Uses of Atimetrol

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Atimetrol is an antibiotic commonly used in cases of bacterial and parasitic infections. The following article will provide some information about the drug, help you take it correctly and limit the dangerous side effects to your health.

1. What does Atimetrol do?

Atimetrol contains the active ingredient Metronidazol 500mg as the main active ingredient. This is a 5-nitro-imidazole derivative, with a broad spectrum of activity on protozoa such as amoeba, Giardia and especially on anaerobic bacteria.
Regarding the mechanism of action of the drug, in parasites, the 5-nitro group of the drug is reduced to cytotoxic intermediates. These substances will create bonds with the helical structure of the DNA molecule to break these strands and eventually cause the bacterial cell to be destroyed.

2. Indications and contraindications

2.1. Indications With the above effect, Atimetrol is indicated in the following cases:
Patients infected with Trichomonas urinary tract - genital in both men and women. People infected with Giardia lambia and infected with amebiasis. People suffering from mouth ulcers. Use of Atimetrol in the prevention of infections caused by anaerobic bacteria, prevention after gastrointestinal surgery and gynecological surgery. 2.2. Contraindications Atimetrol is contraindicated in cases of allergy and hypersensitivity to the components in the drug, pregnant women in the first 3 months and breastfeeding. In addition, people with liver, kidney or blood cell disorders, fungal infections, neurological disorders, epilepsy should also avoid using this drug.
To be on the safe side, you should inform your doctor about your medical condition and allergy history before using Atimetrol.

3. Dosage and usage

Atimetrol is usually taken during or after a meal, taken with a little water. Reference drug dosage is as follows:
Anaerobic infections: Adults use at a dose of 30-40mg/kg/day, divided into 4 oral doses; Children use at a dose of 20 - 30mg/kg/day, divided into 4 doses. The recommended duration of medication is 7 days. Intestinal amoebic dysentery: Adults use a dose of 1.5 g - 2 g/day, divided into 4 oral doses; Children use at a dose of 40-50mg/kg/day, divided into 4 oral doses. The duration of use of the drug should last from 7-10 days to achieve the best effect. Liver amoeba: Adults use at a dose of 1.5g - 2g/day, divided into 4 oral doses, children use at a dose of 40 - 50 mg/kg/day, divided into 4 oral doses. The duration of use of the drug Atimetrol should last 5 days. Trichomoniasis in the genital tract: Use at a dose of 250mg, 3 times a day (women & men). It is best to use Atimetrol for 7 days. Giardia infection: Use with a dose of 2g/day, divided into 4 oral doses. The best time to use Atimetrol is 3 days.

4. Side effects

Atimetrol has the risk of causing some side effects such as headache, nausea, dry mouth, bitter mouth, diarrhea. You need to inform your doctor about the side effects you experience while using the drug.

5. Drug interactions

Do not combine Atimetrol with drugs containing the following ingredients because they will interact, reduce the effectiveness of the drug or increase the risk of side effects, affecting the user's health.
Concomitant use with Warfarin and other oral anticoagulants may increase the anticoagulant effect. Concomitant use with Disulfiram may cause neurotoxicity (psychotic and confusion). Concomitant use with Lithium will increase the concentration of Lithium in the blood, causing toxicity. In addition, caution should be exercised when Atimetrol is combined with:
Phenobarbital-containing drugs increase the metabolism of Atimetrol, so Metronidazole in Atimetrol is eliminated faster. Medicines containing Vecuronium potentiate the effects of Vecuronium which is a non-depolarizing muscle relaxant.

6. Precautions while using Atimetrol

Do not drink alcohol, beer, alcoholic beverages while taking Atimetrol and for at least 3 days after you stop taking it. Alcohol and stimulants can cause side effects such as tachycardia, vomiting, abdominal pain, sweating, flushed face, etc. Liver function should be checked regularly when taking Atimetrol. long days. If any signs of liver disease occur during treatment such as nausea, persistent vomiting, loss of appetite, severe stomach or abdominal pain, yellowing of the eyes, skin, or dark urine, you should report it immediately to your doctor. medical staff. Atimetrol can cause dizziness, so patients should absolutely not use the drug when driving, using machines or doing work that requires alertness. Atimetrol can cause some vaccines made from live bacteria (such as typhoid vaccine) to reduce the effectiveness of the vaccine. Therefore, patients absolutely should not be vaccinated while using this antibiotic unless specifically directed by the doctor. If you miss a dose of Atimetrol, take it as soon as you remember. If it is almost time for your next dose, skip it and take the next dose as directed. Never double up to make up for the dose. Overdosing on Atimetrol can be dangerous, so you need to be careful. If you accidentally overdose, go to the hospital right away for timely support. Above is all information about Atimetrol drug, patients need to carefully read the instructions for use, consult a doctor / pharmacist before using. Absolutely do not arbitrarily buy Atimetrol for home treatment because there may be unwanted side effects.
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