Uses of Bariptine

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Bariptine is indicated mainly in cases of hyperprolactinemia. Let's learn about Bariptine about how to use it and the notes when using it to ensure safety and effectiveness for patients.

1. What is Bariptine?

Bariptine contains the main ingredient Bromocriptin (in the form of Bromocriptine mesylate) 2.5mg and other excipients just enough for 1 tablet provided by the manufacturer. The drug is made in the form of tablets, the way of packing is in the form of a box of 3 blisters, each blister has 10 tablets.

2. What does Bariptine do?

Bariptine is indicated for the treatment of the following cases:
Functional disorders associated with hyperprolactinemia - blood:
Treatment of dysfunction associated with hyperprolactinemia including amenorrhea, with or without lactation, infertility and hypogonadism. Treatment of patients with prolactin-secreting adenomas, which may be the underlying endocrine disease causing the above clinical manifestations. A reduction in tumor size has been observed in both male and female patients with enlarged adenomas. In cases where the tumor is removed, this drug can be used to reduce the tumor volume before surgery. Acromegaly:
Can be used as monotherapy with Bariptine or in combination with pituitary irradiation or surgery. Can reduce serum growth hormone levels by 50% or more in about 1⁄2 of treated patients, although not to normal levels. Parkinson's disease:
Assist in the treatment of signs and symptoms of idiopathic or post-encephalitis Parkinson's disease. This is adjunctive therapy to Levodopa. Administration of bariptine may allow a reduction in the maintenance dose of levodopa and thus may reduce the incidence and severity of adverse events with long-term levodopa use. In addition, the drug Bariptine is contraindicated in the following cases:
The patient is allergic to the active ingredient Bromocriptin or other excipients in the composition of the drug. Patients with uncontrolled hypertension and allergic to ergot alkaloids. The patient is being treated for hyperprolactinemia. This medicine must be stopped when planning a pregnancy. In the case of resumption of bariptine for the control of a rapidly growing adenoma in a woman with gestational hypertension, the benefit of continued use of this drug must be weighed against the risk of developing hypertension during pregnancy. Pregnancy.

3. Dosage and how to use Bariptine

The drug is made in tablet form, so patients take it orally. The drug should be taken whole with food. Do not chew, break or crush the tablet before taking it.
The following is the recommended dose of Bariptine:
Initial dose is 1.25 - 2.5mg/day. The dose can be increased every 3-7 days, in 2.5mg/day increments until optimal therapeutic effect is achieved. The usual dose is 2.5 - 15mg/day. Parkinson's syndrome:
The starting dose is 1.25mg / time, 2 times a day. If necessary, the dose can be increased every 14 to 28 days, each time increasing by 2.5 mg/day. Patients should be assessed for response to the drug after 2 weeks of treatment to maintain the lowest effective dose. The usual dose is 30 - 90mg / day, divided into 3 times per day. Elderly people due to impaired renal function should be prescribed a lower dose than adults. Acromegaly:
Initial dose is 1.25 - 2.5mg/day. The dose may be increased every 3-7 days, in increments of 1.25-2.5mg/day until the optimal therapeutic effect is achieved. The daily dose should be maintained in the range of 20 - 30 mg/day. Dosage adjustment is required in patients with hepatic impairment: Although there are no specific guidelines, dose reductions may be necessary in these patients. Note: The above drug dosage is only the recommended dosage provided by the manufacturer. Specific treatment dosage depends on the condition and health of each patient for the doctor to prescribe appropriately. Therefore, do not self-medicate without consulting your doctor.

4. Bariptine side effects

Doctors always consider between the benefits that Bariptine brings to the patient and the possible risk of side effects to prescribe the appropriate medication.
Bariptine is well tolerated, these undesirable effects usually appear during the initial period of taking the drug, usually mild and transient side effects.
Some common side effects when taking Bariptine include:
Central nervous system: Depression, confusion and hallucinations. Cardiovascular: Possible orthostatic hypotension and Raynaud's phenomenon. Digestion: Abdominal distention, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting and constipation. Neuromuscular and skeletal: Leg cramps. Respiratory: Nasal congestion. Uncommon:
Central nervous system: Dizziness, somnolence, fatigue, sleep disturbance, headache and convulsions. Gastrointestinal: Nausea and abdominal distension. Cardiovascular: Syncope, hypertension and myocardial infarction. Rare:
Hypotension or orthostatic hypotension. To reduce the incidence of adverse events, the dose should be adjusted gradually every 3 to 7 days. The drug should be taken with a meal to increase its absorption. The cold-sensitive finger vasospasm that occurs in some people with acromegaly treated with Bariptine may be reduced by dose reduction and may be prevented by keeping the fingers warm.
Note: There may be other side effects that occur while taking the drug. In case the patient is suspected of any side effects, they should immediately notify the doctor or medical person for timely treatment.

