The definitive treatment for GERD

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Hello doctor. Since 2016, I found out that I have reflux esophagitis, then I also used medicine to treat my stomach and the disease was cured. However, due to the habit of drinking alcohol, the disease has recurred many times. In addition, I have been taking acid-neutralizing drugs and proton pump inhibitors for several months now, but still no relief of symptoms of belching, sore throat, rhinitis, ear infection and bad breath. So, doctor, is there any definitive treatment for esophageal reflux? Please advise, thank you.
Tran Van Dung (1989)
Reflux esophagitis is a concern for many people because of its high recurrence rate. Therefore, most patients with reflux esophagitis have the same question about the definitive treatment for esophageal reflux, the following doctor would like to answer the above question:
First of all, besides using If you are overweight, you should lose weight, limit gas-producing foods (beer, alcohol, sticky foods, coffee, carbonated drinks, ...), should not. lie down immediately after eating.
In addition, if you have sore throat, rhinitis, ear infection and bad breath, you may have extraesophageal reflux. Therefore, the duration of PPI treatment will be longer, after relief, it is possible to maintain Proton pump inhibitors, reduce gastric acid secretion (PPI) according to symptoms.
Currently, there are many PPIs on the market. However, each patient is different and the treatment will be different. Doctors recommend that you visit and consult with a gastroenterologist at reputable medical facilities or hospitals of Vinmec Health System nationwide to choose the right medicine.
Thank you for submitting your question to Vinmec. Best regards!
Consulted by Doctor Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital

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