Things to know when falling in love with a depressed person

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Depression is a common disease in modern society. According to WHO, an estimated 350 million people worldwide suffer from depression. Anyone can get the disease, including family members, friends or your loved one. Equip yourself with the knowledge when loving a depressed person to make love last longer.
There are many things to keep in mind when dealing with and caring for people with depression, especially when loving a depressed person because the actions, feelings, and thoughts of love can have a great impact on psychology. their.

1. Depressed people have very strong personalities

Philosopher and psychiatrist Neel Burton has explained that depression can represent a search for meaning and value in life. People with depression can be compared to someone who is working to create meaning in life, trying and fixing and improving many things to achieve more value. In addition, depression is also a way to prepare for a better future.
It takes a strong spirit to admit depression. It is also the driving force that motivates people to find out many things in life. It can be said that depression can lead people into the deep forest of the soul, finding the hidden good things.

2. Depressed people are easily touched when they are suddenly asked

One of the most common symptoms of depression is a desire to be alone. However, a visit and encouragement is an extremely effective spiritual medicine that helps the patient.
Loneliness, lack of family affection, lack of social relationships are one of the causes of depression. So people with depression want to be cared for, around, taken care of more. Although they seem to want to be alone, they don't want to be abandoned.
If you are in love with a depressed person, you should not avoid them, but need to be closer to them, build your feelings and care for them. The love of family and friends, especially love, is an extremely effective natural medicine for people with depression.

Sự cô đơn, thiếu tình cảm gia đình, thiếu các mối quan hệ giao tiếp xã hội là một trong những nguyên nhân gây bệnh trầm cảm
Sự cô đơn, thiếu tình cảm gia đình, thiếu các mối quan hệ giao tiếp xã hội là một trong những nguyên nhân gây bệnh trầm cảm

3. Depressed people don't want to burden anyone

People with depression can be aware of the emotions and treatment of those around them. They often want to isolate themselves because they don't want to depend or become a burden on anyone, they want to control themselves so as not to affect others. However, this thinking is also one of the effects that make the condition worse.
If unfortunately the sick person has actions or words that hurt or offend you, remember that it is due to the effects of depression, not their nature. You should tell the person you love that you fully accept them and their condition and tell them the strengths and things that make you love them.

4. Depressed people are not “injured” or “defective”

Regardless of the cause of the illness, a person with depression is not a "disabled" or "defective" person as many people think today. Their qualities and personalities have nothing to do with having the disease. If you love a depressed person, you should love them, show them respect, and treat them as normal.

5. Depressed people are philosophers

People with depression often have many thoughts, many conceptions about life, happiness and meaningful things. The worldview of depressed people is much broader and more inclusive than that of the average person. They are intelligent, creative, eager to learn.

6. Depressed people always try to fight this disease

People with depression need to have relatives and friends by their side, encouragement and support, to help them feel sincere affection, care and concern. Your presence next to them is a great encouragement to help them overcome this disease.

7. Depressed people want a chance to laugh

Laughter and relaxation are very beneficial for people with depression. Help them feel comfortable, bring more joy and laughter into their lives.

8. Depressed people are sensitive to the feelings and actions of others

People with depression are very attentive and concerned about the feelings of the people around them. They observe how you see and treat them. Be respectful and considerate to the person with depression, building a good relationship based on healthy communication and certain boundaries.

Người mắc trầm cảm rất để ý và quan tâm đến cảm xúc của mọi người xung quanh đối với họ
Người mắc trầm cảm rất để ý và quan tâm đến cảm xúc của mọi người xung quanh đối với họ

9. Depressed people should be treated with respect

Many people with depression experience discrimination. Respecting the sick person will help their condition improve. See them for who they really are, not when they're sick. Don't let their outbursts of illness make you misjudge who they are, forget their previous true personality and qualities.

10. Depressed people need to be treated fairly

Think of the person suffering from depression as a normal person. You can continue to do your job without being too cautious with them.

