Uses of Acecontin

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Acecontin medicine has the main ingredient Methocarbamol 750mg, the drug is used to treat pain injuries, sprains, myositis,... Here is some useful information about Acecontin medicine to help patients learn carefully before taking it. drug use.

1. What is Acecontin drug?

Acecontin is a drug that belongs to the group of drugs that relax and increase muscle tone. Acecontin is manufactured in the form of film-coated tablets and packed in a box of 1 blister x 10 tablets, a box of 3 blisters x 10 tablets and a box of 6 blisters x 10 tablets.
Acecontin medicine has the main ingredient Methocarbamol 750mg and some other excipients just enough for 1 tablet.

2. What are the uses of Acecontin?

Acecontin is used in the following cases:
Treatment of bone pain in cases of pain related to skeletal muscle spasms and in any location on the body, such as: Acute and chronic pain due to muscle strain, sprain. Whiplash syndrome, trauma, myositis. Treats pain and spasms associated with arthritis, torticollis, joint strains and sprains, bursitis, and lower back pain of obvious etiology.

3. Dosage - How to take Acecontin

3.1. How to use Acecontin drug is prepared in the form of film-coated tablets and is used orally, according to tablets. Medicines can be taken with water or non-alcoholic beverages.
3.2. Dosage The dose of Acecontin drug depends on each subject and the course of the disease, there will be an appropriate dose. Patients should use the drug carefully according to the doctor's instructions. Below is the dosage of Acecontin for reference as follows:
Patients who take Acecontin for treatment take 4 times a day, 1-2 capsules each time (750mg)/time. The recommended adult starting oral dose is 1 tablet (750 mg) over a 6-hour period. Depending on the age, severity of the disease and the tolerability of the individual patient to adjust according to age, severity of disease and tolerability of the drug. In severe cases, Acecontin can be used for 4-6 months. The recommended dosage for Methocarbamol is from 3.2g to 4.8g/day. Elderly patients: Elderly patients should use lower doses of the drug to relieve pain and relax muscles. For patients with liver and kidney disease: Patients with liver and kidney related diseases should increase the time interval between taking the drug between two doses of the day. Patients should be careful not to exceed the recommended dose. During treatment, if it is examined and determined that there is no longer pain and muscle contraction symptoms, it is necessary to stop treatment with Acecontin drug.
For adults: Do not use more than 4g Acecontin / day, especially do not use Acecontin continuously for > 3 days to treat fever without the consent of the doctor. When using Acecontin, the patient should not drink alcohol. Acecontin is prescribed by a doctor's prescription, patients are not allowed to self-medicate without a prescription.

4. What should be done when using an overdose of Acecontin?

In case the patient overdoses on Acecontin, it is necessary to consult a doctor or pharmacist immediately.
Need to promptly notify the nearest medical facility and need to bring the remaining pills with you. Alternatively, the patient can call the anti-poison information service for help in dealing with the situation.

5. Contraindications when using Acecontin

Below are some cases where Acecontin should not be used to treat diseases such as:
Acecontin should not be used in patients who are hypersensitive or have a history of allergy to Methocarbamol or any of the excipients contained therein. in medicine. Acecontin should not be used by patients with liver or kidney disease. Do not use Acecontin for people with a history of brain damage. Do not use the drug for people who are in a coma or pre-coma. Do not use the drug for people with muscle weakness or severe myasthenia gravis. Acecontin drug is not used for pregnant and lactating women: During pregnancy, the general rule is not to use Acecontin drug to treat disease. In case, the patient becomes pregnant while taking the drug, it is necessary to inform the doctor immediately, so the treatment may change according to the medical condition. Women who are breast-feeding should consult their doctor before taking Acecontin.

6. Acecontin drug interactions

Here are some interactions of Acecontin with the following drugs:
Using Acecontin with Barbiturates used to treat epilepsy or induce sleep. Combined with anorexia nervosa to lose weight. Medicines to treat digestive disorders or anti-nausea drugs such as anticholinergics. Medicines to treat depression, mental disorders, or anxiety. If you plan to use Acecontin with anesthetic for any reason, the patient should inform the doctor that he is taking this medicine. Anticholinesterase drugs are effective for the treatment of severe myasthenia gravis.

7. What side effects does Acecontin cause?

During the use of Acecontin, patients may experience some unwanted side effects such as:
Drowsiness, dizziness, nausea. Has a metallic taste. Anorexia and gastrointestinal disorders. Allergic reactions such as: Urticaria, itching, skin rash and conjunctivitis with nasal congestion. Acecontin can also make urine dark blue. The side effects of Acecontin above are only temporary and will disappear when the patient stops using the drug. If you see any side effects on the patient, it is necessary to inform the doctor about those unwanted effects.

8. Pay attention to precautions when using Acecontin

During the use of Acecontin, the patient should be cautious in the following cases:
For driving: Before using the drug, the patient should be warned about the drug Methocarbamol can reduce the ability to exercise Focus on jobs that require mental alertness or physical health such as operating machinery, driving. For women who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant: Acecontin should not be used to treat the disease. The safety of the drug during pregnancy has not been established. For women who are breastfeeding: It is necessary to use caution in nursing mothers, only use Acecontin treatment when prescribed by a doctor and stop breastfeeding when taking the drug. It is not known whether the Methocarbamol component in the drug is excreted in breast milk. The above are the main uses of Acecontin drug, before using, patients should carefully read the instructions for use so that the treatment process is safe and effective.

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