Uses of Charcocaps

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Charcocaps is a drug with the original name of charcoal, Charcocaps drug belongs to the group of antidotes and detoxifiers. The main ingredient in the drug Charcocaps is a processed form of ordinary charcoal that contains pores, so it can absorb many toxic molecules in the intestines onto its surface. Charcocaps medicine works to help relieve discomfort caused by indigestion due to bloating that foods cause such as yogurt, eggs, proteins, fatty foods, ....

1. What is Charcocaps?

What is Charcocaps drug? Charcocaps is a drug with the generic name of charcoal, Charcocaps drug belongs to the group of antidotes and detoxifiers. The main ingredient in the drug Charcocaps is a processed form of ordinary charcoal that contains pores, so it can absorb many toxic molecules in the intestines onto its surface. Charcocaps medicine is made in the form of soft capsules, content of 260mg.

2. Effects of Charcocaps

Charcocaps medicine has the following specific effects:
Helps relieve discomfort due to indigestion caused by bloating that foods cause include dairy products such as yogurt, eggs, assorted protein, high-fat foods, fruits, vegetables, and high-fiber foods. Charcocaps are also used to treat certain types of chemical poisoning. In addition, the drug Charcocaps is also indicated in some other cases when prescribed by a doctor.

3. Dosage and how to use Charcocaps

Charcocaps is used as prescribed by a doctor, you can refer to the dosage and usage of Charcocaps as follows:
Usual Charcocaps dosage for adults with disease: you take 2 Charcocaps pills with water, The best time is before meals, repeat after 2 hours if necessary, the maximum dose should not exceed 16 tablets/day. Dosage of Charcocaps for children: Currently, the dose of Charcocaps for children has not been studied and determined, so please consult your doctor if you intend to use Charcocaps for children. How to use Charcocaps: Patients need to swallow the tablet whole with a full glass of water, do not crush, chew or open the medicine. You can take Charcocaps with food to reduce stomach irritation.
What to do if you forget your dose of Charcocaps? If you forget to take a dose of Charcocaps, take it as soon as you remember. However, if it is almost time for your next dose of Charcocaps, skip the missed dose and take your next dose exactly as directed by your doctor. Never take a double dose of Charcocaps to make up for a missed dose.

4. Side effects of the drug Charcocaps

Charcocaps medicine can cause unwanted effects including: allergy, rash, itching, difficulty breathing, anaphylaxis, swelling of the mouth, eyes, lips, tongue, constipation, diarrhea, black stools , vomiting, decreased intestinal motility, gastrointestinal obstruction, dehydration, increased blood flow to the lungs, intestinal obstruction, ...

5. Be careful when using Charcocaps

Ask your doctor before using Charcocaps if you are pregnant or nursing. Take Charcocaps exactly as prescribed by your doctor in this case. Do not use Charcocaps without a doctor's prescription to treat poisoning. Charcocaps can cause more serious problems if used to treat poisoning caused by certain chemicals such as turpentine, lye, strong acids, kerosene, gasoline, paint thinners, cleaning solutions. or furniture polish. Consult your doctor before taking Charcocaps if you are allergic to any of its ingredients or you plan to give it to children or the elderly Talk to your doctor about all medications. that you are taking including prescription and nonprescription drugs and all dietary supplements . Tell your doctor about any medical conditions you have or have ever had, such as: gastrointestinal bleeding, intestinal bleeding, intestinal obstruction, bowel perforation, indigestion, lethargy, recent surgery.

6. Drug interactions

Charcocaps may interact with the following drugs and foods:
Ipeca syrup Medicine Bromazepam, buprenorphine, bupropion, donepezil, carbinoxamine, fentanyl, hydrocodone, flibanserin, meclizine, methadone, morphine Wine, beer and beverages Therefore, when you are prescribed Charcocaps, you need to tell your doctor all the drugs and foods you are currently using so that the doctor can consider and have appropriate indications, increase the effectiveness of treatment, avoid Unexpected drug interactions occur.

7. Preservation of Charcocaps

Store Charcocaps at room temperature, in a cool, dry place, away from light and reach of children.
Charcocaps is a drug with the generic name of charcoal belonging to the group of antidotes and detoxifiers. Charcocaps drugs work to help relieve discomfort caused by indigestion caused by bloating that foods such as yogurt, eggs, proteins, fatty foods, ....To ensure For effective use and to avoid side effects, patients need to carefully read the instructions and consult a doctor, pharmacist before use.
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