The importance of a complete blood count test

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A complete blood count is a routine blood test used to assess general health status. As a result, doctors can determine the composition and number of blood cells, helping to detect abnormalities in the body and dangerous diseases of the patient.

1. What is a complete blood count test?

The total blood cell analysis test, also known as the 32 index blood test, is used to assess the current health status of the patient by initially detecting body disorders or diseases. blood-related diseases such as blood infections, anemia or some other related diseases.
The amount of peripheral blood after being removed from the body will be stored in test tubes containing EDTA anticoagulant, then using analytical equipment to count the number of blood cells including: white blood cell count. platelets (WBC), red blood cells (RBC), platelets (PLT), and helps determine the percentage and size of blood cells.

2. Importance of a complete blood count test

Blood test 32 indicators play an important role in determining:
2.1 Red blood cell line Based on the hemoglobin hemoglobin level of the blood test, the doctor can determine if the patient is anemic or not? At the same time, it helps to check the patient's current anemia status.
Based on the average volume of MCV red blood cells of the patient, it is possible to classify their anemia with macrocytic or small red blood cells:
MCV is usually increased in cases of folic acid deficiency, or vitamin B12 deficiency. , commonly encountered in patients with liver disease, bone marrow fibrosis, alcoholism,... MCV will decrease if the patient has iron deficiency, lead poisoning, or chronic anemia or is suffering from thalassemia syndrome ,... Usually, the average hemoglobin concentration of MCHC red blood cells and the average hemoglobin level of MCH red blood cells are the basis for diagnosis and classification of hypochromic or hypochromic anemia of the disease. core.
MCHC and MCH index will decrease if the patient has thalassemia anemia, iron deficiency,...
For cases where the patient is dehydrated, has heart, lung disease or has a high fever can also be indicated. A complete blood count test may also be ordered to check for an elevated red blood cell count.
2.2 WBC Flow A complete blood count test is used to accurately quantify the number of white blood cells present in a patient's blood. Thereby, it is possible to identify 1 of the following 2 conditions:
Decreased white blood cell count: depending on the type of white blood cell that is in decline, there will be different names such as eosinophilia, leukopenia, and leukopenia. lymphocytes, neutropenia,... Increased white blood cell count: similar to the above, the increased white blood cell count will also be divided into different types such as eosinophilia, neutrophilic leukocytosis . cause of eosinophilia), allergic diseases, heavy metal poisoning (this is the main cause of neutropenia), or patients with leukemia also cause white blood cell counts to decrease. platelets in the blood are mutated.
2.3 Platelet flow Based on a blood test of 32 numbers, the doctor can determine the amount of platelets in the patient's blood and help find the exact cause of the disease:
The total number of platelets is impaired This may be the result of some diseases, affecting the production or destroying platelets in the patient's blood. If the platelet count is lower than normal, then the patient may be experiencing bleeding, which is characterized by bruises in many places on the body.
Increased total platelet count This may be the result of idiopathic thrombocytosis, post-splenectomy, or bone marrow disease. Leads to blood vessel blockage in some cases of patients.

3. When to get a complete blood count test

Patients are encouraged to undergo testing for a number of reasons such as:
To find the cause of some symptoms such as fatigue, fever, bruising or weight loss, weakness. To check if a patient is anemic To see how much blood has been lost in cases of bleeding To diagnose polycythemia vera To check if the patient has an infection To diagnose diagnose blood conditions such as leukemia Check how the patient's body responds to medications or radiation therapy Check how much bleeding affects blood cells or counts such as How to support screening before surgery A total blood analysis helps to comprehensively assess the patient's health status, especially for patients suffering from anemia, blood infection,... However, it should be done at reputable medical facilities to ensure accurate results.
Vinmec International General Hospital is one of the hospitals that not only ensures professional quality with a team of leading medical doctors, modern equipment and technology, but also stands out for its examination and consultation services. comprehensive and professional medical consultation and treatment; civilized, polite, safe and sterile medical examination and treatment space. Customers when choosing to perform tests here can be completely assured of the accuracy of test results.

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