The stages of puberty are explained with pictures

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Puberty is a time of great psychological and physiological changes in boys and girls. Accordingly, this is also a period of many physical changes and has different effects in each sex. The following pictures will demonstrate the changes at this age.

1. Stages of Puberty

Puberty is a period in adulthood that marks the development and completion of the body's reproductive capabilities. For men, puberty is measured from the first ejaculation (usually between 11-12 years of age) while in women, it is determined from the time of menstruation (average 10-11 years). ) year old. In some cases, early puberty appeared in children.
Normally, puberty in both boys and girls goes through 5 stages which are summarized as follows:
Stage 1: The early and middle of this stage have almost no significant symptoms. However, towards the end of stage 1 the signals begin to appear: The hypothalamus begins to release GnRH hormone, the pituitary gland also produces two hormones, LH hormone (which regulates testicular function in men and ovaries in women) and the hormone FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone). Stage 2: Marks the starting point of physical development when hormones begin to send signals throughout the body Stage 3: The stage when physical changes appear in both men and women female Stage 4: The most intense period of physical development that anyone can feel Stage 5: This is the final stage marking the complete physical and reproductive function of women body.

Hình 1. Tóm tắt 5 giai đoạn dậy thì ở cả bé trai và bé gái
Hình 1. Tóm tắt 5 giai đoạn dậy thì ở cả bé trai và bé gái

2. Puberty boy

The process of puberty in boys is described through some pictures:

Hình 2. Một số hình ảnh dậy thì ở bé trai
Hình 2. Một số hình ảnh dậy thì ở bé trai

After the breasts and testicles develop, beard and hair on many parts such as arms, legs, armpits, pubic hair also begin to appear and grow more and more. Accompanied by acne.
Muscle growth is evident in males during puberty. The shoulders are wider and taller while the face is less round and has more adult-like angles. Although not equal to girls, the height of boys also grows rapidly in this age group.
Voice cracking: Men's voices gradually become deeper due to the release of testosterone hormone. They act to enlarge the larynx and lengthen the vocal cords.

3. Puberty girl

The process of puberty in girls is shown through some typical images:

Hình 3. Xuất hiện kinh nguyệt và sự phát triển ngực trong tuổi dậy thì ở cả bé gái
Hình 3. Xuất hiện kinh nguyệt và sự phát triển ngực trong tuổi dậy thì ở cả bé gái

Puberty in girls usually begins between 9-13 years old, breasts gradually enlarge, body curves begin to appear, height and weight also increase besides the appearance of menstruation.
Pubic and armpit hair starts to appear and gets thicker as the body grows.

Hình 4. Lông nách xuất hiện trong tuổi dậy thì ở cả bé gái
Hình 4. Lông nách xuất hiện trong tuổi dậy thì ở cả bé gái

Acne can be the first sign on the face, chest or back, is a sign of entering puberty. The reason is because the sebaceous glands are overactive under the effect of hormones. Accordingly, it is necessary to try to keep the skin clean instead of using makeup cosmetics, acne will quickly disappear at the stage. late puberty.
Sweating with an unpleasant odor. This is the result of overactive sweat glands in the body, especially in the armpit area. However, it does not affect health much, if you feel lack of confidence because of body odor, girls can completely use deodorant rollers.
Vaginal discharge begins to appear white or yellow spots. This is the self-protection and moisturizing mechanism of the vagina. However, if symptoms such as vaginal itching or unpleasant odor appear, you need to talk to your mother to find a solution because it could be a sign of infection.
Start paying more attention to the opposite sex. Parents should also pay more attention to their children during this period to avoid situations that are off-limits. Girls in puberty also pay great attention to their body shape. Often compares her body to friends of the same sex or even professional photo models.

Puberty is a stage in a child's normal development. It marks the change in a man from a boy to a tall boy or from a girl to a girl. Not only physical changes appear, children's psychology also has strong changes, wanting to prove they have matured and express themselves in front of the opposite sex.
Parents should take great care of their children during this period. It is necessary to consult a doctor today if you notice certain conditions such as:
Signs of precocious puberty appear before the age of 6 in girls and before the age of 9 in boys in girls and after the age of 14 in boys Body changes do not occur normally with the stages of puberty. Puberty-adolescence is an intermediate stage of transition from childhood to adulthood in children. Parents need to pay special attention to taking care of their children's psycho-physiological health at this stage so that they can have a solid stepping stone for adulthood.
The information in the above article is an illustration of the stages of puberty with pictures. If parents detect abnormalities in this period, especially thickening, early in their children, they should take their children to a doctor to receive a doctor's advice and help adjust their lifestyle and activities to protect themselves. healthy development for children at the right age.
The early puberty screening package being implemented at Vinmec International General Hospital is the right choice of parents to have accurate conclusions about the health status and development of their children. Your baby will be examined with a leading specialist in Pediatric Endocrinology, will have sex hormone blood tests, bone age assessment tests, brain MRI scans or some more specialized tests to determine the right diagnosis. causes of precocious puberty and timely intervention.
If you need advice and support on the issue of early puberty in children at Vinmec, please contact to book an online examination HERE.
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