5. Bariptine drug interactions

Some drug interactions may occur when used in combination with Bariptine and other drugs such as:
The effect of Bariptine in reducing serum prolactin levels is inhibited by prolactin-increasing drugs such as: Amitriptyline, Butyrophenone, Imipramine , Methyldopa, Phenothiazine and Reserpine. Therefore, in the case of patients taking these drugs, it may be necessary to increase the dose of Bariptine. In patients taking Bariptine in high doses, tolerance may be reduced by combining it with alcohol or other alcoholic substances. Therefore, patients who are taking this drug should absolutely limit their alcohol consumption. This drug may have an additive effect on lowering blood pressure in patients taking antihypertensive drugs. To ensure that the patient's blood pressure treatment is continuous, the dose of antihypertensive drugs should be adjusted. It is not recommended to use Bariptine together with other ergot alkaloids, because there have been quite serious side effects such as hypertension, myocardial infarction). During the use of Bariptine, drug interactions may occur. In order to limit the occurrence of harmful interactions, before being prescribed by a doctor to use Bariptine, the patient should inform the patient about all the drugs they are taking, including prescription or non-prescription drugs, dietary supplements and drugs. male,...

6. Notes when taking Bariptine

Some notes when patients take Bariptine medicine as follows:
The safety and effectiveness of this drug has not been determined in patients with liver failure, kidney failure and children under 15 years old. Therefore, caution should be exercised when using Bariptine for this group of subjects. For hypertensive patients being treated with antihypertensive drugs, caution should be exercised when using Bariptine concurrently, because of the effect of reducing the patient's blood pressure. In case the patient has a history of psychosis or cardiovascular disease, it is necessary to closely monitor the patient and adjust the dose according to the medical condition. When using Bariptine to treat acromegaly, prolactin-secreting adenomas or Parkinson's disease during pregnancy, the patient should be closely monitored, especially in the postpartum period if there is a history of cardiovascular disease. Patients should take the drug according to the doctor's prescription, should not increase or decrease the dose of the drug. Although the patient may see improvement in symptoms, the drug should not be discontinued. Never give Bariptine to other people if they have similar symptoms. Patients should check the expiration date on the package before using the drug, if the drug has expired, it should not be used, because it is possible that the drug can cause other harmful side effects due to the deterioration of the drugs. ingredients of the drug. Pregnant women: During pregnancy, especially in the first 3 months of pregnancy, women should not self-medicate with any medication. Potential risks may occur when the mother uses drugs not prescribed by the doctor that affect the fetus such as miscarriage, malformation,... Although according to research, Bariptine drug does not cause teratogenicity in children. animals during pregnancy, but there are no adequate studies to confirm no potential hazard to the fetus. Therefore, the drug can only be used when it has been examined, diagnosed and prescribed by a doctor. Lactation: According to clinical studies, Bariptine is known to be excreted in breast milk, so the drug may affect the baby while the mother is breastfeeding. In the event that this drug must be used for treatment, the mother should stop breastfeeding.

7. What to do in case of missed dose or overdose of Bariptine?

When the patient forgets to take the medicine, take the dose as soon as you remember it. It is recommended that most of the drugs are taken about 1-2 hours later than the daily dose, so it does not affect the treatment. The missed dose may be skipped if it is time to take it for the day. Absolutely, patients should avoid taking a double dose when they forget to take the medicine. If you accidentally exceed the prescribed dose, the patient should self-monitor if any symptoms are suspected. The first thing to do is to stop taking the drug and notify the treating doctor for advice. In severe cases, patients need to go to the hospital immediately for timely treatment to avoid serious complications. Patients should also remember to bring the used medicines with them so that the doctor can understand the information and handle it quickly and promptly. Hopefully, the above article has provided all the relevant information about the uses, dosage and some notes when using Bariptine. Patients need to take Bariptine exactly as directed by the treating doctor. Note, Bariptine is a prescription drug, patients can only use this drug when prescribed by a specialist.

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