Uses of Bloci 750

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Bloci 750 is a tablet drug belonging to the group of parasitic, antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial drugs. The drug is used to treat infections of the ear, nose and throat, respiratory, digestive, blood infections.

1. What effect does Bloci 750 have?

Bloci 750 mg is prescribed by doctors to treat serious infections that are not effective with conventional antibiotics such as:
Typhoid fever Treatment of complicated and uncomplicated infections caused by due to sensitivity to ciprofloxacin. Respiratory tract infections such as outpatient pneumococcal pneumonia, otitis media, gram-negative sinusitis Treatment of eye diseases such as peritonitis, eye infections. Treatment of diseases related to the genital organs such as adnexitis, gonorrhea, prostatitis. Treatment of infections of the biliary tract, gastrointestinal tract, peritonitis. Skin and soft tissue infections Bone and joint infections Sepsis Infection or risk of infection in immunocompromised patients, in particular immunocompromised patients or leukopenia.

2. Dosage and how to use Bloci 750

2.1. How to use In order for the drug to be absorbed quickly, the patient should take the drug after eating about 2 hours and drink it with plenty of water, note that Bloci 750 should not be taken with drugs to treat stomach diseases. In case of necessity, it is advisable to separate the time of taking these two drugs together by about 2 hours.
The duration of medication will depend on the type of infection, severity and condition of the disease. The usual treatment time will last from 1 to 2 weeks, but for severe infections and complications, the treatment time will be longer.
Specifically: Treatment of bone and joint infections will use drugs for 4-6 weeks, treatment of digestive infections will be treated for 3 to 7 days.
2.2. Dosage The usual dosage for adults:
People with mild and moderate infections use a dosage of 250-500mg, twice a day. For patients with severe infections and complications, the dose is 750 mg, twice a day. However, for people with kidney and liver dysfunction, it is necessary to adjust the dose accordingly, specifically:
Creatinine clearance from 20-50ml/min, the dose of 250-500 mg/12 hours should be used. Creatinine clearance from 5-29l/min, the dose of 250-500 mg/18 hours is used. For patients requiring dialysis: 250 - 500 mg/24 hours Osteoarthritis infections use a dose of 750 mg/time, 2 times/day for 4 to 6 weeks.
Treatment of lower respiratory tract infections using an oral dose of 750mg/time, 2 times a day for 7-14 days depending on the disease status.
Typhoid orally at a dose of 750mg/time, used once every 12 hours for 7 to 14 days.

3. Bloci 750 side effects

When using Bloci 750, patients will experience some of the following side effects:
Digestion: Digestive disorders, flatulence, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting. If the above reaction is severe and prolonged, the patient should see a doctor because it can cause some more serious digestive problems such as pseudomembranous colitis. The patient may need to stop taking the drug and replace it with another treatment. Effects on the nervous system: Headache, insomnia, dizziness, fatigue, body tremors. Other very rare reactions involving the nervous system such as convulsions, frequent nightmares, loss of consciousness, hallucinations, sweating, peripheral paralysis, psychotic reactions are more severe than causing behaviors. dangerous to yourself. These reactions occurred shortly after the first dose of the drug was administered. In this case, the patient should stop taking the drug immediately and tell the doctor about his symptoms. Reactions involving the senses: Loss of taste, visual disturbances, tinnitus, hearing is affected. Skin reactions: Rash, pruritus or febrile rash.

4. Use Bloci 750 with caution

Be careful when using Bloci 750 with patients with a history of epilepsy or CNS disorders, people with liver failure, or kidney problems, people with myasthenia gravis.
The ingredient Ciprofloxacin may affect the accuracy of tests for bacteria such as mycobacterium tuberculosis that give inaccurate results.
Do not use Bloci 750 when driving or operating machinery, because Bloci 750 may cause reactions such as dizziness, lightheadedness, loss of consciousness.
Limit the use of Ciprofloxacin for young children, there are experimentally proven that the drug can cause cartilage degeneration, affecting the development of gravity-bearing joints.
Limit the use of the drug to patients with prolonged QT interval (a disease of the heart rhythm when the heart's electrical system becomes abnormal) or patients with uncontrolled electrolyte disturbances, bradycardia history of heart disease.
When using the drug, it is necessary to limit the use of caffeine if experiencing arrhythmia reactions and excessive nerve stimulation.
Use caution in patients with epilepsy or central nervous system disorders (decreased blood flow, stroke, low-grade epilepsy, history of epilepsy, decreased cerebral blood flow)
For pregnant and lactating women: The drug should only be used in case of severe infections that cannot be replaced by other drugs.

5. Blocki 750 . drug interactions

When using Ciprofloxacin concurrently with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs will increase the side effects of the drug.
Concomitant use with drugs containing aluminum and magnesium will reduce serum concentrations and reduce the bioavailability of Ciprofloxacin. Therefore, in case of necessity, patients should take these two drugs about 2 to 4 hours apart.
Concomitant administration of cytotoxic drugs reduces the absorption of Ciprofloxacin by half.
When using Ciprofloxacin with Ciclosporin in combination, it will increase the serum creatinine concentration, so it is necessary to check this concentration regularly twice a week.
Probenecid will reduce the glomerular filtration rate and decrease tubular secretion, thereby reducing the excretion of the drug in the urine.
Knowing the information about the drug Bloci 750 will help the process of using the drug effectively and safely for the health of the patient.

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