Uses of Abciximab

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Abciximab drug is prepared as an intravenous drug, with the main ingredient being Abciximab. The drug is used to inhibit platelet aggregation, antithrombotic. To ensure effective treatment and avoid unwanted side effects, users need to strictly follow the instructions of the doctor.

1. What does Abciximab do?

Abciximab drug with the main ingredient is Abciximab, which is made in the form of an intravenous drug in a glass vial of 5ml containing 10mg. Abciximab is a Fab fragment of the human-mouse monoclonal antibody 7E3. This is a platelet aggregation inhibitor, which works by preventing platelets from sticking together to form blood clots.
Abciximab is indicated for use in the following cases:
Adjuvant percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) to prevent ischemic complications. Support anticoagulant therapy, prevent ischemic complications in patients undergoing PCI or those with non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndromes; Patients with unstable angina, unresponsive to conventional medical therapy when percutaneous coronary intervention is scheduled within 24 hours. Abciximab is contraindicated in the following cases:
People with active bleeding or recent (within 6 months) severe gastrointestinal or urinary bleeding; People with severe uncontrolled hypertension; Recent major surgery or trauma (within 6 weeks); People with a history of cerebrovascular accident (CVA) in the previous 2 years or CVA with severe neurological damage; Persons on recent oral anticoagulant therapy (within the previous 7 days), unless prothrombin time (PT) is ≤ 1.2 times the control value; People with thrombocytopenia: Platelet count <100,000/mm 3; Patients with intracranial cancer; People with arteriovenous malformations, aneurysms; People who used dextran IV before or during PCI; People with a history of vasculitis; Human hypersensitivity to the components of the drug or to monoclonal mouse antibodies.

2. How to use and dose Abciximab

2.1 Administration Administer by IV injection followed by IV infusion using a controlled infusion device; Do not shake the vial; Filter the injection on dilution, before IV injection or during IV infusion using a sterile, hypoallergenic, low protein bound filter (0.2 or 5 μm); For IV injection, the appropriate dose should be withdrawn into the syringe, filtered before administration; Remove unused portion; Do not use other drugs in the same intravenous line with Abciximab injection or infusion; Dilution: For IV infusion, withdraw appropriate dose into syringe, inject into appropriate container 0.9% sodium chloride or 5% dextrose injection; Injection rate: With IV injection, inject over a minimum of 1 minute; Prescription limit: Patients on PCI treatment up to 10mcg/min (when IV infusion) for 12 hours. 2.2 Dosage The dose of Abciximab in adults with acute ischemic complications of PCI IV is as follows:
Patients on PCI: Administer 0.25mg/kg by IV injection 10-60 minutes before PCI . Then, IV 0.125mcg/kg per minute (maximum 10mcg/min) for 12 hours; Patients expected to have PCI within 24 hours: Administer 0.25mg/kg by IV injection, followed by IV infusion of 10mcg/min over 18-24 hours, ending 1 hour after procedure. Dosage of Abciximab in children: The effectiveness and safety of the drug has not been proven when used in children under 18 years of age.
Overdose: There have been no reports of overdose, if there is an overdose, mainly symptomatic treatment.
Missed dose: If you miss a dose of Abciximab, you should contact your doctor immediately.

3. Abciximab side effects

Some side effects patients may experience when using Abciximab include:
Common: Bleeding, blurred vision, dizziness, confusion, sweating, back pain, nausea, vomiting, fatigue , hypotension, chest pain, abdominal pain, peripheral edema; Uncommon: Diarrhea, bradycardia, injection site pain, black or tarry stools, bleeding gums, blood in urine or stools, red spots on the skin, unusual bruising or bleeding; Rare: Chest pain or discomfort, eye pain, chills, cough, fever, headache, pale skin, rapid weight gain, difficulty breathing, slow or irregular heartbeat, sneezing, abdominal pain, angina pectoris, itchy hands or feet, fatigue, wheezing, swelling of hands or feet, ankles, and leg weakness. Some side effects may go away on their own during treatment as the body adjusts to the medication. In addition, patients can discuss with their doctor about how to prevent and mitigate the side effects of the drug. In case of prolonged or severe side effects, the patient should immediately notify the doctor.

4. Be careful when using Abciximab

Monitor platelet counts before, during and after treatment with this drug; Acute thrombocytopenia needs to be differentiated between true and false thrombocytopenia; If thrombocytopenia occurs, the patient should immediately discontinue treatment, monitor and treat thrombocytopenia; Risk of major bleeding (urinary tract bleeding, gastrointestinal bleeding, intracranial hemorrhage, bleeding at the arterial access site) and minor bleeding (spontaneous gross hematuria or spontaneous vomiting) blood or platelet transfusions may be needed; Rarely, alveolar hemorrhage has occurred; Increased risk of bleeding in patients weighing 75 kg, during concomitant thrombolytic therapy, when PCI performed within 12 hours of onset of MI symptoms, after PCI prolonged (>70 minutes) or after failed PCI; If bleeding cannot be controlled by pressure, concomitant use of Abciximab and Heparin should be discontinued immediately. Sensitization reactions:
Anaphylaxis may occur. If anaphylaxis occurs, Abciximab should be discontinued and appropriate treatment instituted. Should be prepared and used immediately drugs to treat hypersensitivity reactions: Epinephrine, theophylline, antihistamines, dopamine, corticosteroids; The formation of human anti-molecular antibodies (HACA) has been reported. Hypersensitivity reactions, thrombocytopenia or decreased antithrombotic effect may occur if Abciximab is co-administered or if monoclonal antibodies are administered to patients with HACA titers. Monitoring: Platelet count should be monitored at baseline, 2-4 hours after rapid infusion and after 24 hours, prothrombin time, hematocrit, Hb, aPTT, fibrinogen, fibrinolysis products, signs of hypersensitivity reactions, require blood, stool, and urine transfusions.
Some other notes:
The patient should inform the doctor about his/her medical history; There have been no studies on the effects of Abciximab on the fetus, so it should only be used in pregnant women when absolutely necessary; Caution should be exercised when using Abciximab in nursing mothers.

5. Abciximab drug interactions

Drug interactions can affect the effectiveness of the drug or increase side effects. Some drug interactions of Abciximab include:
Concurrent use of Abciximab with oral anticoagulants, NSAIDs, dipyridamole, ticlopidine will increase the risk of bleeding, so caution should be exercised when combining these drugs; Heparin - thrombolytic drugs will cause heavy bleeding, so aPTT or ACT should be monitored during treatment; Do not take Abciximab with dextran; Incompatibility of Abciximab with commonly used cardiovascular drugs has not been detected. However, Abciximab should be administered by a separate intravenous route, not mixed with other drugs. To ensure the effectiveness of treatment when using Abciximab, patients should inform their doctor about their health history, the drugs they are taking,... If they miss a dose, experience side effects of the drug, Patients should immediately notify the doctor for timely assistance.
In summary, Abciximab is prepared as an intravenous drug, with the main ingredient being Abciximab. The drug is used to inhibit platelet aggregation, antithrombotic. To ensure effective treatment and avoid unwanted side effects, users need to strictly follow the instructions of the doctor.
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