Things to know about laser tonsillectomy

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The article was professionally consulted with Specialist Doctor II Nguyen Van Thai - Ear, Nose Throat Doctor - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Danang International General Hospital.
Laser tonsillectomy is a method of using a laser at the right level of energy to remove the tonsils that are having medical problems. This is the most commonly used tonsillectomy method today.

1. What is laser tonsillectomy?

Laser tonsillectomy is a method of using a laser at an appropriate energy level to remove tonsils from the nasopharynx in case the tonsils have a pathological condition. Compared with the traditional tonsillectomy method, laser tonsillectomy has many outstanding advantages, so it is widely used today.

2. . In which cases is laser tonsillectomy indicated?

Tonsillitis has an important role for the immune system, when removing tonsils the body can be immunocompromised. On the other hand, tonsillectomy can be risky, especially for children. Therefore, tonsillectomy is indicated very closely, the tonsils are only cut when it really becomes an inflammatory focal point, threatening the patient's health.
Like other methods, laser tonsillectomy is performed in the following cases:
● Chronic tonsillitis that recurs many times a year (5-7 times/year).
● Chronic tonsillitis causes difficulty breathing, swallowing, difficulty speaking
● Chronic tonsillitis causes inflammation, abscess around tonsils, sinusitis, rhinitis, otitis media, bronchitis, pneumonia , lymphadenitis under the jaw or on the side of the throat...
● Chronic tonsillitis has the potential to cause distant complications such as glomerulonephritis, arthritis, endocarditis, prolonged digestive disorders, bacterial infections blood.

Viêm amidan mạn tính quá phát gây khó nuốt khi ăn uống
Viêm amidan mạn tính quá phát gây khó nuốt khi ăn uống

3. Laser tonsillectomy process

3.1. Preparation before laser tonsillectomy surgery ● The patient will be examined by a doctor to evaluate the size of the tonsils, the laser tonsillectomy method is only suitable for medium sized tonsils. Patients are also assigned to perform paraclinical tests to ensure their health is suitable for surgery.
● The patient must inform the doctor about their medical history, treatment drugs, including functional foods and supplements they are using. Your doctor may ask you to stop certain medications that increase your risk during and after surgery. Patients must also report any history of drug allergies to their doctor, if any.
● Before surgery, the patient must fast for at least 6 hours, limit smoking, do not drink alcohol, beer and other drinks with alcohol, stimulants,...
3.2. Laser tonsillectomy procedure Laser tonsillectomy usually takes 15-30 minutes with the following steps:
● The patient will be anesthetized (endotracheal anesthesia). The doctor will then adjust the laser to the right intensity to remove the tonsils. The tonsils are usually cut at the ulnar margin first, then move to cut the outer surface, the lower pole, then the upper pole, and finally separate the tonsil from the ulnar part.
● Check the tonsils for the last time, then proceed to stop the bleeding.

Cắt amidan bằng laser
Cắt amidan bằng laser
3.3. Caring for the patient after laser tonsillectomy After laser tonsillectomy, the patient will be monitored in the hospital for a few hours. After that, the doctor will check again, if the patient's condition is stable, the patient can go home to take care of him without staying in the hospital. During home care after tonsillectomy, to help the patient recover quickly. To recover and reduce the risk of complications, patients and caregivers should note:
● For 10 days after tonsillectomy, patients should eat soft, liquid, cold, and cold foods. Do not eat sour, spicy, hard, hot foods, do not use carbonated soft drinks,... Specifically:
● 3 hours after tonsillectomy, if the patient is awake, there is no bleeding, give Patient drinks cold milk.
● Day 2-7: give the patient liquid food such as minced meat porridge, vermicelli, cake soup, noodles, pieces,... Drink juice, smoothies, cold spring water,...
Day 8- 12: patient can eat mushy rice, soft cooked vegetables,...
● From day 12: patient can eat and drink normally.
● For 2 weeks after surgery should limit talking, walking and light labor at home or office. No shouting, running or jumping, strenuous labor, or intense exercise is not allowed.
● When there are symptoms of severe sore throat, the patient should return to the doctor for examination and treatment.

4. Is laser tonsillectomy painful?

During the surgery, the patient will be anesthetized so there is no pain. After surgery, when the effect of the anesthetic has expired, the patient will feel pain in the oropharynx. However, in general, laser tonsillectomy is less painful than some other methods. To reduce pain symptoms, doctors will usually prescribe Paracetamol for patients 1-5 days after surgery.

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Người bệnh được sử dụng thuốc giảm đau sau phẫu thuật

5. Advantages and disadvantages of laser tonsillectomy

In laser tonsillectomy, the laser is controlled by a machine and examined under a microscope, so tonsillectomy is performed very accurately, and the surgery time is shortened. The patient has less bleeding during surgery because the blood vessels are rapidly hemostatic. After surgery, patients have less pain, less complications, and faster recovery time.
However, this method still has some limitations such as, can leave scars, damage the vocal cords, cause hoarseness.
Laser tonsillectomy is a simple operation, but to ensure a successful operation and minimize possible complications, patients should perform surgery in hospitals. Large, reputable with otolaryngology specialist.
BSCK II Nguyen Van Thai was formerly a Doctor of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery at the Department of Otolaryngology - Hue Central Hospital with more than 17 years of treatment experience, especially in the field of Head and Neck Surgery. Currently, he is an Otolaryngologist at the Inter-Specialist Clinic of the Department of Medical Examination and Internal Medicine, Vinmec Da Nang International General Hospital.
For advice and registration for tonsillectomy, customers can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide or register online HERE.

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