The effect of the drug Agimdogyl

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Agimdogyl drug has the main ingredients of Spiramycin and Metronidazole. Agimdogyl drug is a combination drug of spiramycin, macrolide antibiotic and metronidazol, 5-nitro-imidazole antibiotic with good effect in the treatment of oral infections.

1. What is Agimdogyl? The effect of the drug Agimdogyl

1.1. Pharmacodynamics of the drug Agimdogyl Agimdogyl is a combination of spiramycin antibiotics, macrolide antibiotics and metronidazol, 5-nitro-imidazol antibiotics. Agimdogyl is used to treat oral infections.
Related to Spiramycin: Spiramycin is a macrolide antibiotic with an antibacterial spectrum similar to that of erythromycin and clindamycin. The active substance has a bacteriostatic effect on bacteria that are dividing cells. At serum concentrations, the drug is bacteriostatic, but when reaching tissue concentrations, the drug can kill bacteria and prevent bacteria from protein synthesis. Related to metronidazole: Metronidazole is a 5-nitro-imidazole derivative with a broad spectrum of activity against protozoa such as amoeba, Giardia and anaerobic bacteria. The mechanism of action of Metronidazole is still unclear. In parasites, the 5-nitro group of the drug is reduced to cytotoxic intermediates. These substances bind to the helical structure of the DNA molecule, breaking these strands and eventually causing cell death. Mean effective concentrations of metronidazole are 8 micrograms/ml or less for most protozoa and susceptible bacteria. The effect is good bactericidal properties against anaerobic bacteria. Therefore, drugs with active ingredients such as Spiramycin and Metronidazol are effective in treating bacterial infections of the oral cavity.

2. Indications of the drug Agimdogyl

Agimdogyl is indicated for use in the following cases:
Treatment of acute, chronic or recurrent oral infections, especially tooth abscess, inflammation, periodontitis, periodontitis, gingivitis, perimandibular cellulitis, stomatitis, parotid gland inflammation, submandibular gland inflammation. Prophylactic treatment of postoperative oral infections.

3. Administration and dosage of Agimdogyl

3.1. How to use Agimdogyl Drug Agimdogyl is used orally, taken with meals.
3.2. Dosage of Agimdogyl For adults
The usual treatment dose in adults: Take 2 tablets/time x 2-3 times/day. In case of severe infection (attack treatment) the dose can be up to 8 tablets/day.
For children
Usual dose in children from 6 to 10 years old: Take 1 tablet / time x 2 times / day. Usual dose in children from 11 to 15 years old: Take 1 tablet x 3 times/day. Notes on use: The above therapeutic dose is for reference only. The specific dose depends on the condition and the progression of the disease for each person. For a specific and appropriate therapeutic dose, you need to consult your treating doctor or medical professional.
3.3. Overdose / Missed Dose Cases Overdosage:
Spiramycin-related disorders: No known toxic dose with Spiramycin use. Gastrointestinal signs of overdose may include nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Metronidazole-related disorders: Cases of single oral administration of Agimdogyl up to 15 g have been reported. Symptoms of the disorder include nausea, vomiting, and ataxia. Neurotoxic effects including convulsions and peripheral neuritis have been reported after 5 to 7 days of use with doses of 6 to 10.4 g every 2 days. Treatment of overdose:
There is no specific antidote. In case of overdose, the doctor will prescribe symptomatic and supportive treatment. The antibiotic Metronidazole can be effectively eliminated from the body by hemodialysis. In case of missed dose:
You need to pay attention to supplement the treatment dose as soon as you remember. However, if the time between the missed dose and the next dose is too short, skip the missed dose and resume your usual Agimdogyl dosing schedule. Note: Never take a double dose to make up for a missed dose.

4. Undesirable effects of the drug Agimdogyl

Common undesirable effects when using Agimdogyl:
Headache, indigestion, abdominal distension, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, constipation. Dry mouth accompanied by a very unpleasant metallic taste in the mouth. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, burning pain in the epigastrium. Side effects are few and rare when using Agimdogyl:
Skin blistering, skin rash, pain color. Seizures, peripheral polyneuropathy, dark urine, headache. Acute conjunctivitis. Decreased white blood cell count and agranulocytosis. Tired, sweaty. Anaphylactic reaction. Superinfection (when taking Agimdogyl for a long time). If you see any unwanted side effects, the patient should immediately notify the treating doctor or a qualified pharmacist for timely treatment.

5. Agimdogyl drug interactions

Regarding the antibiotic Spiramycin: Concomitant use of oral contraceptives will lose the effect of preventing pregnancy. Therefore, when taking Agimdogyl pills, you should use additional methods of birth control.
Regarding the antibiotic Metronidazol:
Metronidazol increases the effect of oral anticoagulants, especially warfarin, so avoid using the combination. Metronidazole has disulfiram-like effects. Therefore, do not use these 2 drugs at the same time to avoid causing neurotoxicity such as psychosis, confusion. Concomitant use of antibiotics Metronidazole and Phenobarbital increases the metabolism of Metronidazole, so Metronidazole is eliminated faster. Using Metronidazole for people with high blood lithium levels (due to taking lithium) will cause serum lithium levels to increase, causing toxicity. Metronidazole potentiates the effects of Vecuronium, a non-depolarizing muscle relaxant.

6. Some notes when using Agimdogyl

6.1. Agimdogyl is contraindicated when using Agimdogyl drug Agimdogyl is contraindicated in the following cases:
People with a history of hypersensitivity to antibiotics such as Spiramycin, Erythromycin, Metronidazol, other nitro-imidazole derivatives and/or components other part of the drug. Children under 6 years old (caused by inappropriate dosage form). 6.2. Caution when using Agimdogyl Drugs Related to Spiramycin: Caution should be taken when administering Agimdogyl to people with liver dysfunction, because the drug can cause liver toxicity. Related to metronidazole: Metronidazole inhibits alcohol dehydrogenase and other alcohol oxidizing enzymes. Mild disulfiram-type reactions such as flushing, headache, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps and sweating have occurred in alcohol drinkers while being treated with the antibiotic metronidazole. Metronidazole can induce immobilization of Treponema pallidum producing a false-positive reaction in the Nelson test. 6.3. Other special precautions Ability to drive and use machines: The use of this medicine may cause the risk of dizziness, headache or convulsions. Therefore, you should not drive or operate machinery if you have this type of disorder. Pregnancy: Both Spiramycin and Metronidazol have the ability to cross the placenta. Although, the antibiotic Spiramycin does not cause complications when used in pregnant women and there have been no reports of teratogenicity caused by the use of Metronidazol. However, there are also some studies that have reported an increased risk of teratogenicity when the drug is used in the first 3 months of pregnancy. Therefore, you should not use it in the early stages of pregnancy, unless you must use it but must follow the instructions of your doctor. Lactation: Spiramycin and Metronidazol are both excreted in breast milk, so breast-feeding should be discontinued while Agimdogyl is being used. Agimdogyl can cause liver toxicity, so it should be used with caution in people with liver dysfunction. Alcohol increases disulfiram-like reactions, so alcohol should not be consumed while taking Agimdogyl. Agimdogyl causes a false positive in the Nelson test. Agimdogyl drug is a combination drug of spiramycin, macrolide antibiotic and metronidazol, 5-nitro-imidazole antibiotic with good effect in the treatment of oral infections. To ensure the effectiveness of treatment and avoid side effects, patients need to take medicine according to prescription or consult a doctor, pharmacist for advice.
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