Uses of Beelevotal

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Beelevotal is a prescription psychotropic drug. Before using Beelevotal, you should consult a pharmacist or specialist for safe and effective use of the drug.

1. What is Beelevotal?

Beelevotal belongs to the list of prescription psychotropic drugs. Beelevotal is manufactured by Kukje Pharm Ind Co., Ltd - KOREA, under registration number VN - 15503 - 12.
The main ingredient in Beelevotal is the active ingredient Levosulpiride 25mg. In addition, in the drug Beelevotal there are other excipients such as:
Lactose; Magnesium stearate; Microcrystalline Cellulose; Sodium Starch Glycolate; Gelatin. Beelevotal is packaged in a box of 10 blisters x 10 tablets. White pill box with brown stripes, drug name printed in red, ingredients and content printed in black.

2. Uses of the drug Beelevotal

Beelevotal is a prescription drug. Beelevotal medicine contains the active ingredient Levosulpiride of the Benzamide group - an infusion isomer of Sulpiride. Beelevotal has antipsychotic effects through selective blockade of dopamine D2 receptors in the brain. Levosulpiride - the ingredient in Beelevotal can be considered as an intermediate between neuroleptic drugs and antidepressants. Because, in terms of use, the active ingredient Levosulpiride in Beelevotal has both antidepressant and sedative effects.
Beelevotal drug is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, Levosulpiride concentration peaks after 3-6 hours of oral administration. Beelevotal is distributed into tissues, low plasma binding, excreted in the urine and faeces as unchanged drug. The elimination time of Beelevotal ranges from 8 to 9 hours.

3. Indications for taking Beelevotal

Beelevotal is a drug indicated in the following cases:
Acute schizophrenia; Chronic schizophrenia; In addition, the drug Beelevotal is also indicated for cases of functional dyspepsia including:
Abdominal distention; Flatulence; Heartburn; Nausea; Vomit; Discomfort in the epigastrium; Belching. To use Beelevotal safely, you need a prescription from your doctor/pharmacist.
4. Contraindications Beelevotal Beelevotal is not used for the following subjects:
Allergy and hypersensitivity to the ingredients contained in Beelevotal; Pregnancy – suspected pregnancy; Stomach bleeding ; Mechanical obstruction; Intestinal perforation; Adrenal myeloma ; Epileptic; Mania; Schizophrenia; Breast cancer; Acute porphyria metabolism disorder. Breastfeeding women.

5. Dosage - How to use Beelevotal

Using Beelevotal safely needs to be done properly, using the dose.
How to use Beelevotal:
Beelevotal is made in tablet form, so the way to take the medicine is to drink it directly with water. Dosage of Beelevotal as recommended:
For adults, the dose of Beelevotal depends on the purpose and condition of the disease. Specifically:
Symptoms of indigestion: The dose of Beelevotal is 75mg/day x 3 times. Schizophrenia: For this condition, the recommended dose of Beelevotal is 200-300mg/day x 3 times as directed; Children:
Dosage of Beelevotal for children over 14 years old needs to be adjusted to reduce the dose. Children under 14 should not use Beeevotal. For special subjects such as renal failure, when using Beelevotal, it is necessary to adjust the dose carefully. Dosage of Beelevotal depends on the creatinine clearance:
From 30 - 30 - 60ml/min: Use a dose of Beelevotal equal to 2/3 of the usual dose; From 10 - 30ml/min: Use the dose of Beelevotal equal to 1/2 of the usual dose; Less than 10ml/min: Use a dose of Beelevotal equal to 1/3 of the usual dose. In addition, the interval between doses of Beelevotal can be increased by 1.5 - 2 or 3 times the usual dose.
Note: Moderate/severe kidney failure should not use Beelevotal

6. Beelevotal overdose and treatment

Beelevotal overdose is usually 1 - 16g. Symptoms of overdose when taking Beelevotal depend on the severity of the overdose. Specifically:
1 – 3gr: Sad weasel 3 – 7gr: Excited, extrapyramidal; Over 7g: Coma, low blood pressure. Symptoms of Beelevotal overdose usually disappear on their own within a few hours of ingestion. But with coma when overdose Beelevotal can last up to 4 days.
Treatment of Beelevotal overdose includes:
Gastric lavage; Drink activated charcoal; Urine alkalinization. Depending on the degree of overdose when taking Beelevotal, choose appropriate treatment options.

7. Beelevotal interaction with other drugs

When taking Beelevotal you may also experience drug interactions. Specifically:
Sucralfate; Antacids containing aluminum - magnesium hydroxide; Lithium; Levodopa ; Alcohol; With antihypertensive drugs; Other CNS depressants. These interactions may affect the effectiveness of Beelevotal . Therefore, when taking Beelevotal, if you are taking any medications, tell your doctor.

8. Beelevotal side effects

When taking Beelevotal you may also experience side effects including:
Insomnia; Sleepy; Hyperprolactinemia; Menstrual disorders; Amenorrhea; Excessive stimulation; Extrapyramidal syndrome; Parkinson's syndrome; Arrhythmia; Tardive dyskinesia; Malignant high fever syndrome; Cholestatic jaundice; Sensitivity to light; Hypothermia. Inform your doctor/pharmacist about the side effects you may experience when taking Beelevotal.

9. Precautions when taking Beelevotal

The manufacturer also gives some warnings and cautions when taking Beelevotal, including:
Renal failure needs to reduce the dose of Beelevotal and monitor; Epileptic; Elderly; Alcoholics; Unexplained high fever; Driving and operating machinery. These warnings are meant to ensure it is safe to take Beelevotal.
Beelevotal is a drug used as prescribed in cases of schizophrenia, depression... Because Beelevotal is a prescription drug, patients should not use it on their own, but need to contact a doctor or a professional person directly. subjects to have appropriate prescriptions, to ensure safety for health.

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