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Corfex 500 mg is a medicine prescribed by doctors to treat some infectious diseases. Patients need to carefully read the information about the ingredients and how to use it to know how to use the drug effectively.
1. Uses of the drug Corfex 500
Corfex 500 mg drug group drugs to treat bacterial or fungal invasion. Infections caused by bacteria, parasites and fungi can all be considered Corfex 500.
Patients with infections caused by gram-positive or gram-negative bacteria. The body produces the enzyme penicillinase Urinary tract infection symptoms Respiratory system infections Skin and soft tissue infections In addition, other bacterial infections should be carefully considered before using the drug. You can ask your doctor about the suitability of an anti-infective drug if it is not on the list of prescriptions of the drug. Always take the drug only when the doctor understands the condition and has shown the safety of taking the drug and the effect it will bring.
2. Dosage and how to use Corfex 500
Corfex 500 is made in the form of tablets for oral use. When taking the drug, you should pay attention to the time and dose prescribed by your doctor. The recommended time to use Corfex 500 to achieve high effect is about 1 hour before eating. If a single dose is not administered, the patient should have at least 6 hours interval between doses.
Corfex 500 dosage may be changed or adjusted according to different test results. You can refer to a few dosages mentioned below:
Dosing of drugs by age: Adults usually appoint 0.5 - 1 g each time. The number of times to take the medicine will be ordered by the doctor and it is necessary to keep the interval between doses of at least 6 hours. Children are dosed according to weight with 25 - 50 mg per 1kg to calculate the total amount used for the day. With the calculated amount of medicine will be divided equally into 4 uses. In the case of a child with a severe infection, the doctor will monitor to give a plan to double the dose if necessary. Disease-specific dosing Patients with acute cystitis syndrome or pharyngitis use the adult dose. Use 2 times per day. Patients treating otitis media use Corfex 500 at the rate of 75-100mg/kg for the whole day. Divide the drug into 4 times a day to use. In case of beta-hemolytic therapy, it is necessary to use the drug prescribed by the doctor. The duration of use is extended and the minimum is 10 days. In addition to the dose, you should pay attention to the duration of drug treatment. There are diseases that should be treated quickly, but there are also diseases that require long-term treatment. Depending on the results of the follow-up, the doctor will give you specific instructions for your reference. To avoid overdose without knowing you need to regularly listen to your body's expression if you feel nausea, epigastric discomfort, bleeding or diarrhea, go to the hospital to check.
3. Notes before taking Corfex 500
Before using Corfex 500, patients need to check the ingredients again to detect the risk of allergies to the ingredients of the drug. If the risk of new allergies or interactions is not detected, Corfex 500 should be received and used. Certain conditions with prolonged use of Corfex 500 can cause non-susceptible bacteria to grow and attack the body. Reference dosing is indicated in patients with infections without underlying medical conditions. If the patient detects signs or is being treated for kidney failure, it is necessary to notify the doctor to have a plan to monitor and adjust the dose accordingly. During the course of medication, the doctor will ask the patient to regularly check with the liver and kidneys to avoid affecting this organ. Patients who have had stomach and intestinal diseases should be very careful when using Corfex 500. Maybe the doctor will reconsider the indication because Corfex 500 can reduce the effectiveness or cause the gastrointestinal function to decline. . Especially the subject of colitis should pay more attention.
4. Side effects of the drug Corfex 500
During the use of Corfex 500, patients may experience some of the following side effects:
Allergy to Corfex 500 Eosinophils Swelling of blood vessels Anaphylactic shock Decrease of neutrophil count Inflammation pseudomembranous colon Diarrhea Nausea Indigestion Abdominal pain Anorexia Skin rash Itchy skin Decreased ability to concentrate Tinnitus or deafness In addition there are a few other side effects not listed because of their infrequent occurrence. If you see any signs of adverse health, please notify your doctor for examination and treatment as soon as possible.
5. Interaction with the drug Corfex 500
Corfex 500 drug interactions can affect test results, so pay attention when testing. In addition, to reduce interactions, you need to inform your doctor about your current medical condition and current prescriptions.
Above are some shares about Corfex 500 for your reference. If you are taking this medicine and have any strange health problems, you should notify your doctor as soon as possible to quickly check and evaluate the cause. At the same time, always maintain the habit of periodic health check to detect but not good symptoms that the body does not sense itself.
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