Tips for you how to immediately cure alcohol at home

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The article was professionally consulted by Doctor Vo Ha Bang Suong - General Internal Medicine - Department of Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital
For a long time, alcohol is a drink used in parties and fun. Some people use alcohol when sad, when stressed. In small amounts, alcohol has a beneficial effect on health, helping to increase blood circulation, sleep well. If you drink a lot, you will have symptoms of alcohol poisoning.
Toxicity can cause acute dangerous conditions or gradual poisoning leading to organ damage caused by the components of alcohol. The best way is that you should not use alcohol regularly, in large amounts at a time or abuse alcohol. If you can't avoid a situation where you have to drink a lot of alcohol, you can apply some ways to stop drinking immediately, to minimize the harmful effects of alcohol on health.

1.Apply the dish to immediately relieve alcohol

Eating porridge, soup, chicken noodle soup, ... is also one of the ways to immediately relieve alcohol, both having alcohol and supplementing nutrients in time to avoid hypoglycemia.
Porridge: One of the most commonly used ways to cure alcohol immediately is to eat white porridge for drunk people. Diluted white porridge when still hot will help perspire, help reduce blood alcohol concentration and help soothe the stomach. Vegetable soup, hot soup: For drunk people to eat hot soups and soups such as bean sprout soup, lean bitter melon soup, it is also a way to quickly detox, avoid hypoglycemia, and soothe a hangover in the stomach. due to drinking a lot of alcohol. Chicken noodle soup, chicken eggs: Eggs and chicken meat are high in the amino acid L-cysteine, which will help remove aldehydes existing in the liver, helping the liver to detoxify alcohol. Banana: When drinking a lot of alcohol, the body easily loses water and electrolytes. Bananas are high in potassium, one of the electrolytes lost with alcohol. Drunk people can eat 3-5 bananas immediately to replenish important electrolytes for the body.

2.How to instantly cure alcohol with drinks

In addition to eating foods that help to get rid of alcohol quickly, drunk people can use more drinks that both help relieve alcohol and add water, vitamins and minerals. Here are the ways to sober up immediately with drinks:
Eat a lot of watermelon, tangerine, pineapple: After drinking alcohol, you can eat or squeeze watermelon, tangerine, pineapple to drink water to drink alcohol, reduce drunkenness very quickly. Drinking tapioca flour: This is one of the commonly used ways to reduce fatigue after drinking alcohol. You can mix 10-20g of tapioca powder to drink alcohol. Chickpeas and licorice: Drinking green bean and licorice juice also has an alcohol-reducing effect. Fresh instant rhizomes: Use fresh instant rhizomes to wash, then pound and squeeze to get 100ml of water to drink once, also quickly soothe the stomach. Drink honey water: Honey is warm, so it also has an effective alcohol detoxification effect. Use dried tangerine peel: Tangerine peel, also known as bare skin, has a very good alcohol detoxification effect. Use 30g of dried tangerine peels for aroma, then crumble. Add 2 sour apricots, seeded and finely chopped. Bring the two flavors to simmer with 360ml of water after 30 minutes to get water for drunk people to drink. Drink plenty of filtered water: Add water to prevent dehydration and reduce blood alcohol levels. To reduce drunkenness, when drinking alcohol, you should drink water in between. How to get rid of alcohol immediately with green tea water: In green tea water contains tannin acid to help reduce blood alcohol concentration. A cup of solid green tea can dissolve alcohol quickly, preventing delirium. Fresh ginger juice: Fresh ginger has a warm, spicy taste that helps improve blood circulation and avoid colds for drunk people. You can thinly slice ginger and then mix it with warm water, can add sugar or honey to make it easy to drink. Rice water: Rice water contains a lot of sugar and B vitamins that have the effect of detoxifying alcohol. So you can give drunk people rice water instead of porridge. Sugarcane juice: Sugarcane juice has a very good anti-alcohol effect, you just need to give a drunk person a cup of sugarcane juice to be able to drink alcohol. Drinking tomato juice: Drinking ripe tomato juice is one of the ways to quickly and effectively detoxify alcohol, especially this food also has the ability to effectively detoxify. Use of alcohol antidote: Currently on the market there are many types of alcohol antidote with many different dosage forms such as tablet form, liquid form, nuggets, ... Alcohol antidote has the effect of limiting the formation of alcohol. into acetaldehydes and eliminate them from the body, helping to detoxify alcohol.

3.Some notes to use antidote properly

The main ingredients in alcohol antidote are B vitamins, vitamin C, Succinic Acid, Fumaric Acid, L-Glutamine. However, it should be noted that alcohol tablets should not be abused or thought that there will be no harm in taking alcohol pills.
After drinking too much alcohol, people take alcohol antidote to relieve symptoms brought on by alcohol. In fact, these substances are not drugs but a form of functional foods. Succinic acid, Fumaric acid present in alcohol tablets have the effect of hindering the oxidation of alcohol into acetaldehyde - a toxic substance that is harmful to the body, and at the same time accelerate the conversion of Acetaldehyde into CO2 and water. Respiration and urine reduce the feeling of headache, discomfort for drinkers. rather than restoring or protecting organs damaged by alcohol.
In addition, after alcohol enters the body, it will be distributed to cells and converted into acetaldehyde (this is the substance that causes drunkenness, alcohol poisoning). Therefore, the ingredients in the alcohol solution will somewhat limit the formation of acetaldehyde and eliminate it from the body. However, if people drink a lot of alcohol, the quick and temporary antidote will not be able to neutralize all the alcohol in the wine, so the drinker is still drunk and poisoned.
When drinking alcohol at the allowed dose, alcohol antidote can help users reduce headache, fever, aches, and comfort. But if used regularly or in excess of alcohol antidote, it will cause a reverse reaction, leading to an increase in liver enzymes (AST, ALT, gamma-GT). At the same time, it reduces the substances that have the function of protecting the liver, increasing the synthesis of fatty acids and triglycerides in liver cells, leading to an increase in fatty liver; hepatocellular necrosis; Gastrointestinal ulcers and death because the antidote retains alcohol in the intestines without the liver being able to filter out toxins in time.
Therefore, do not abuse fast alcohol antidote, instead, you should use some folk methods for effective and safe alcohol detoxification. Sodium succinate helps with alcohol withdrawal, is a suggestion for men to help minimize the symptoms of dizziness and get rid of alcohol immediately by accelerating the breakdown of acetaldehyde into acetic acid. Then acetic acid enters the Krebs cycle, producing energy for cells to function. Supportive measures from traditional medicine such as bitter gourd, bitter gourd can be used to support liver cells in people who are chronically harmed by alcohol slowly.
Some tips for when you are drunk:
Do not drive yourself Do not stay alone when drunk Avoid taking long baths after drinking a lot of alcohol Get medical attention immediately if you have any symptoms you can still perceive that it is dangerous to health. Make it easy for you to call emergency services.
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