Uses of Digazo

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What does Digazo do? Digazo is a medicine used to treat symptoms of nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, bloating, indigestion, heartburn, belching in adults and children. Digazo is used under the direction of a qualified doctor.

1. What is Digazo?

Digazo drug has the main active ingredients Omeprazole, Domperidone and other excipients just enough. The drug is prepared for users in the form of capsules, packed in boxes, each box includes 1 blister x 10 tablets.

2. Uses of Digazo

2.1. Use - indication

The drug works to relieve symptoms of nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, indigestion, bloating, clear belching, heartburn. Treatment of diseases in adults such as: Chronic gastritis, gastric prolapse, symptoms after gastrectomy, esophageal reflux, people who are using anti-cancer drugs or L-dopa Drugs Treatment of diseases in children Children such as: Periodic vomiting, upper respiratory tract infections, people who are taking anti-cancer drugs.

2.2. Contraindications

People who are allergic or sensitive to the ingredients Omeprazole, Domperidone People with diseases: Gastrointestinal bleeding, mechanical intestinal obstruction, intestinal perforation, people with prolactin-secreting pituitary tumor Note: Contraindicated should be understood as an absolute contraindication, i.e. not for any reason that contraindications are flexible to use Digazo.

3. How to use and dose Digazo

How to use: Digazo drug is prepared in the form of capsules, so it should be used orally. When drinking, it is recommended to use boiled filtered water to cool, should not be taken with other liquids such as alcohol, beer, soft drinks, food. Drink carbonated drinks or chew, break the tablet in half, to avoid affecting the ingredients in the medicine.
Used to treat nausea and vomiting caused by any cause: For adults: Take a dose of 10 - 20mg/time, each time taking 4 to 8 hours apart. For children: dose 0.2 - 0.4mg/kg body weight, 4 to 8 hours apart. Used to treat symptoms of indigestion: For adults: Take a dose of 10-20mg/time, use 3 times a day before meals and should be taken in the evening. Note, the use time should not exceed 12 weeks. The drug is not recommended for the prophylaxis of vomiting after surgery. Note: Digazo dosage above is for reference only. Patients need to be examined to get the dose prescribed by the doctor to suit the body condition and level of disease of each person.
In case of missed dose: Can be used as soon as the user remembers. However, if it is too close to the next dose indicated in the prescription, skip the missed dose and continue taking the prescribed dose. Patients should not use double the amount of medicine to make up for the missed dose, to avoid causing overdose.
In case of overdose: It has been reported that single oral doses up to 160mg have been well tolerated. However, if the patient develops strange symptoms that are suspected of taking the drug, it is necessary to inform the doctor about the amount of medication he has taken and his current symptoms for advice and treatment. best mind. At present, there are no specific treatment recommendations for overdose except symptomatic and supportive measures.

4. Side effects of Digazo

During the use of the drug, in addition to the main use that Digazo brings, users may also experience some unwanted side effects such as:
Headache, drowsiness, nervousness. Skin rash, itching, transient allergic reactions appear. Leaking milk, enlarged breasts in men, sore or engorged breasts. Causes dry mouth, thirst, diarrhea, abdominal cramps.

5. Interaction with the drug Digazo

Digazo drug interactions occur with some of the following drugs:
CYP3A4 inhibitors, Ketoconazole, Bromocriptine. Opioid analgesics, muscarinic muscle relaxants. Medicines Cimetidine, Famotidine, Nizatidine, Ranitidine or Lithium. Note: In order to minimize the unfortunate interactions that occur, the patient needs to inform the doctor about the drugs, supplements, vitamins and minerals that he is using or intends to use with him. Digazo medicine to get advice on the most suitable dosage from your treating doctor.

6. Some notes when using Digazo

When using the drug, patients should pay attention to the following notes:
Care should be taken when using the drug for patients with severe kidney failure and should not be used for people with severe liver failure. The drug should not be used for long-term treatment of symptoms of gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer or prevention of recurrence of ulcers. Patients should be checked for the benignity of stomach ulcers before taking medication. The level of toxicity for pregnant women has not been studied, however, it is not recommended to use the drug during any stage of pregnancy, except in cases of absolute necessity. doctor's opinion. Hopefully, the information shared above about Digazo medicine will help patients equip themselves with more knowledge before and during drug use, peace of mind and good handling in all cases.
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