The reason why you feel dizzy when you wake up

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Dizziness is not a disease but a symptom of an ongoing medical condition. If you often feel dizzy when you wake up, this could be a sign of a medical condition that you have.

1. What is vertigo?

Dizziness occurs as a feeling of lightheadedness, lightheadedness, or loss of balance. Dizziness may be accompanied by fainting or convulsions. This could be a sign of a medical condition. Elderly people with vertigo are at higher risk of falling.

Trắc nghiệm: Bận rộn có ảnh hưởng đến sức khỏe của bạn không?

Cuộc sống hiện đại khiến chúng ta vì quá bận rộn mà quên chăm sóc sức khỏe cho chính mình. Ai cũng biết rằng lịch trình làm việc cả ngày có thể khiến bạn kiệt sức, nhưng cụ thể bận rộn ảnh hưởng thế nào tới sức khỏe? Hãy cùng làm thử bài trắc nghiệm dưới đây.

2. What makes you dizzy when you wake up?

There are many different possible causes of dizziness - from an underlying medical condition to medication or emotional use. Most of us have experienced a feeling of dizziness, which is usually not a cause for concern.
If you experience dizziness in the morning right after you wake up, it could be the result of a sudden change as your body adjusts from lying down to standing. Dizziness can occur when you change positions suddenly.
If you have a cold or sinus, you may find that your dizziness is made worse by excess fluid in your sinuses causing your sinuses to swell, or in your inner ear.

Bệnh xoang là lý do khiến bạn chóng mặt khi ngủ dậy
Bệnh xoang là lý do khiến bạn chóng mặt khi ngủ dậy
Here are some other common problems that can lead to morning vertigo:
Sleep apnea: If you have sleep apnea or you snore more while sleeping, this is why you feel dizzy. face after waking up.
Sleep apnea is a condition where breathing is obstructed, which means you can temporarily stop breathing while you sleep. Disruptions in breathing can lead to lower oxygen levels, causing dizziness in the morning when you wake up.
Sleep apnea also makes it difficult to get a good night's sleep. When you are sleep deprived, you may feel tired, shaky, or you may lose your balance.
If you often get dizzy in the morning, often snore or if you feel exhausted from not getting a good night's sleep, you should consult a doctor to improve the above condition.
Drugs: Many drugs can cause dizziness in the morning or at other times. Among them are antidepressants, antiepileptic drugs, blood pressure medications, allergy medications, prostate medications, and tranquilizers.
Tell your doctor right away if you suspect one of the medicines you are taking is causing you to feel dizzy. It could be a warning sign that you need to make a dose adjustment or change the medication.
Dehydration: If you don't drink enough water, you can become dehydrated. Drinking too little water makes it difficult for your brain and body to function properly, which can lead to dizziness.
Of course, you can't drink water while sleeping. But you should stay hydrated a few hours before bed, as you can become dehydrated, especially in the morning.
Heart failure : When you have heart failure, it means that the heart will not be able to work properly to pump blood to the body. When heart failure becomes severe, blood pressure is not controlled. Blood pressure drops naturally when you stand up. As a result, you may experience dizziness.
People with heart failure also often take a variety of medications to improve their health, including blood pressure medications and diuretics. Medications can also be a cause of dizziness.
Low blood sugar: Low blood sugar can cause hormonal and chemical changes in your body that make you feel shaky or dizzy.
People with diabetes, taking insulin or sulfonylurea drugs have a higher risk of low blood sugar. Other possible causes of hypoglycemia include medications, alcohol consumption on an empty stomach, and other medical conditions such as liver disease.
You can raise your blood sugar by eating or drinking something that contains sugar, such as orange juice or candy.
If you are dizzy, you may also feel nauseous or vomit. This condition is usually not serious and goes away on its own.

Hạ đường huyết có thể khiến bạn cảm thấy run rẩy hoặc chóng mặt
Hạ đường huyết có thể khiến bạn cảm thấy run rẩy hoặc chóng mặt

3. Measures to reduce dizziness after waking up

The most important thing you can do to reduce dizziness after waking up is to drink enough water.
Even if you don't feel thirsty, your body is still at risk of dehydration, especially if you do tasks that require a lot of movement, work outside, or engage in intense exercise.
You should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day and more if you have to be active, pregnant or sweat a lot. Sweating increases dehydration. Avoid alcohol, especially before bed. You should keep a glass of water or a bottle next to your bed to drink water as soon as you wake up in the morning.
If you often feel dizzy or your dizziness occurs regularly throughout the day, you should visit a medical facility to determine the exact cause of the dizziness.
There are many factors that can lead to dizziness, so it's important to get checked out if your vertigo doesn't go away or if it happens regularly and regularly.
To register for screening and treatment of neurological diseases at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide, or register online HERE.
Reference source:;
Treatment of acute dizziness Common types of dizziness How to prevent and reduce symptoms of dizziness
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