The secret to help you lower cholesterol easily

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Make proactive changes to your diet and lifestyle to keep your cholesterol levels under control. Even very simple habits help lower cholesterol levels very well. Cholesterol is essential for creating cell membranes and balancing hormones in the body. However, when there is an excess of cholesterol in the blood, it will be very dangerous because it is a cause of increasing chronic diseases.

1. Set a goal

Anyone can say, "I'll eat less fat" or "I'll eat more vegetables." These are pretty general goals. People themselves will feel more motivated if they set a very specific amount. For example, "I want an LDL lower than 130." (Low-density lipoprotein, or LDL, is known as “bad cholesterol.”) Doctors recommend lowering your LDL below 70 if you have a very high risk of heart disease or heart attack.

2. Don't sit for too long in one place

Hãy vận động trong khoảng 3 - 5' sau mỗi giờ ngồi làm việc
Hãy vận động trong khoảng 3 - 5' sau mỗi giờ ngồi làm việc
Regular physical activity not only keeps you physically healthy, it actually increases good cholesterol levels by up to 10%. It's motivating to hit the gym or start a sport, but even small changes like going for a walk after dinner, or using the stairs instead of the elevator can have significant benefits. Just find a way to keep moving, moving, and moving. For example, if you work in an office, try to take a short break every hour and walk around the office. A good rule of thumb is 10,000 steps a day (use a pedometer to track).

3. Increase fiber

There are many reasons to increase fiber in your diet. Not only does it contain antioxidants (reducing cancer risk) but it can also lower cholesterol levels. Food sources of rich fiber such as apples, beans, avocados, broccoli, artichokes, broccoli, papaya... Also, you can check the "psyllium" content on food labels.

4. Eat fish three times a week

The American Heart Association recommends eating fish three times a week. Fish is a food with very high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, which can significantly reduce the levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the body. Fish oil supplements can also be of great help, but talk to your doctor first, especially while taking any anticoagulants.

5. Drink 1 glass of wine or beer a day

Research shows that this habit can increase good cholesterol levels by 10%. However, don't drink more, it doesn't multiply the benefits, it just makes you do more terrible things to your liver.

6. Drink green tea

Trà xanh có tác dụng chống oxy hóa cũng như giữ chỉ số cholesterol ở mức cân đối
Trà xanh có tác dụng chống oxy hóa cũng như giữ chỉ số cholesterol ở mức cân đối
Green tea has proven to have a lot of health benefits, and a recent study done in Brazil proved that it can also keep cholesterol levels under control. Participants who were asked to take green tea capsules improved their LDL levels by 5%. If you don't like green tea, orange juice is also one of the good suggestions that bring many benefits to the heart.

7. Ask your doctor about cholesterol medication

If you have cholesterol problems and are at high risk of developing heart disease or having a heart attack, your doctor may prescribe medication. Can significantly reduce LDL levels by 50%. This supplement plus changes in lifestyle and diet, is sure to make big changes in health.

8. Choose Smart Fats

Use canola oil instead of vegetable oil. Pour a bottle of vinegar instead of the Thousand mix into the salad. Skip any sauces for pasta dishes that use tomato sauce or olive oil. Grilled fish instead of steak...
These options help lower cholesterol levels. Just switch, you will feel the difference.

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