Uses of Ampha 3b

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Ampha 3b drug is indicated for use mainly to treat conditions such as vitamin B deficiency, nervous system instability, anemia,... The use of Ampha 3b should follow the doctor's recommendations. specialist doctor about the dose and duration of treatment to minimize the side effects.

1. What is Ampha 3b drug?

Ampha 3b drug belongs to the group of minerals and vitamins, produced by Vietnam Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company-Amharco. Ampha medicine is prepared in the form of soft capsules, packed in the following specifications: Box of 3 blisters or 10 blisters x 10 tablets, box of 2 blisters or 6 blisters x 15 tablets. In each Ampha 3b capsule contains the following main ingredients:
Vitamin B1: 100mg content. Vitamin B6: 100mg content. Vitamin B12: 150mcg content. The combination of the three B vitamins above helps bring about positive effects on the nervous system when taken in high doses. Each ingredient in Ampha 3b will take on a different role, specifically:
Vitamin B1: Converted into a coenzyme that catalysed in the redox B-chains of lipid, peptide and glucose energy metabolism. . Vitamin B1 is often involved in supporting metabolism, especially in high demand for cases of increased basal metabolism. Vitamin B5: It is converted into Pyridoxal phosphate, participates in the synthesis of Gamma - aminobutyric neurotransmitters, and helps to enhance nerve conduction. In addition, vitamin B6 also plays a very important role in the metabolism and absorption of amino acids. Vitamin B12: This is an essential compound for the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, helping to accelerate the growth of tissues in the body, typically hematopoietic tissue. In addition, vitamin B12 also contributes to the maintenance of the nerve fiber structure of the body.

2. Indications and contraindications of Ampha 3b

2.1. Indications to use Ampha 3b drug Ampha 3b drug is indicated for use in the following cases:
People with vitamin B deficiency. Children with debilitated growth retardation. Treatment of patients with nervous system disorders, such as peripheral neuritis, neuralgia, alcoholic/diabetic neuritis, optic neuritis, polyneuritis , shoulder-brachial syndrome, paresthesias, neurasthenia, CNS hyperinducible seizures or neuroacidosis. Treatment of shingles. Prophylaxis and treatment of nausea and vomiting in women during pregnancy. Treatment of anemia caused by vitamin B6, B12 deficiency. Helps restore and maintain health for those who have just recovered from illness, the elderly or overworked. 2.2. Ampha 3b drug is contraindicated Do not use Ampha 3b drug for the following subjects:
People with a history of allergy or hypersensitivity to B vitamins as well as other ingredients in the drug. People with a predisposition to allergies, such as eczema or asthma. People who have an advanced tumor in the body (cancer).

3. Dosage and how to use Ampha 3b

3.1. Dosage of Ampha 3b drug The recommended dose for Ampha 3b drug will be based on the age and treatment goals of each patient, specifically:
Ampha 3b dose for adults: Take 1 tablet / time, take 2 times a day. . Ampha 3b dose for children: Take 1 tablet / time / day. In general, the duration of Ampha 3b use will be based on the patient's response and current health status. According to expert recommendations, most patients should use Ampha 3b for 2-4 weeks to achieve the best results.
3.2. Instructions for proper use of Ampha 3b drug Ampha 3b drug is made in the form of softgels, so the drug should be taken orally with filtered water right before the main meal. During the use of Ampha 3b, patients should avoid taking the drug with stimulant products or alcoholic beverages, because this can easily affect the use of the drug as well as the patient's health.
3.3. Treating Ampha 3b Overdosage Taking an overdose of vitamin B6 (from 2 to 7g/day, or 0.2g/day for more than 2 months) can make sensory neuropathy worse, with following symptoms such as numbness in the limbs and ataxia. These Ampha 3b overdose symptoms will resolve after the patient stops taking the drug about 6 months.

4. Some side effects of Ampha 3b

Along with the therapeutic effects of the drug, Ampha 3b can also bring some side effects to patients during use, including:
Allergic reactions or drug hypersensitivity such as: urticaria, rash, skin rash or anaphylaxis (danger). There is a feeling of warmth, like pins and needles, pain, or itching. Sweat. Weak strength. Insomnia. Throat choking. Respiratory failure . Angioedema. Skin cyanosis. Gastrointestinal bleeding. Pulmonary edema. Nausea/vomiting. Heart failure. Vasodilation. Transient hypotension. Long-term use of high doses of vitamin B6 causes progression of peripheral neuropathy. When noticing any of the abnormal signs warned above, the patient needs to notify the doctor as soon as possible for appropriate treatment.

5. Some things to keep in mind when using Ampha 3b

5.1. What precautions should be taken while using Ampha 3b? During the use of Ampha 3b drug, patients need to strictly follow the doctor's instructions on the dosage and frequency of taking the drug. Absolutely do not arbitrarily use Ampha 3b without the recommendation of a doctor, because this can have many potential health risks, easily leading to other unexpected medical problems. In addition, patients should also avoid arbitrarily giving drugs to others with similar symptoms without a specific diagnosis.
Some other things that patients need to be careful about when using Ampha 3b pills, including:
The vitamin B6 component in Ampha 3b pills can inhibit lactation in women due to its ability to block the effects of Prolactin. Therefore, nursing mothers need to be cautious and consult their doctors carefully before deciding to take vitamin B supplements or treat health conditions with this medicine. The safety and effectiveness of Ampha 3b have not been specifically established in children, so it is important to avoid giving this medicine to children without the approval of your pediatrician. Do not use this preparation for women who are pregnant because the ingredients in the drug can lead to drug dependence syndrome for the baby. 5.2. Interactions of Ampha 3b drugs with other drugs Ampha 3b drugs can interact with some other drugs when used together:
Vitamin B1 may increase the effect of neuromuscular blocking drugs when used together. Vitamin B6 can interact with Levodopa and reduce its effectiveness. However, interactions will not occur if the patient is taking a Dopa decarboxylase inhibitor. Vitamin B6 when taken with Altretamine may increase the activity of this drug, reducing the concentration of Phenytoin and Phenobarbital in the serum. Certain other medications can increase vitamin B6 requirements, such as Isoniazid, Hydralazine, Penicillamin, or oral contraceptives. In order to minimize the risk of interactions between Ampha 3b and other medications, patients should inform their doctor about any medications or supplements they are currently taking and any health problems they have. The doctor can assess the risk of drug interactions and pathology for the use of Ampha 3b, thereby making a treatment to adjust the dose, duration of drug or other drug more suitable for the patient.
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