Uses of Bepanthene 100mg

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Bepanthene medicine 100mg is made in tablet form, containing vitamin B5 and L-Cystine. The drug is used to help reduce hair loss and contribute to strong hair roots and nails.

1. Uses of the drug Bepanthene 100mg

What is Bepanthene 100mg? The drug contains 2 essential ingredients for hair and nail growth, vitamin B5 (100mg) and L-Cystine (10mg). Bepanthene medicine 100mg vitamin B5 helps to add important nutrients, for thicker hair and nails, reducing hair loss and making nails stronger. The drug is suitable for people who have a lot of hair loss, weak hair and brittle nails and toenails.
2 main uses of the drug include:
Support to reduce hair loss Up to 95% of nutrients nourish hair from blood. Therefore, adding nutrition from the inside will help strengthen the hair shaft. Vitamin B5 is a component that contributes to the synthesis of keratin - a protein that makes up 70% of hair structure. The ingredient L-Cystine has a strengthening effect on the keratin structure.
Both ingredients contribute to promoting keratin production, helping to accelerate hair growth, increase hair diameter, make hair thicker and stronger, and protect hair from chemical damage and environmental influences. school. Since then, the hair is restored, stronger and shiny, reducing hair loss, brittle or dry hair, split ends.
In addition to nourishing hair follicles, vitamin B5 also works to help reduce nervous tension - the cause of hair loss.
Healthy nails Nails and feet if not taken care of carefully, especially when there is a lack of nutrition, exposure to chemicals due to manicure, etc., it is very easy to become infected, brittle, easy to break and become infected. damage. Just like hair, fingernails and toenails are made of keratin. Therefore, using Bepanthene 100mg to help strengthen nails, prevent the risk of nail breakage. Vitamin B5 and L-Cystine in the drug participate in the growth of nails, making them stronger and stronger.

2. Usage and dosage of Bepanthene 100mg

How to use: Take 1 tablet / time x 2-3 times / day. To increase the effect, it is recommended to take the drug with Biotin. Should take the drug after eating, drink with boiled water to cool, take the tablet whole (do not chew or hold for too long in the mouth).
Subjects using the drug: People with hair loss and people with weak and brittle fingernails and toenails.

3. Notes when using Bepanthene 100mg

Some notes users need to remember before and while using Bepanthene 100mg:
Do not use the drug in case of hypersensitivity to Bepanthene's ingredients; Follow the correct dosage of the doctor for the best treatment effect. Do not adjust the dose yourself, take more than the prescribed dose or stop taking the drug on your own; Inform your doctor about the medicines you are taking to avoid the risk of drug interactions; Pay attention to the expiration date and appearance of the drugstore, if you see any strange signs such as mold, discoloration, deformation, watery, ... then you should not take the medicine; Bepanthene should be used with caution in pregnant women and nursing mothers. Bepanthene medicine 100mg supplement vitamin B5 and L-Cystine for the body, helping to improve vitamin B5 deficiency for stronger hair, nails, and toenails. When taking the drug, if there are any side effects, the patient should immediately notify the doctor for timely intervention.
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