Uses of Abalam

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Abalam drug is manufactured and registered by Hetero Labs Limited Company, belongs to the group of drugs for parasites, anti-infectives, antivirals, antifungals. So what effect does Abalam have and in what cases is it used?

1. What is Abalam?

Abalam medicine has the main ingredient containing the active ingredient Abacavir (in the form of Abacavir sulfate) with a strength of 600mg and Lamivudin with a content of 300mg. The drug is prepared in the form of film-coated tablets, packing box of 1 bottle of 30 tablets.

2. Effects of the drug Abalam

Both Abacavir and Lamivudine in Abalam are Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs). Both active ingredients work by a similar mechanism, by blocking the action of reverse transcriptase (an enzyme produced by HIV that allows more viruses to be made and infects cells). . The drug can lower the amount of virus in the blood and keep it low when combined with at least one other HIV medicine. Medicines can only slow down the damage to the immune system, the development of AIDS-related infections and diseases, they do not cure HIV and AIDS infections.
Abalam is indicated for use in the following cases:
Indicated for the treatment of HIV infection in adults and children > 12 years old, helping to increase immunity in these subjects. Abalam is used in combination with at least one other antiviral drug to treat adults and children weighing > 25 kg with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. During treatment with Abalam, patients should strictly adhere to the indications according to the regimen, do not arbitrarily use, adjust the dose or stop using the drug without consulting the doctor.

3. Usage and dosage of the drug Abalam

How to use Abalam:
Abalam is made in the form of film-coated tablets, in the form of enteric-soluble tablets that should be taken orally. When taking, it is necessary to swallow the tablet whole, do not bite, chew or crush the tablet. The duration of using Abalam does not depend on the meal. Dosage of the drug Abalam:
In adults and children over 12 years old: Use 2 times a day, 1 tablet of Abalam once a day. In patients with severe liver and kidney failure: It is necessary to adjust the dose to suit the condition and severity of the patient's disease.

4. Undesirable effects of Abalam

During the use of Abalam, in addition to the therapeutic effects of the drug, patients also experience some undesirable effects as follows:
Common side effects such as: Rash, allergic reactions, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, stomach pain, joint pain, headache, muscle disorders, irritation and runny nose, cough, fever, fatigue, lethargy, insomnia, loss of appetite, irritability , hair loss. Less common side effects include: Hypersensitivity reactions. Usually, the side effects will go away when the patient stops using the drug, however, to ensure the treatment process, it is recommended that patients experience any abnormal symptoms to immediately report to the doctor for treatment. have timely treatment support, to limit the discontinuation of the drug when the desired therapeutic effect has not been achieved.

5. Abalam drug interactions

The simultaneous use of drugs together may occur drug interactions that increase the synergistic effect or increase the side effects of the drug. It is recommended that patients before being treated with Abalam need to list any drugs or functional foods that have been used and are in the process of being used recently, so that doctors can consider and give indications for safe drug use. as well as more reasonable. Do not take Abalam concomitantly with Stavudin or Ribavirin. Avoid the use of tobacco, alcohol, alcoholic or fermented beverages during treatment with Abalam, as these agents can cause changes in the drug's ingredients, affecting the effectiveness of the drug. treatment.

6. Note when using Abalam

Contraindications of Abalam:
Patients with a history of hypersensitivity to Abacavir, Lamivudine or excipients contained in Abalam. Do not use in patients with low neutrophil counts and in children under 12 years of age. Contraindications of Abalam must be understood as absolute contraindications, patients who are contraindicated must not use Abalam for any reason.
Caution when using Abalam:
Caution should be used when using Abalam on subjects: Patients with liver disease, kidney failure, cirrhosis caused by chronic hepatitis B, hepatic coma, myasthenia gravis, stomach ulcers , obese women. Note on subjects who are pregnant women in the first 3 months of pregnancy and lactating mothers, the elderly, and children under 15 years old 7. Storing Abalam medicine Store Abalam medicine in a dry, well-ventilated place Cool, avoid direct sunlight or high temperature, as these agents can change the ingredients in Abalam. The appropriate storage temperature for medicine is below 30 degrees Celsius. Keep out of reach of small children.
Above is important information about the uses, dosage and usage of Abalam. Note, Abalam is a prescription drug, patients do not arbitrarily use to ensure safety for health.
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