Triamcinolone: ​​What you need to know

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Triamcinolone is a synthetic, fluorinated corticosteroid that blocks the release of inflammatory substances. Triamcinolone is given as an oral or injectable medication depending on the dosage and treatment of the disorder. Triamcinolone is currently indicated for use in many diseases such as: stomach ulcers, allergic disorders, arthritis, skin diseases, psoriasis, respiratory disorders, ...

1. Dosage of Triamcinolone

With each medical condition and patient age, the dose of Triamcinolone is different. Therefore, you should not arbitrarily use Triamcinolone, but need to be examined by a doctor to assess your medical condition to prescribe the appropriate drug. Reference Triamcinolone dosage for some commonly used diseases is as follows:
1.1. Dosage for adults Treatment of diseases:
Insufficiency of the adrenal cortex: dose of 4-12mg/day, combined with mineralocorticoid therapy.
Rheumatoid stiffness, bursitis, rheumatoid arthritis:
Initial dose: from 8-16 mg/day, can be indicated intramuscularly 3 - 48 mg/day, equally divided dose every 12 hours. Dosage for intra-articular or intra-synovial injection: 5-40mg/time, the dose of Triamcinolone indicated depending on the size of the joints, the average is 25mg/time. The maximum recommended dose is 75mg/week. In addition, Triamcinolone is also used to treat keloids, treat acute sinusitis, atopic dermatitis, ...

1.2. Pediatric Dosage At present, there are no reliable studies to determine the safe dosing of Triamcinolone in children. Therefore, if it is necessary to use, parents should discuss with the doctors and nurses to have a decision to use as well as a reasonable dose.

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Liều dùng cho trẻ em cần tuân thủ đúng chỉ định của bác sĩ

2. How to use Triamcinolone effectively

When using Triamcinolone for treatment, it is important to use it exactly as prescribed by your doctor or pharmacist. Dosage less or more than prescribed, especially prolonged use without the doctor's permission can reduce the effectiveness of treatment, leading to unwanted side effects.
In some cases, the dose of Triamcinolone may be changed during treatment such as: unusual stress, fever or serious infection, preparation for surgery, medical intervention,... Please discuss with us. doctor for instructions on the use of drugs, to avoid affecting health and the effectiveness of disease treatment.
In addition, Triamcinolone has been reported to cause erroneous results in some medical tests. Therefore, tell your nurse or doctor that you are using Triamcinolone before taking the test.
Do not arbitrarily stop using Triamcinolone suddenly, it may cause discomfort and recurrent pathology. Do not use Triamcinolone on an empty stomach, food in the stomach helps prevent upset in the stomach. Instructions for safe use of medicines are written on the label or ask your doctor or pharmacist to take notes directly.

3. Side effects when using Triamcinolone

When using Triamcinolone, some patients may experience side effects such as:
3.1. Allergic cases Symptoms of swelling of the tongue, throat, face, rash, difficulty breathing, ... The cause is usually caused by an allergy to Triamcinolone or other ingredients of the drug. Talk to your doctor to find an alternative.
3.2. Serious side effects If you experience the following side effects, you should notify your doctor soon for emergency treatment:
Blood in the stool, or black stools; Swelling of the body; Hemoptisi; Low potassium levels, leg discomfort, irregular heartbeat,...; Severe depression, neurological symptoms; Shortness of breath;

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Người bệnh có thể gặp tình trạng khó thở sau khi sử dụng thuốc

Rapid weight gain; pancreatitis, feeling nauseous, unusually fast heartbeat; High blood pressure, accompanied by symptoms of headache, vision loss, shortness of breath, seizures, mental confusion.
3.3. Less serious side effects Increased sweating; Mood swings, sleep disturbances; Increased appearance of acne, dry, thin skin; Muscle weakness; Slow wound healing; Feeling of nausea, dizziness, dizziness, headache; Bloating, abdominal pain. Unusual symptoms when using Triamcinolone drug should be discussed with the doctor.

4. Note when using Triamcinolone drug

4.1. Storing Triamcinolone Drugs Triamcinolone should be stored at room temperature, away from light and high humidity. Each drug has a different storage method, usually indicated on the product packaging; Note: Do not store the medicine in the freezer or the bathroom; Keep medicine out of reach of children and pets; Dispose of medicine properly when it is expired or has quality problems, do not throw it into the water pipe or toilet.

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Cần bảo quản thuốc tránh xa tầm tay của trẻ em

4.2. Drug Interactions Triamcinolone may interact with some drugs that increase side effects or reduce the effectiveness of the drug. Some drug interactions recorded include:
Carbamazepine, phenytoin, rifabutin, primidone, carbamazepine, rifampin, barbiturates, aminoglutethimide increasing the metabolism of corticoid clearance, reducing drug effects; Antagonizes the effects of both hypoglycemic, diuretic and antihypertensive drugs; Increases the effect of anticoagulants; Increased clearance of salicylates; Increased hypokalemic effect of thiazide diuretics, acetazolamide, carbenoxolone. 4.3. Precautions: Triamcinolone should be used with caution in patients with thick ulcers (latent or active), hypertension, ulcerative colitis, thrombophlebitis, congestive heart failure, convulsions, hypothyroidism , diabetes, antibiotic-resistant infections, renal failure, at risk of arterial thrombosis, pregnant and lactating women.
Some diseases that affect the effect of drugs include:
Diabetes; Increased blood sugar; Cushing's syndrome; Skin infection at or near the application site; Increased intracranial pressure; Sores, serious skin damage.

Người mắc bệnh lý tiểu đường có thể gây ảnh hưởng tới tác dụng của thuốc
Người mắc bệnh lý tiểu đường có thể gây ảnh hưởng tới tác dụng của thuốc
Triamcinolone is one of a group of corticosteroids indicated in many different diseases, especially inflammatory, allergic, and immunosuppressive diseases. Consult your doctor and use caution.
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