The difference between diabetes in the young and the elderly

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Diabetes is a disease that causes many complications and troubles for patients not only about the disease but also about the eating and living habits, exercise must also pay attention and follow closely. Complications for diabetes cause very dangerous, can include disability in the elderly, neurological complications, even life-threatening. Diabetes can appear at any age. So what is the difference between diabetes and in the young and the elderly, the article will help readers better understand this disease.

1. Diabetes in young people

Today, diabetes can appear at any age, even a 9-year-old child can get the disease, usually type 1 diabetes. Gestational diabetes is also a common disease in pregnant mothers, developing present for the first time in pregnancy.
Cause the number of young people with diabetes tends to increase
Due to heredity, the mother during pregnancy has gestational diabetes
Sedentary lifestyle, doing sports
Diet reasonable. Habits of eating fast food, drinking milk tea increase fat accumulation, easily causing obesity.
Excessive use of stimulants, alcohol such as alcohol, tobacco or irregular eating habits
Mental stress
Diabetes symptoms
Frequent urination Headache or blurred vision Fast hunger Fatigue Decreased Abnormal weight Itching, numbness of hands and feet

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Mẹ bị tiểu đường thai kỳ có thể di truyền đái tháo đường sang con

2. Diabetes in the elderly

Diabetes in the elderly is often more difficult to treat and has more complicated and dangerous complications than younger people. Therefore, with diabetes in the elderly must be cared for and scientifically treated to stabilize blood sugar effectively and limit diabetic complications.
Elderly people with diabetes often have a higher risk of functional impairment leading to a higher degree of mortality than other age groups. Microvascular complications and macrovascular complications are the two main causes of death in the elderly with diabetes.
Causes of diabetes in the elderly
The cause of diabetes in the elderly is due to changes in glucose metabolism. In addition, because the elderly often have to take many drugs that affect blood sugar or are sedentary.
Signs of diabetes in the elderly
In young people, signs of diabetes are more noticeable than in the elderly.
Diabetes in the elderly is not typical, so it is easy to misdiagnose and misdiagnose. Signs of diabetes in the elderly are not clear, if there are symptoms, they are very mild such as: not eating much, drinking a lot of water, or urinating,...

Đái tháo đường ở người cao tuổi thường khó điều trị hơn và có những biến chứng nguy hiểm
Đái tháo đường ở người cao tuổi thường khó điều trị hơn và có những biến chứng nguy hiểm

3. Complications caused by diabetes

Young people or elderly people with diabetes can all experience the following complications:
Cardiovascular, cerebrovascular
Heart disease is the leading cause of death among elderly patients with diabetes. High blood pressure, high cholesterol make cardiovascular complications inevitable without the right treatment.
People with diabetes will be accompanied by damage to blood vessels in the kidneys, causing kidney failure.
When the nerves throughout the body are damaged, it will cause the patient to have digestive disorders and many other functions.
Most people with diabetes also have eye damage such as cataracts, vision loss and worse can lead to blindness.
Disability in the elderly
Diabetes in the elderly often suffers from memory loss, depression, Alzheimer's ...
With such dangerous complications, patients need to be regularly checked and treated Adjust your blood sugar.

4. Principles of treatment of diabetes in the elderly and diabetes in the young

Avoid risk of hypoglycemia Avoid risk of hyperglycemia Relatively control blood sugar Take care of diabetic complications Avoid dehydration, malnutrition, infection

Người bệnh cần kiểm soát chỉ số đường huyết trong cơ thể ở mức ổn định
Người bệnh cần kiểm soát chỉ số đường huyết trong cơ thể ở mức ổn định

In the elderly when diabetes treatment is similar to that of middle-aged people, both hyperglycemia and risk factors should be controlled. However, elderly patients with diabetes are very vulnerable, so care should be taken to avoid hypoglycemia, hypotension and drug interactions caused by taking multiple drugs.
Prevent the risk of diabetes-induced complications
Maintain a healthy lifestyle
Moderate and exercise to control diabetes in the elderly . Young people can do gentle exercise, walking, yoga, cycling,...
Scientific diet
People with diabetes should eat frugally, eat lots of green vegetables. Eat less foods high in starch, foods high in fat of animal origin.
Choose foods containing plant-based fats such as beans, peanuts...
Weight control
Eating in moderation, science avoids the risk of nutritional deficiencies leading to excessive weight loss leading to increased risk morbidity and mortality.
In young people do not eat too much, eat greasy food, fast food, do not smoke, use alcohol, stimulants.
Periodic health checkup
Need to have regular health check-ups to monitor health status and detect diseases early. Diabetes is often quite difficult to recognize.
People with diabetes will have to live with the disease for life. Therefore, to avoid the development of the disease, the patient can monitor and control the disease situation. Regular health check-ups are extremely important with diabetes in the elderly and young.
Currently, Vinmec International Hospital always deploys a screening package for diabetes and dyslipidemia to help detect pre-diabetes early, accurately classify diabetes type, and develop a healthy diet. care, monitoring to minimize the risks and complications caused by diabetes.

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