The development of the 34-week-old baby after birth

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The article is professionally approved by Doctor Nguyen Thai Ngoc Chau - Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology - Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital
And Master, Doctor Huynh Bao Toan - Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital. The doctor has 13 years of experience in the field of Pediatrics.
Your little angel is growing very fast and is now entering the 34 week old baby growth phase. You may notice your baby smiling more often and trying to reach for food on her plate to eat. Although your baby can't drink water directly from the cup yet, he is growing and learning new things.
Your baby will grow through many changes as he learns to crawl, hear, touch and explore. This is a great time to get your baby acquainted and continue to explore his surroundings and toys with different foods. In this article, we will provide useful information about 34-week-old baby development and what parents can do to help their baby's development.

1. The development of a 34-week-old baby

A whole new world of adventure is slowly opening up before your baby's eyes. Many babies have already started learning to crawl. Children at this age become much more flexible, so they will inevitably collide and break things, so mothers should pay attention to protect them more safely by taking care of their home items. safe with small children. Make sure your child can't reach for any fragile or dangerous objects.
Children also become shy with strangers, or cry if left alone for too long. This is also the beginning of the separation crisis syndrome. At that time, the child will have to understand that just because the mother is not with the child, it does not mean that the mother will not come back to pick up the child.
1.1. Feeding your 34-week-old baby During this time your baby will gradually try to make a transition from purees and mashed foods to solid foods. This is a good time to give your little one what she wants but make sure she continues to drink breast milk or formula. Babies still need many nutrients from milk. Your baby will get two to three meals a day plus snacks of his choice.
Buy a baby napkin or apron that covers the baby's front and entire arms. Have some wipes ready on the side for your baby's breaks. Your baby will love being introduced to new utensils, and you will find many options on the market for them. When you buy plates, cups, and feeding trays for your baby, make sure they come with a straw and can stick to smooth surfaces. Your little one is also very smart and can raise those straws, spilling things along with food and plates, if you're not careful.
Prepare a set of small sealable containers to store food in preparation for your child's meals. You can find sets of boxes with special seals that help to protect the food better. Ensure that utensils used for children's meals are cleaned, dried, and properly disinfected. Your baby's digestive system isn't ready to fight bad bacteria yet.
Your baby will also try to feed himself and show interest in that by taking the food off the plate by himself. You can try introducing finger foods but be sure to watch carefully as your child eats in case there is a risk of choking. Soften foods by steaming or mashing them before you feed them, and make sure they're easy to chew or nibble on. At first, it will be difficult for your baby to drink water directly from the cup and may spill a lot. You can try giving your little one a neat cup that has a handle and is choke-proof.

Cha mẹ nên làm mềm thức ăn cho trẻ bằng cách nghiền hoặc hấp trước khi ăn
Cha mẹ nên làm mềm thức ăn cho trẻ bằng cách nghiền hoặc hấp trước khi ăn
1.2. Put your 34-week-old baby to sleep The sleep of a 34-week-old baby often shows signs of sleep disturbance because babies will learn to crawl at this age and also near the teething stage. Besides sleeping for shorter periods of time, they will stay awake longer. If you wonder when they will return to their old sleeping patterns, you will be surprised to know that it will take them up to three months from the time they master crawling. We recommend that you do not stick to the watch and pay attention to the sleep signals. Adjust your work schedule and lifestyle to the rhythm of your baby's sleep patterns as this is just a temporary phase.
1.3. Tips for taking care of a 34-week-old baby Some babies develop a little slowly while others are very fast. We provide information at a basic level, but it is important to consider to be aware of certain strides and developments for the time being and push it forward. Here are 34 week old baby care tips for parents.
Medicine cabinet - Since your baby will be proficient in crawling, and is eager to explore things, he can try things on a high level. Even if you keep medicines in a cupboard below their reach, be sure to keep the cabinet locked at all times. Better leave it on high because there's no guarantee you'll never forget to lock them. Let's Talk - Use your voice to rhyme and intonation as you teach your baby new words and get her used to nonverbal communication. If you are feeling creative, you can bring some toys and name them, introduce them to the child. Take a break - While it's good to chat, take a break in between. Repeat the same word every hour and then so your child can become familiar with the new set of words. Buying spoons and feeding equipment for your baby, you will need them a lot - especially when it comes to frequent spills and throws. Safe . Remove sharp objects and maintain proper hygiene so that children do not ingest harmful particles on the floor. A little dirt isn't a bad thing when kids crawl around, but make sure it's not too serious, make sure a cleaning kit is ready with each meal to prevent spills. Buy toys - Your child will get to use hand switching, swapping and throwing objects. The baby will support his physical development and gross motor, which is really something parents definitely want to do.