11. Depressed people have talent and also have fun

Everyone has certain talents and interests, including people with depression. They may even be better than a lot of ordinary people. Help them find their abilities, strengths, and a few favorite activities to gradually erase the negative manifestations of the disease.

12. Depressed people are completely capable of giving and receiving love

If you are in love with someone with depression, love them with all your heart, treat them the way you want them to treat you. Interspersed with periods of symptoms of illness, they still have thoughts, feelings, joy, and laughter.

13. Depressed people are passionate about learning how life works

People with depression have a lot of questions, they often ask questions, analyze things deeply. They are inquisitive, hidden talents.

14. Depressed people have no intention of surrendering to illness

Depression is treatable. People who know to accept that they are sick will be able to treat the disease more effectively than those who are hiding the disease, not looking directly at the truth.

15. Depressed people can be sad for no reason

Depression makes people emotional disorders, mood changes quickly, they may be sad for no reason at all. So being with them as much as possible helps them feel cared for, happy and joyful. Maybe just sit next to them, read a book together, watch a movie together or go for a walk with them...

Người trầm cảm có thể buồn không vì lý do nào
Người trầm cảm có thể buồn không vì lý do nào

16. Depressed people may not have as much energy as they would like

People with depression are always moody, tired, lack of vitality, they have no energy, no interest to do anything. To support the treatment process, patients need to exercise and improve their health. Walking, running or playing sports with your lover is both a way to relax and improve the chances of overcoming depression and regaining the spirit of the patient.

17. Depressed people get angry easily

People with depression are very irritable, have actions and words that hurt you. You should not mind these things, gently tell them how you are feeling and what you want from them. If they continue to be irritable and don't want to listen, be quiet, wait until the emotion subsides, and then try talking again. Let them feel that you love them but that you also love yourself and need to be appreciated by them.

18. Depressed people don't want to hear what "should or shouldn't" do

People with depression don't want to be told what to do by others. That sometimes causes them to become irritable, have unpleasant expressions. They will feel that you are pretending and not respecting them, that you are looking down on them for not being self-aware. Instead, talk to them with open-ended questions that lead, giving them plenty of options to think about and consider for themselves.

Người trầm cảm không muốn nghe “nên hay không nên” làm gì
Người trầm cảm không muốn nghe “nên hay không nên” làm gì

19. Depressed people need support and encouragement from family and lovers

Family and loved ones play a very important role in the treatment of depression. Be with them, show care, love and help them in life with small actions such as:
Give them sincere compliments Notice their strengths, advantages and positives. them Seeking entertainment for them Join them in social activities, events Pay attention in daily communication so as not to inhibit them Respect the patient's feelings

20. Depressed people need more encouragement than criticism and deterrence

Anyone would rather be encouraged than deterred, and so should someone with depression. The self-esteem of people with depression will increase every time they are encouraged and supported, helping them have good energy and live and work better.
The above notes are to equip you with knowledge in case when you fall in love with a depressed person. In addition to knowing these notes, show your companionship and concern for your lover in the process of fighting depression by taking them to a psychological examination at prestigious and leading hospitals in this field. To get the most effective treatment, to make your love life more complete.
Psychological Clinic - Vinmec Times City International General Hospital is one of the leading hospitals in effective examination, consultation and treatment of psychological diseases, including depression, trusted by patients and Selection. The clinic has outstanding advantages such as:
Modern facilities, advanced equipment effectively support the implementation of disease therapies such as: psychotherapy, light therapy, control Psychological tests... Patients will be psychologically treated by a team of doctors and nurses from leading centers and hospitals across the country, in combination with famous experts, professors, and lecturers. Top member at Hanoi Medical University. The clinic focuses on giving patients a comfortable examination and consultation space, easily opening their hearts, sharing psychological pressures, and effectively supporting the treatment process, especially with specific diseases such as: depression. Location at Vinmec Times City:
Room 4063, 4th floor, General Internal Medicine Department
Clinic working schedule from 8:00am - 12:00pm, afternoon 13:00-17h00
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