Uses of Barokine

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Barokin drug is one of the pharmaceutical products containing Ginkgo Biloba that is used relatively commonly in clinical practice. The drug is used in the treatment of diseases of the blood vessels and brain such as cerebral vascular insufficiency, memory impairment, dementia, Alzheimer's... The drug cannot be used for children under 12 years of age, women and children. pregnant and lactating women.

1. What is Barokin?

What is Barokin? Barokin is a drug derived from herbs and animals, which is widely used to support the treatment of diseases related to cerebrovascular circulation. The main ingredient of the drug contains Ginkgo biloba leaf extract 40mg content.
Ginkgo biloba, ginkgo biloba, ginkgo biloba, ginkgo biloba... This is a medicinal plant of the Ginkgo family, native to China. In Vietnam, ginkgo trees often grow scattered in a few northern provinces.
According to traditional medicine, ginkgo is temperate, sweet and slightly bitter. Ripe Ginkgo has the use of gas, lung, sputum, poison, antiseptic, alcohol.
According to modern medicine, ginkgo contains high levels of active ingredients Flavonoids, Terpenoids. Both of these active ingredients have strong antioxidant capabilities by fighting free radicals or inactivating factors that can damage body tissues. Extracts from leaves and ginkgo biloba have the effect of promoting the dilation of blood vessels, thereby increasing the carrying of oxygen to organ tissues, helping to ensure the maintenance of vital activities of the body, while protecting heart and brain, preventing the risk of sudden strokes and strokes.
Dried ginkgo biloba leaf extract is used to:
Treat symptoms of mild and moderate cerebral circulatory insufficiency, especially effective for circulatory-related dementia or caused by primary degenerative dementia. Helps to improve symptoms such as dizziness, tinnitus, headache, memory loss, concentration disorder... Some clinical trials on patients show that the drug has the ability to improve symptoms. of Alzheimer's disease and brain-caused cognitive decline. For patients with peripheral artery occlusion, ginkgo extract is effective in reducing the frequency of intermittent claudication, prolonging the patient's walking distance without pain. Ginkgo can be used alone or in combination with other drugs to increase the effectiveness of treatment.
Although ginkgo has a lot of good effects on diseases related to blood vessels and the brain, however, the fact that using too much ginkgo can cause flatulence and bloating. Eating ginkgo seeds raw can pose a risk of poisoning. The amount of Ginkgo Toxin contained in ginkgo leaves can cause convulsions for users. Therefore, ginkgo should be used with caution in people with a history of epilepsy or convulsions.
Some special cases to avoid using ginkgo extract:
Pregnant and lactating women. Children under 12 years old. The patient has convulsions and bleeding disorders. People with diabetes, G6PD deficiency, infertility or indications for surgery.

2. Uses of the drug Barokin

Barokin is indicated in the treatment of:
People with memory impairment, short-term memory loss, poor concentration, especially in the elderly, people with Alzheimer's disease or dementia , depression. Treat symptoms such as tinnitus, hearing loss, or dizziness. Patients with cerebral vascular insufficiency or sequelae after a traumatic brain injury, after vascular accidents with brain damage. It also works on menstrual problems in women. In addition, the drug also has a very good treatment effect on patients with erectile dysfunction, retinal ischemia and signs of intermittent claudication.
Contraindicated to use the drug with:
Patients with a history of allergy or hypersensitivity to any ingredient of the drug. Do not use the drug on pregnant and lactating women. People who are allergic to ginkgo extract. Children under 12 years of age should not take the drug.

3. Dosage and how to use Barokin

Barokin medicine is produced in the form of soft capsules, packed in boxes, each box has 2 small boxes containing 60 pills.
Barokin is used in oral form, not using injection phase or other drug routes. Dosage for adults and children over 12 years old: Take 1 to 2 times a day as prescribed by the doctor, 1 tablet each time. Patients should take the drug during or after meals for the best effect. The above drug dosage is for reference only, depending on the disease as well as the severity that the doctor will appoint the patient to use the drug. So, follow your doctor's instructions for optimal results.

4. Side effects and notes when using Barokin

Side effects caused by the use of Barokin are usually mild and rare, but if the drug is used continuously for a long time, clinical symptoms may still occur such as:
Digestive disorders. Allergic reactions on the skin. Dizziness headache. Long-term use of the drug can lead to prolonged bleeding time. To limit the risk of side effects, when using Barokin, it is necessary to note the following:
Use the drug according to the instructions and instructions of the doctor, do not arbitrarily change the increase or decrease in the dose of the drug without asking. consult a specialist or a person with medical expertise. The drug is only used for oral administration, not for rectal use, for injection phase infusion. The patient should swallow the tablet whole, do not break or chew the tablet. Do not share the drug with alcoholic beverages or stimulants such as alcohol, tobacco... As mentioned above, the drug cannot be used in pregnant or lactating women, so it should be noted. when prescribing. Use with caution in patients with coagulopathy or on anticoagulant therapy. If a dose is forgotten, the patient should take it as soon as he remembers. In case it is too close to the next dose, skip the old dose, do not take a double dose to make up for the missed dose. If you accidentally overdose, it is necessary to monitor the body's abnormal symptoms, immediately contact a specialist doctor or the nearest medical facility for timely support when necessary. Keep medicine out of reach of children. Do not use the medicine after the expiry date, store the medicine according to the manufacturer's instructions. In summary, Barokin is one of the pharmaceutical products containing Ginkgo Biloba that is used relatively commonly in clinical practice. The drug is used in the treatment of diseases of the blood vessels and brain. In fact, there are many views that drugs with ingredients extracted from nature such as Barokin are safe and benign. In fact, whether it is a drug or a functional food or a line of health supplements, if used incorrectly, in the wrong dosage will have adverse effects on health. It is very important to understand about drugs to use the right medicine for the right disease, for the right purpose, not to abuse drugs in treatment. Please contact specialist doctors or people with medical expertise for more advice if you are having unusual health problems that need treatment.

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