Uses of Danizax

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Danizax is made in the form of tablets, the main ingredient is Triamcinolone acetonide 4mg. The drug is indicated in the treatment of many diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, bursitis, rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis...

1. What is Danizax?

Danizax belongs to the group of hormone drugs, hormones. The drug is prepared in the form of tablets, the main ingredient is Triamcinolone acetonide 4mg.

2. What effect does Danizax have?

Danizax drug is indicated in the treatment of diseases:
Rheumatoid arthritis; Osteoarthritis; Bursitis ; Rheumatoid spondylitis; Psoriatic arthritis ; Inflammation of the condylar process; Systemic polymyositis; Pemphigus ; Steven Johnson syndrome ; Severe psoriasis; Angioedema, keloid scars, lichen planus; Hamman-Rich syndrome; Combined with diuretics in the treatment of congestive heart failure, cirrhosis of the liver and ascites; Lupus erythematosus ; Seasonal severe allergic rhinitis; Inflammatory response after dental surgery.

3. Dosage - How to use

Adults: Dosage varies depending on the acquired disease and condition, mainly in the range of 4 - 48mg/day. But doses > 32 mg/day are rarely indicated.
Allergies: Using a dose of 8-16mg/day, the disease can be controlled within 24-48 hours. Rheumatoid arthritis: Initial dose is 8-16 mg/day for 2-7 days. Then use a maintenance dose of 2-16mg/day. Seasonal Severe Allergic Rhinitis: Initial dose is 8-12mg/day. Then use a maintenance dose of 2-6 mg/day. Scattered lupus erythematosus: The initial dose is 20-30mg/day. Then use a maintenance dose of 3-30mg/day. Children: 0.12 mg/kg dose, taken as a single dose or divided into small doses. In the treatment of cancer (such as acute leukemia) the initial oral dose is 1-2 mg/kg/day. Then based on the response of the patient's body to adjust the dose.

4. Contraindications

Danizax is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to the drug components, systemic fungal infections, viral infections or tuberculosis infections or idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (when administered intramuscularly).

5. Drug interactions

Danizax if combined with Barbiturates, rifampin, oral contraceptives, ketoconazole, digitalis, salicylate will change the effect of the drug when entering the body, may increase or decrease, leading to a decrease in the effectiveness of treatment.
To avoid interactions, before being prescribed Danizax, the patient should inform the doctor about the drugs they are using, including functional foods. The doctor will base on that to prescribe the appropriate Danizax.

6. Side effects

Some side effects that may occur during the use of Danizax include:
Edema, increased blood pressure; Peptic ulcer; Wounds heal slowly, easily infected; Hyperglycemia causes diabetes; Muscle weakness, muscle atrophy, muscle fatigue; Osteoporosis, spongy bone; Fat distribution disorder; Acute adrenal insufficiency upon abrupt discontinuation of the drug; Cataracts; Insomnia, mental disorders. If you experience these symptoms, the patient should stop using Danizax and notify the doctor for appropriate treatment.

7. Caution

Danizax should be used with caution in subjects with active or latent gastric ulcer, ulcerative colitis, hypertension, congestive heart failure, at risk of thrombophlebitis, hypothyroidism, renal failure , diabetes, seizures, or antibiotic-resistant infections.
Above is all information about the drug Danizax, patients need to carefully read the instructions for use, consult a doctor / pharmacist before use. Note, Danizax is a drug prescribed by a specialist, patients absolutely must not use it on their own.

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