Cha mẹ cần lưu ý trong việc lựa chọn đồ chơi cho trẻ giai đoạn 34 tuần tuổi
Cha mẹ cần lưu ý trong việc lựa chọn đồ chơi cho trẻ giai đoạn 34 tuần tuổi

1.4. 34 Weeks Old Baby Games and Activities Toy Box - Take a box of toys and fill it with different materials (like plastic, wood, and matte textures). Your baby will start to explore things one by one. Mixed Towels - You can design a new game by stacking different colored towels and letting your child turn them over one layer at a time. This is great for developing babies' senses and refining their sense of touch and textures Socializing with others - You may find yourself seeming more connected to other moms and friends who drop in to visit her little baby. Introduce your child to them and let them play with children of the same age. Hide and Find - Hide some toys and objects that your child likes and ask them to find them. This will make them adept at gathering information and develop their visual perception. Cause and effect - Use some toys and building blocks to demonstrate cause and effect. Allow your child to throw things around and notice the sounds they make as they throw around.

1.5. Tests and vaccinations

The following tests and vaccinations must be done for babies at 34 weeks of age. Observe and monitor the child and ensure that the child is fully vaccinated to prevent diseases and early developmental delays:
Hearing and vision test Blood test to determine blood type Screening test various common and rare diseases Glucose, Sodium, calcium and other similar vitamin/mineral tests Urine test Bilirubin level test to check for jaundice Ultrasound screening tests to check for development of the baby's organs, brain and heart. Get vaccinated against influenza, meningococcal B, C - These are important vaccination habits to follow especially if your baby was born prematurely.

2. Milestones in a 34-week-old baby

More proficient hand use - Your child may show a preference for using both his or her left and right hands. Emotions - Your baby will babble a lot and laugh. Your baby will respond to your voice and enjoy hearing melodies sung by you. Diaper Curiosity - Your baby will be curious about his private parts and may explore them during diaper time Crawl - Your child will make some crawling efforts Break every nook and cranny and master the crawl in the days and weeks to come.

Trẻ thành thạo hơn với 2 tay bằng việc cầm nắm
Trẻ thành thạo hơn với 2 tay bằng việc cầm nắm

3. When to see a doctor

When a 34-week-old baby may have some unusual problems, parents need to take the baby to see and receive the examination and advice of specialists:
Your baby is not eating or breastfeeding Shows concern lack of interest in playing with toys Do not attempt to crawl or sit still for long hours You notice any signs of unexpected or unusual behavior at your child's age You are concerned about a developmental delay and do not notice the signs sign that the child is growing. Your social life will change dramatically from the moment your little one enters your world. Each baby develops at their own pace. As a parent, the best thing to do is be non-judgmental, be patient and care for your children with love, and give them time to explore and develop. Be sure to enjoy motherhood to the fullest because now is the time for that.
When the child has health abnormalities, parents can take the child to Vinmec Health system for timely examination and treatment.
In addition, a 34-week-old baby needs 5mg of elemental zinc/day to eat well, reach the correct height and weight, and exceed the standard. Zinc plays a role in affecting most biological processes taking place in the body, especially the breakdown of nucleic acids, proteins... Organs in the body when zinc deficiency can lead to a There are a number of diseases such as neurological disorders, irritability, etc. Therefore, parents need to learn about the role of zinc and guide them to appropriate zinc supplements for their children.
In addition to zinc, parents also need to supplement their children with other important vitamins and minerals such as lysine, chromium, B vitamins,... errands.
Please regularly visit website and update useful information to take care of your baby and family.
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