What does hyperprolactinemia indicate?

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Prolactin is an important hormone in the body, especially directly related to milk production as well as sexual functions of both sexes (mostly affecting more women). For some medical reason, prolactin levels in the body are elevated.

1. Increased blood prolactin

Clinical manifestations of hyperprolactinemia:
Manifestations of hyperprolactinemia:
Patients show lactation, in some cases, although prolactin is very high, it does not cause lactation. Menstrual disorders: Amenorrhea, delayed menstruation or amenorrhea. Regular regular sex, not using contraception but no children, dry vaginal area, susceptible to inflammatory diseases, decreased sex drive. There are early signs of osteoporosis, blood estrogen levels decrease. Men with erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, breast enlargement. Manifestations other than prolactin:
Headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting due to compression by tumors.

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Đau đầu, chóng mặt, buồn nôn, nôn do bị chèn ép bởi các khối u

Visual disturbances, fatigue. There may be signs of hypothyroidism. Cases with hyperprolactinemia:
There is a disease in the mammary gland or pituitary gland such as pituitary adenoma, breast cancer. Hypothyroidism Female Infertility: Hyperprolactinemia is one of the causes of female infertility. During a menstrual cycle or during conception, ovulation is an important factor in determining whether or not you can conceive. Estrogen is an important hormone in the body, in addition to creating secondary sex characteristics in women, it also exerts a negative effect on the hypothalamus and pituitary gland to increase LH secretion in combination with FSH to ripen and shed. egg.
Without the hormone LH, ovulation cannot occur. When blood prolactin levels increase, it will lead to a decrease in estrogen levels, which means a decrease in LH secretion. At this time, the ovulation process is prevented, the patient stops menstruating or has a period but does not ovulate. Therefore, pregnancy is completely impossible.
Drug use: Blood pressure medications, antidepressants, psychiatric drugs or some herbal medicines Chest stimulation such as breast massage, nipple stimulation or breast surgery can also increase blood prolactin. . Due to psychological stress in chest trauma or convulsions... Manifestations of hyperprolactinemia: Usually when the blood prolactin index is high, it does not affect sexual function in men but causes a lot of problems. many changes in the female body. Specifically:
Decrease or loss of libido. Eating disorders, loss of appetite, fatigue, or irritability. There are menstrual disorders, the most common is amenorrhea due to too high levels of prolactin preventing ovulation to start the menstrual cycle. Some women still have periods, but no ovulation or a light period. Infertility, polycystic ovary syndrome. There may be signs of hypothyroidism. Tests show that prolactin index is elevated above the normal threshold, reducing blood estrogen.

Tăng prolactin máu có thể có biểu hiện của tình trạng suy giáp
Tăng prolactin máu có thể có biểu hiện của tình trạng suy giáp

2. What to do with hyperprolactinemia?

Visit a specialist for examination, depending on the clinical condition, the doctor will appoint a blood count, ultrasound, x-ray or MRI of the brain, quantitative blood prolactin test to diagnose the condition. , level and cause of hyperprolactinemia. Timely treatment to avoid infertility complications later as well as affecting other endocrine organs. Treatment of hyperprolactinemia has 2 methods: medical treatment and surgical treatment:
Medical treatment: Using dopamine agonists to inhibit pituitary prolactin secretion. Some drugs have the effect of lowering prolactin in the blood such as dostinex, parloder... Surgical treatment: Applied to cases with tumors that cannot be treated with medical therapy. Use transsphenoid laparoscopic pituitary surgery to safely remove small tumors. However, this method is often incomplete treatment, still has a high chance of recurrence. Adhere to the medication prescribed by the treating physician. Have a reasonable rest and work lifestyle, avoid stress, stress, anxiety.Set up a scientific diet for yourself:
Avoid food lines containing a lot of sugar, fatty foods such as fried foods, .. Avoid foods and drinks with alcohol or stimulants such as coffee, cigarettes... Increase the intake of fruits that contain a lot of fiber, vitamins, mineral ingredients such as bananas, avocados , beans, cereals ... both have anti-aging effects, while increasing serotonin levels in the brain, increasing brain movement for activities that regulate hormonal balance. Increasing protein supplementation through eggs, meat... Currently, there are many couples who have been married for a long time, have normal relationships, do not use traditional to modern methods of contraception but still cannot have child. After examination, it was discovered that the cause was high levels of prolactin in the woman's blood.

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Vinmec International General Hospital is one of the hospitals that not only ensures professional quality with a team of leading medical doctors, modern equipment and technology, but also stands out for its examination and consultation services. comprehensive and professional medical consultation and treatment; civilized, polite, safe and sterile medical examination and treatment space. Customers when choosing to perform tests here can be completely assured of the accuracy of test results.
Besides, women should go to the obstetrics and gynecology department after having the test results to be consulted by a doctor and have appropriate treatment to avoid the bad risk of taking away the motherhood.
With a high level of expertise and extensive experience, the team of specialists of the Reproductive Support Center at Vinmec Hospital is capable of synchronously and comprehensively deploying the most advanced assisted reproductive techniques today. , helping to realize the dream of becoming a parent of hundreds of families across Vietnam.
Customers can directly go to Vinmec Health system nationwide to visit or contact the hotline here for support.

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