Undigested food, often hot stomach, abdominal pain accompanied by difficulty in defecation, what are the signs of disease?

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Hello doctor. Let me ask, I don't digest, I feel like I'm stuck in my neck, I'm uncomfortable in the stomach, I have a hot stomach and I have a stomachache. It is difficult to go to the bathroom, can't go and only go once a week, and it is also difficult to sleep. Please ask your doctor what are the symptoms, indigestion, often hot stomach, abdominal pain accompanied by difficulty in defecation? Thanks for the advice doctor.
Nguyen Nghi De (1998)
Hello. According to the symptoms you just mentioned, your doctor advises you to see a gastroenterologist for more accurate advice. Indigestion, feeling like being stuck in the neck, discomfort in the abdomen, hot stomach, can be a symptom of stomach disease. It's difficult to have a bowel movement, if you can't go for a whole week to go once, you're constipated.
Maybe your doctor will advise you to have a gastroscopy to check your stomach for ulcers or Helicobacter pylori infection. A gastroscopy can also check your esophagus for a blockage, but it also feels like a lump in your neck.
Besides, you should change your diet to avoid constipation: including eating a lot of fiber, drinking lots of water, eating a lot of fruits and vegetables. . . Difficulty falling back to sleep is a separate symptom.
With the above health condition, you can go to a hospital of Vinmec Health System to be examined, evaluated and given specific advice by a doctor about cases of indigestion, often hot stomach, accompanied by abdominal pain. Difficulty following bowel movements is a sign of what disease? Wish you always have good health
Answered by Master, Doctor Vu Tan Phuc - Gastroenterologist - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital
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