experiencing any abnormal signs to immediately report to the doctor for timely and effective treatment and treatment instructions, limiting drug discontinuation during treatment.

5. Aminic drug interactions

In Amonic contains a mixture of amino acids and other excipients, so the interaction of drugs often occurs quite complicated. It is recommended that patients before being assigned to treatment with Amonic need to list the drugs and functional foods that have been used in recent times, helping the doctor to have more appropriate indications, minimizing the risks. the occurrence of adverse interactions.
Consideration should be given to the use of tobacco, alcohol, alcoholic beverages or fermentation during the use of Aminic, as these agents may alter the components present in Amonic.

6. Notes when using Aminic

Contraindications of Aminic:
Patients with a history of hypersensitivity to ingredients and excipients in Amonic drugs. Not for use by pregnant women and nursing mothers. The use of drugs on this subject is only indicated when absolutely necessary, with a balance between benefits and risks when using. Use caution when using Amonic in the following subjects:
Use with caution in the elderly or children. Aminic does not affect the ability to drive and use machines. It is necessary to carefully explore the patient's history and pathology before appointing Aminic such as: liver failure, kidney failure, alcoholism.

7. Preservation of Aminic drugs

Amonic drugs need to be stored in a cool, dry place, avoid direct exposure to sunlight or high temperature, the appropriate storage temperature is below 30 degrees C.

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