Uses of Diosta

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Diosta medicine has the main ingredient Dioctahedral smectit 3g. Diosta is indicated in the treatment of acute and chronic diarrhea in children and adults. The drug is also indicated in the symptomatic treatment of pain in diseases of the esophagus - stomach - duodenum and colon.

1. What is Diosta?

Diosta medicine has the main ingredient Dioctahedral smectite 3g, this is an active ingredient with a layered structure and high viscosity, so Dioctahedral smectite has the ability to coat the digestive mucosa. Thanks to its action on the gastrointestinal mucosal barrier and its high adhesion ability, Dioctahedral smectite helps to protect the gastrointestinal mucosa.

2. Indications of the drug Diosta

Diosta drug is indicated in the treatment of:
Acute and chronic diarrhea Symptomatic treatment of pain of diseases of the esophagus, stomach, duodenum and colon.

3. Dosage and how to use Diosta

Children under 1 year old: 1 pack (3g)/day. Children from 1 to 2 years old: 1-2 packs (3-6g)/day. Children over 2 years old: 2-3 packs (6-9g)/day. The drug can be dissolved in a water bottle (50ml) divided during the day or mixed in a paste of food.
Adults: The usual dose is 3 sachets/day, mixed in half a glass of water.
In the treatment of acute diarrhea, the usual dose may be doubled at the start of treatment.
Should use Diosta after meals for people with esophagitis and taking medicine away from meals with other diseases.

4. Be careful when using Diosta

Patients must be rehydrated if necessary (either by mouth or intravenously) depending on the patient's age, location and degree of dehydration due to diarrhea.

5. Drug interactions

The adsorbent properties of Dioctahedral smectite can change the time and absorption of other drugs, so Dioctahedral smectite should be taken away from other drugs.

6. Undesirable effects of the drug Diosta

Diosta can cause or increase constipation but very rarely, can continue treatment with the drug at a reduced dose.
Above is all information about uses, doses and notes when using Diosta. To ensure safety, patients should carefully read the instructions for use, consult a doctor / pharmacist before use.

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