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Articles in Belching

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What is Gasmotin 5mg?
Gasmotin 5mg is a medicine used to treat gastrointestinal symptoms associated with functional dyspepsia (chronic gastritis), nausea/vomiting or heartburn.
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Why does acid reflux cause shortness of breath?
Acid reflux causing shortness of breath not only brings discomfort in daily life, but it is also a warning sign that the condition of the disease is at risk of worsening.
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Stomach heaviness: What you need to be aware of
Heaviness in the stomach often causes discomfort after eating a meal or consuming certain types of food. Typical signs of heaviness in the stomach can include acid reflux, bad breath, belching... This article will provide essential information about the symptoms of heaviness in the stomach and treatments to help reduce this condition.
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Why Does a 5-Year-Old Often Burp?
A 5-year-old often burping may sometimes be due to the normal accumulation of air in the stomach, but it can also be a warning sign of some gastrointestinal diseases.
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