The doctor told the secret to giving birth without pain

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Video content is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Huynh Vu Khanh Linh - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital

Mothers often worry about labor pains during labor and wonder how to give birth without pain, what is a normal birth without pain? Or for mothers who give birth for the first time, do not know how painful a normal birth is?

To help mothers have a successful labor, Dr. Vinmec will provide some tips for mothers who are usually painless and easily overcome labor pain:
Firstly, when moving during labor: When the pain comes, moving, walking or sitting on a slightly large ball will help the mother relieve the pain, especially walking will help the baby fit properly into the mother's pelvis, thus giving birth. It will be easy, mom won't need to worry about pain or not. Bathing with warm water also helps to give birth normally painless: When labor pain comes, the muscles in the mother's body will stretch and increase discomfort, bathing with warm water under the shower will help significantly reduce pain. pronounced. Mothers will not have to worry about how painful normal labor will be if, as soon as labor pain comes, and mom asks her husband or loved ones to gently massage her back, legs, and arms to help her body relax and reduce stress. In addition, for a normal, painless delivery, correct breathing during labor also plays an important role. When starting to feel the pain, there are uterine contractions, the mother should focus on breathing, breathing gradually and inhaling through the nose, exhaling through the mouth. As the pain increases, the breathing becomes faster and shallower, in the middle of a uterine contraction, the breathing slows down and deepens. The last measure to help give birth without pain is an epidural method, this method requires the intervention of a doctor, the doctor will infuse local anesthetic with a small wire placed into the epidural space in the back of the baby. After 5-10 minutes, the mother will feel the pain decrease, the medicine will be continuously infused until the baby is born.

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