The magic of the "love hormone"

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The article was professionally consulted with Specialist Doctor I Truong Nghia Binh - Specialist in Obstetrics - Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Da Nang International General Hospital.
Oxytocin is known as the "love hormone" because it plays an important role in controlling the brain against problems related to love and sex. This hormone is the catalyst that helps connect people to people, and provides certain health benefits, including reducing stress, enhancing memory, and effectively reducing pain.

1. What is the “love hormone” oxytocin?

Oxytocin is a hormone that plays an extremely important role in the body of both men and women. This hormone is usually released during sex or other intimate gestures such as hugging, kissing, and holding hands. This is also why oxytocin is called the “love hormone”. Besides, oxytocin is also an indispensable factor involved in the female reproductive process, it helps to stimulate labor and increase breast milk secretion during lactation. For men, this hormone has the ability to help sperm move more easily.

Oxytocin thường được giải phóng khi quan hệ tình dục hoặc các cử chỉ thân mật
Oxytocin thường được giải phóng khi quan hệ tình dục hoặc các cử chỉ thân mật

2. The role of the hormone oxytocin in love

The hormone oxytocin has a significant influence on the human-to-human relationships in life. Oxytocin levels depend on the state of the relationship, for example, newlyweds often have higher oxytocin levels than couples who are not as passionate as before.
In addition to its role as a link between people's love, the hormone oxytocin is also essential for sexual activities. During your first intimacy, your body releases more oxytocin and dopamine, which boost your emotions and fuel your orgasm.
In general, oxytocin is a hormone that binds and maintains human relationships, and brings about the following:
Passionate gaze Trust Empathy Empathy Positive communication Good memories in relationships relationship Loyalty Signal processing engagement

Trắc nghiệm: Tìm hiểu về “bí mật” của các Hormone

Hormone hầu như quyết định tới toàn bộ các chức năng quan trọng của cơ thể. Nó “làm việc” miệt mài để phát tín hiệu và điều hòa sự hoạt động của các cơ quan trong cơ thể, mô cũng như tế bào nhất định. Để hiểu hơn về vai trò cũng như cách thức các hormone tác động lên cơ thể, bạn có thể làm bài trắc nghiệm sau đây.

Nguồn tham khảo:

3. How is the “love hormone” activated?

Oxytocin levels can be dramatically increased by just holding hands, hugging, or exchanging intimate, cuddly gestures between two people. Not only does it help strengthen relationships, but it also boosts the body's natural oxytocin levels.

Chỉ bằng những cử chỉ thân mật cũng giúp nồng độ oxytocin tăng lên đáng kể
Chỉ bằng những cử chỉ thân mật cũng giúp nồng độ oxytocin tăng lên đáng kể
In women, their bodies release more oxytocin when hugging, or being hugged by "the other person". At that time, this hormone will stimulate positive emotions, bring relaxation, along with a woman's trust in her partner. Furthermore, oxytocin is most effective during a couple's sex. Actions such as caressing, caressing, massaging, or physical touch will promote euphoria between two people and make it easier for sex to come to a climax.
Normally, foreplay during sex is seen as a catalyst, stimulating the body to release double the amount of oxytocin than usual. This "launcher" helps couples quickly achieve orgasm. In addition, women will have higher oxytocin levels around the time of ovulation, so they often have a greater need for cuddles and caresses.

4. The Health Benefits of the Hormone Oxytocin

In addition to its role as a catalyst to help cement relationships in life, the hormone oxytocin also offers certain health benefits, including:
Stress relief: cortisol is a hormone capable of causing stress. feelings of anxiety, stress for people. "Love hormone" will help the body significantly reduce the amount of this harmful hormone, while balancing blood pressure levels and increasing feelings of closeness and intimacy.

Hormone oxytocin giúp giảm căng thẳng và gia tăng cảm xúc gần gũi, thân mật
Hormone oxytocin giúp giảm căng thẳng và gia tăng cảm xúc gần gũi, thân mật
Pain relief: Oxytocin is also considered an effective pain reliever, especially for people with chronic headaches. This hormone can relieve pain after 4 hours, and the effect will wear off after 24 hours. Improve memory: Oxytocin helps people recall and not be forgotten beautiful memories of the past, especially memories of motherhood. These are important things in everyone's life, making life more positive. Some other health benefits: help reduce postpartum bleeding, or abortion; support effective treatment of mental conditions such as autism, or difficulty interacting with society; improve women's postpartum depression or alcohol abuse disorders.

5. The relationship of the hormone oxytocin and loyalty

The love hormone oxytocin has a close relationship to the level of human loyalty, especially to men. This hormone makes most men find their other half the most attractive, and no one can match. Moreover, they also feel more aroused in front of their partner. Under the influence of oxytocin, two regions of the brain are responsible for the feeling of "reward" and pleasure when a man looks into his partner's face. However, for other women, it has the opposite effect, and causes men's feelings of pleasure to be suppressed. Therefore, they often have a high sense of distance from other women when they have a lover or wife.
In an intimate relationship, oxytocin levels will increase and make you want to stick with your partner for a long time. Not only that, the love hormone will increase as two people spend more time together. This is a cycle that will repeat over and over again in life.
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