The milestones of the child's height development

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The article was professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor I, Resident Doctor Dang Thi Ngoan - Pediatrician - Neonatologist, Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology - Vinmec Ha Long International General Hospital
The growth and development of a child's height takes place continuously from the fetal stage until puberty. However, not every stage of the child's height also increases, sometimes it increases quickly, sometimes it slows down. Therefore, understanding the milestones of the child's height development will help parents know how to properly care for their children so that their children have an ideal height.

1. Fetal development stage

The first milestone in the development of a child's height that parents rarely pay attention to is the period right in the womb. At this time, the child's development is completely dependent on the mother's nutrition. Therefore, when pregnant, the mother needs to be provided with the best nutrition for the child to develop a favorable height.
Starting from the 4th month of pregnancy, the baby's skeletal system is formed and developed rapidly. At this time, children need to be provided with adequate nutrients, especially calcium, for bone development. Pregnant women need to eat more calcium-rich foods to meet the body's necessary calcium needs and help children reach their maximum height, creating a premise for children to grow taller in the future. Pregnant women need to have a balanced diet, good spirit and reasonable rest. The weight can increase from 10-12kg, then the baby will be born with a standard height > 50cm as recommended by the Ministry of Health. .

2. Development stage from 0-2 years old

The period from 0-2 years old is counted from the time the baby is born until the baby is 2 years old. If this period is well-nourished, children can increase their height from 25cm in the first 12 months and 10cm/year in the next year. Therefore, in the first 2 years of life, a baby can grow up to 35cm in height. The height of the child at this stage will be 1⁄2 of the adult height. Therefore, to achieve the ideal height, parents need to supplement with adequate nutrition and take proper care of their children's health such as:
Nutrition: children should be exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months of life as recommended. of the World Health Organization. Because breast milk is a source of food containing adequate nutrients to help children develop comprehensively, while strengthening the immune system and preventing gastrointestinal diseases. After 6 months, when the child turns to weaning, parents need to pay attention to adding foods to help develop the child's height. Health care: give children adequate and scheduled vaccinations to prevent disease risk, reduce the risk of rickets, malnutrition, weight loss, anorexia,... At the same time, supplement with calcium and Vitamin D to support the development of bones and joints. Letting children sleep on time, enough sleep is also one of the factors affecting the height development of children.

Cha mẹ nên cho trẻ tiêm chủng đầy đủ các mũi vắc-xin theo lịch tiêm chủng
Cha mẹ nên cho trẻ tiêm chủng đầy đủ các mũi vắc-xin theo lịch tiêm chủng

3. Puberty stage

Puberty is the golden period of height development of children and this is also the last opportunity to promote growth for children. Puberty will be different between boys and girls. For girls it is 10-16 years old, for boys it is 12-18 years old. During this period, girls can increase their height by about 8cm/year and boys by 10cm/year.
This is considered the final stage for children to grow in height, until the age of 20 most of the height will stop growing. Because when the cartilage tissue in puberty will no longer be able to last. However, at this stage, parents rarely pay attention to their children because they think that the children have grown up and can take care of themselves with appropriate nutrition. Therefore, in order to achieve the ideal height when entering adulthood, in addition to a suitable diet full of calcium, vitamin D, chondroitin sulfate, DHA, folic acid,... it is necessary to have a suitable exercise regimen. fit. Exercise and sports account for 20% of a child's height growth. Depending on the child's ability and interests, parents should create good conditions for their children to participate in some sports that are good for the child's height development such as swimming, badminton, volleyball, basketball, skipping rope. , swinging bars, cycling,...
Besides, during puberty, the adequate production of growth hormone is essential for children to grow taller during puberty. However, growth hormone is secreted most when the baby sleeps deeply at night. So, remind your children to go to bed before 10pm to ensure good health as well as maximize height development.
Especially parents should also note, today the situation of early puberty in children is growing more and more, this is also one of the reasons why the increase in height of children is affected and tends to slow down. If your child has an early puberty.
In order to limit the above problem, Vinmec International General Hospital has developed the Early Puberty Screening Package. With this package, your baby will be examined with a leading expert in Pediatric Endocrinology, have sex hormone blood tests, bone age assessment tests, brain MRI scans or some more specialized tests. to properly identify the cause of precocious puberty and intervene promptly. Thereby, parents will understand about the health status and development of their children at this age.
In short, children develop height right from the womb and the outstanding height development milestones are from 0-2 years old and puberty. Therefore, in order to help children grow to their maximum height, during the golden period, parents need to supplement with proper nutrition and appropriate exercise regime for their children.
Parents should supplement their children with supporting products containing lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, B vitamins to help fully meet the nutritional needs of children. At the same time, these essential vitamins also support digestion, enhance nutrient absorption, help improve anorexia, and help children eat well. Parents can simultaneously apply dietary supplements and functional foods derived from nature for easy absorption.
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