Things you should (and shouldn't) do after sex

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After a passionate night, maybe all you really want to do is just hug with your partner. But there are some important things you should do then. Here are the best tips for you to follow after falling in love to keep your sex life and health in top shape. So, what should not be done after sex and what should be done after sex?
Shower You should not jump out of bed and take a shower right away. Just gently cleaning yourself after sex will help protect men and women from getting a urinary tract infection (UTI). Wash the area around (not inside) the genitals with warm water. You can use a mild soap, but if you have sensitive skin or you already have an infection, don't use it because soap can dry or irritate the area. Men with the foreskin should gently pull back and rinse the inner layer of the foreskin.
Don't douche Some women think they need to clean the inside of their vagina after having sex with water or sanitizer. But such douching can lead to more infections by upsetting the natural balance of protective bacteria in the vagina. The best way to take care of the vagina after sex is to not douche deep inside, let the vagina clean itself naturally. Also, keep in mind that a slight odor is normal and may not be a sign of a medical condition.
Keep it simple Along with douches, drug stores offer a wide variety of wipes, creams, and sprays that can help you clean up again. Some products are made with harsh soaps, detergents, shampoos, perfumes or lotions that can hurt your skin. However, you just need to gently wash with warm water after sex is enough. And avoid using scented tampons, pads, powders, and sprays, especially if you're prone to infections.

Trắc nghiệm: Kiến thức về nhiễm trùng nấm men

Nhiễm trùng nấm men là một bệnh lý ở âm đạo phụ nữ, có khả năng gây ra nhiều biến chứng nếu không được phát hiện và điều trị kịp thời. Thế nhưng, không phải phụ nữ nào cũng biết về bệnh lý này. Nếu như ngại đọc, tại sao không thử dùng bài trắc nghiệm dưới đây như một cách thức bổ sung các hiểu biết liên quan đến bệnh?

Bài dịch từ:

Empty bladder During sex, bacteria can get into your urethra, the tube that carries urine, and out of your body. That can increase your chances of getting an infection. When you pee, you also flush out germs with the urine stream. So, after enjoying your love time with your partner, you should pee as soon as it's over. If you are a woman, you should wipe your vulva from front to back to prevent the spread of bacteria.
Drink a glass of water It is a good idea that when you have just finished urinating, drink a glass of water to avoid dehydration and thirst. When you're well-hydrated, you'll pee more, which means more bacteria will be washed out of your body before an infection can break out.
Wear loose clothing Hot, sweaty locations are ideal spots for bacteria and fungi to thrive. So wear loose and airy underwear and clothing to allow air to circulate. Women should avoid bras and panties that are too tight. Cotton underwear works well for men and women because they are breathable and moisture-wicking. Or you may not need to wear underwear to bed.
Wash your hands This is the best way to get rid of bacteria that you can get from touching your or your partner's genitals. This is key to stopping the infection from spreading. Wash your hands with soap and water, and make it a habit to wash your hands after sex.
Cleaning sex toys After using these toys, bacteria, viruses and fungi can stick around the surface of these toys. That means your toys can spread STIs and other infections. As a result, you need to clean all of these toys after each use, it's best to check the instruction sheet for the correct way to clean. Toys should not be shared with others, as this can cause germs to cross-contaminate each other. If you intend to share with others, try to cover the toy with a new condom each time you use it.

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Treating an infection If you notice symptoms such as itching, burning, or thick, white discharge from your vagina or penis, get treatment before you resume sex. And it's not just you, but your partners, that needs to be treated for STIs.
Consider going to the doctor If you are sexually active, especially if you have a new partner, you should both get tested for STIs. Most of these infections have no symptoms, so testing is the only way to know for sure if you have the disease. You can also watch for symptoms, like discharge, pain, blisters, sores, spots, or lumps around your genitals.
Take extra care during pregnancy It's generally safe to have sex during pregnancy, unless you're more likely to get an infection like a urinary tract infection during this time. Therefore, you need to adhere to the basic hygiene techniques after sex mentioned above such as urinating after sex, washing around the vagina and drinking water. And you need to encourage your partner to do the same.
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